Whos eating healthy? Share a recipe

Sep 1, 2011
I'm done with soda, fried food, and fast food.
I'm only drinking water, sports drinks, and alcohol 

I'm focusing on portion control.

I'm eating breakfast of oatmeal and a banana or orange every morning. No more sausage, eggs, or bacon.  I used to eat those breakfast bowls 

Right now I'm eating salads, brown rice, chicken breast w/different marinades, whole grain pasta, and an occasional burrito.

Share your healthy meals.  

P.s " I don't eat no damb Tuna" - Ms. Gerry

Also I'm not trying to lose weight really but cut fat and look more cut.  I'm an athlete and have a high metabolism.  So I'm not really trying to be all Charles Barkley Weight Watchers but just eat better.
Egg whites and lean beef are cool, eat your greens aka spinach, broccoli. Also don't forget your good fats which consist of almonds, peanut butter...etc! Start looking at the nutrion facts when you shop...good luck
watch the pastas and rice a lot of carbs that turn into sugar and sit, eat that in moderation. Try to cut down red meats and watch how u cook food. steam ur veggies to keep nutrients in em that are lost when boiling
Been doing this myself OP... Trying to get different ideas for dinner though. What've you been cooking up?
For lunch/brunch, I make a concoction of low fat yogurt, granola, strawberries, and bananas. Bomb as hell. 

I've also wondered this, but when looking at those "salads in a bag" they have at the store, the labels really don't make them out to be that nutritious.... is that just because of the dressing that comes along with them, or what?

And also, what's the verdict on corn muffins/corn bread? Something you should have once in a while or avoid all together? My main weak spot as of late. 
sports drinks have a lot of sugar in them as well, unless your doing G2 or the zeros be careful for those... cals creep up fast

I've been eating greek yogurt. It's sorta like regular yogurt, but the texture isn't as great.
Sounds like you're heading in the right direction.

Breakfast: oatmeal/cereal/fruit
Lunch: salad + lean protein (chicken breast/turkey)
Dinner: lean protein (chicken breast/turkey) + brown rice + veggies

Snacks: fruits, carrot sticks, almonds, dry cereal, protein bars
Turkey Chili. Tastes JUST like Wendy's Chili (I mean that in a good way) and a lot healthier. Very easy to make.


1 lb. 99% fat-free Ground Turkey
1 can of Goya Black Beans
1 can of Goya Red Beans (honestly, it can be any beans, but I like these two for the color)
1 can of unsalted corn
1 large can of crushed tomato
1 large white onion
1 green bell pepper
1 red bell pepper
Garlic (depends on your like/dislike of garlic - I LOVE it)
Jalapeno peppers (depends on your like/dislike of spicy - I LOVE it)
Chili Powder
Black Pepper

In a big pot (not sure about dimension but 1.5 gallon size?), sautee the ground turkey with black pepper. In a separate pan, heat 3 tbsp. of olive oil with chopped garlic and sautee the diced onion and peppers. When the veggies are done, add it to the big pot with the ground turkey and stir. Add the can of crushed tomatoes, beans (drained/washed from its liquid), and corn (drained/washed from its liquid) to the pot. Add in about 1.5-2.0 tbsp of chili powder, 1 tbsp of cumin, and generous amounts of black pepper. Stir everything and turn the heat down low. Close a lid and "get a nice stew going".

The saltiness comes from the tomato and spices while the turkey and beans offer nice texture and protein count. Based on the ingredients, it's a VERY low-fat food with a lot of nutrients and the sodium content - well, I added no salt. One bowl fills me up nicely and the entire pot is about 4-5 nicely-siced portions.

You can even skimp on the turkey and make it 100% vegetarian, but adding the turkey is a MAJOR flavor boost and quite honestly is a very healthy addition.

Snack foods

Chobani yogurt - gotta love the 4 for $5 deals or even the Quickstrike 5 for $5 (get fat-free)
Nuts - Nuts can be pricey but chain drug stores (CVS/Rite Aid) always feature nice deals (2 cans for $7-
. I get lightly salted mixed nuts (no peanuts)
Beef jerky - Again, look for deals.
Hard-boiled Egg whites - I spend a couple of nights a week hard-boiling a dozen eggs, shelling them, and storing the whites in zip-locks. Eat with a dab of salt/pepper. Four whites is like 60 calories and a heap of protein, and keeps you full.
Fruits - I try my best to intake carbs only from fruits. Banana, berries (blue, black, ras, straw, holla), mango, anything else. In moderation, though.
Edamame - A nice snack because it's nutritious and since it takes more time to eat them, it keeps you busier haha.
Sweet potato and parsnip fries - Giving up french fries is tough, but you don't have to lose out completely. Sweet potatos and parsnips are root veggies that have a lot less carbs and a lot more fiber than regular potato. Cut them up into fry-like spears, spray with cooking oil, and toss in some salt and black pepper. Lay out on a cookie sheet and throw into a 450-degree pre-heated oven for 25 minutes (flip midway). Parsnips have a spicier, peppery flavor to 'em. GREAT.

I treat myself to a "burger and fries" night, which is a turkey burger with the above fries.
Originally Posted by gumsoul410

How do you guys eat your chicken breast? Grilled? Baked?

I grill mine. 
I eat chicken breast literally 4 times a week. 

I've lately pretty much cut carbs out of my daily diet. As in, I don't eat rice, pasta, potatos.  The only time I have carbs are from the Low Gi health bread I eat on my sandwiches that I get for lunch at my local deli.   

My dinners are just chicken and vegetables. If for whatever reason I do need need to eat carbs, it will be sweet potato only. 

I don't eat white carbs anymore. 
Gained some weight these past couple of months.

Was up to 180 about a month & 1/2 or so ago, down to 167 now. Trying to get to around 155(Average build/I don't lift), hopefully by my orientation for my new uni next month. Just alot of water and skinless chicken breast, and some cardio on an exercise bike I ordered. Put that thang right in front of my tv, and I go to work on it sometimes during playoff games.

Spoiler [+]
6 to 8loin lamb chops

4cloves garlic, peeled and smashed

Kosher salt

Freshly ground black pepper to taste.

Preheat a grill or cast-iron grill pan over high heat. If using a charcoal grill, build the fire so that one side of the grill has more coals than the other — a “hot
I'd share my recipe for Chicken, pancakes, tuna sandwich, chicken parm pasta, etc.. but i dont want u stealing it.
I'm just ticking to fruits, water, and chicken breast fajita tacos with lots of tomatoes, corn, a little White rice, and maybe avacado.
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