Who Will You Be Voting For This November

Apr 4, 2008
Since our candidates are basically set, it looks like I'm leaning towards Mitt Romney unless Ron Paul runs as a third party candidate. I can't dig Obama's tax rules. They do absolutely nothing to help the deficit or spur economic growth. Plus he wants to raise the dividend tax and capital games. As a retail investor and middle class dweller I am appalled. Romney Reform 2012
Barrack Hussein Obama.

Any one else is a joke or not a likely possibility.
Voting is useless, if you think politicians will solve economic problems then you're looking at the big picture in the wrong angle. 
Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

Since our candidates are basically set, it looks like I'm leaning towards Mitt Romney unless Ron Paul runs as a third party candidate. I can't dig Obama's tax rules. They do absolutely nothing to help the deficit or spur economic growth. Plus he wants to raise the dividend tax and capital games. As a retail investor and middle class dweller I am appalled. Romney Reform 2012

Yes, Romney has a lot in common with you and will look out for your best interests.
Anybody other than Obama.. I voted for McCain last time, still salty he didn't win smh
Everybody in here is throwing their votes in the trashcan
Originally Posted by yngSIMBA

Originally Posted by papageorgeo510

Voting is useless

Tell that to people who fought for their right to vote.
Tell that to people in other countries who aren't allowed such a privilege.


Being naive are we? Politicians are deeply corrupt and yes, most or if not all of them. 
Originally Posted by Weekz

Barrack Hussein Obama.

Any one else is a joke or not a likely possibility.
why? you can't post things like that with out reasons to back it up
Originally Posted by yngSIMBA

Originally Posted by papageorgeo510

Voting is useless

Tell that to people who fought for their right to vote.
Tell that to people in other countries who aren't allowed such a privilege.


Still doesn't change the fact that what he said is true…imo.
Originally Posted by yngSIMBA

Originally Posted by papageorgeo510

Originally Posted by yngSIMBA

Tell that to people who fought for their right to vote.
Tell that to people in other countries who aren't allowed such a privilege.


Being naive are we? Politicians are deeply corrupt and yes, most or if not all of them. 

Oh yeah that's right, the world is a conspiracy.. 

That's cool, do your thing.. don't complain when things aren't the way you want.

I'm not denying politicians aren't perfect, or aren't corrupted, but I'll still vote for someone who leans in the direction I agree with because I'm allowed to do so.

And what makes you think that they all don't have the same agenda? I'm not here to argue by the way. I'm merely here to challenge your critical thinking about not so ordinary in your every day "reality." And yes I'm talking about looking pass beyond the government and start looking at people with all the money.  
^Not to play devil's advocate or anything but your individual vote doesn't matter. The U.S utilizes the electoral college, popular vote means nothing.
After the SOPA/PIPA thing last year, I've lost faith in my own party (Democrat). If there's one thing I've learned, any politician can be bought over.
So I'm not voting this year.
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