Who Here Has A "Good" Job With No College Degree VOL. 40K+

Congrats on the new gig slade

What u doin at apple?
I've been following this thread, and I have to give you Slade Wilson props for keeping me entertained. I'm curious regarding your career goals. Is your aim right now just to make as much money as possible doing as little as possible? If I were in your shoes, I'd be worrying about the lying about skills and experience coming back to bite you as you try and work up the ladder. Forgive me in advance if I'm misrepresenting your actions.
Originally Posted by timbo109

I've been following this thread, and I have to give you Slade Wilson props for keeping me entertained. I'm curious regarding your career goals. Is your aim right now just to make as much money as possible doing as little as possible? If I were in your shoes, I'd be worrying about the lying about skills and experience coming back to bite you as you try and work up the ladder. Forgive me in advance if I'm misrepresenting your actions.
the skills thing i catch on fast ,  most of IT work is visual i see someone do something i copy what they do , like in eDiscovery makeing CASEs processing and collecting Data and making criteria followed by the keywords looks and sounds hard but you can make templates so everything is copy and paste and then its easy cause its the same thing over and over.

I've always heard good things about Costco. They've always had a waiting list around hear when I was younger and trying to get on. That would have been a cool starting point
Originally Posted by manny1

1) what do yall do - buyer/purchaser
2) where do you live - dallas, tx
3) how much yall make - 45k
4) what certifications do you have (if any) - none
[color= rgb(153, 204, 255)]DUDE. That's exactly what I want to do but I have no idea how to get into it.[/color]

[color= rgb(153, 204, 255)]A buyer's assistant position just opened up within the company and I applied I know Im not going to get it. But eff it ... [/color]

[color= rgb(153, 204, 255)]If you could give me some info / knowledge I would appreciate it greatly.[/color]

[color= rgb(153, 204, 255)]iMessage / e-mail: tone_dibiase@me.com[/color]
Originally Posted by freakydestroyer

Originally Posted by sladewilson

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Yall better be REAL careful buying bachelor's degrees or taking whatever other advice sladewilson is throwing out there. I'm not sure what jobs you all are applying for, but I've never heard of an employer who is paying 80k+ who DOESN'T do a background check or check your references on your resume.
references ? you can use your friends , or use google voice and setup 3 accounts use that for references , just use an accent everytime
 and background checks can be bought , have them mail you the results , scan upload , photoshop , change convicted to innocent or not convicted

 We need to be friends.
New macbook comes out soon Sladewilson will cut the power in the building and take a couple boxes 
Originally Posted by ricky409


Smh... you bugging out famb... fareal.
one time i worked at PC MALL , i was getting hooked up in the warehouse from the mexicans , they had an operation going where they where taking home macbooks , lenova, dell, HP computers and laptops
i would say off top of my head that anyone that have a job that is making 40 plus K they got a grew connect or that they worked there way up
Originally Posted by ricky409

Originally Posted by krazy88s

Aye, I just got a job offer doing eDiscovery ... and accepted it.

how much you raking in?
Not as much as dude is allegedly making, but I guess you can really earn that much doing this. Besides I'm starting at the bottom anyways lol some entry level stuff. But they do give raises in $5 increments pretty quickly
Originally Posted by krazy88s

Originally Posted by ricky409

Originally Posted by krazy88s

Aye, I just got a job offer doing eDiscovery ... and accepted it.

how much you raking in?
Not as much as dude is allegedly making, but I guess you can really earn that much doing this. Besides I'm starting at the bottom anyways lol some entry level stuff. But they do give raises in $5 increments pretty quickly

Congrats on the new position.  Just wondering do you have previous experience in IT or did you just apply and got it?
Originally Posted by d5

Congrats on the new position.  Just wondering do you have previous experience in IT or did you just apply and got it?
Thanks. Yeah I have some IT experience. I was previously a PC Tech. But I'm assuming you'd just have to know your way around a computer really, nothing in-depth tho just basic stuff
28 and I haven't touched anything near 40k
I'm grateful for my job but I just don't make enough. I'm in the military as a reservist and I always hear about cats landing lucrative civilian jobs but finding good jobs and getting connects is not my strong point.

If I get a job making 30 I'll be somewhat satisfied for now. I need to read this thread and get some ideas, I've got a degree and everything but I don't even know what options are out there.

I know something is going to come through for me.
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