Why are cigarette smokers so willing to give cigarettes to strangers?

Sep 28, 2003
So I've noticed that whenever a stranger asks a smoker for a cigarette, the smoker is usually generous enough to give it to them. Happens like every time based on my observations. Is there some explanation? Is it because smokers know the withdrawal feeling and feel sorry if another smokers doesn't get their fix? I don't smoke so I don't know how it feels.
Aren't cigarette prices outrageous these days? I know I probably wouldn't share with a stranger. Friend yes, but stranger no.
I have cousins who'll have a full pack and tell someone their on their last one.

then I have uncles that will bum a smoke when they have a full pack in their pocket.

i have some limitations.

would consider giving to someone only if they offer to buy it and if they ask nicely, i never take money for it though.

never give more than one a day.
I have cousins who'll have a full pack and tell someone their on their last one.

then I have uncles that will bum a smoke when they have a full pack in their pocket.



i used to do both of these on the reg (homies excluded)

i was a grimey young dude :smh:
Every new day is the start of the last pack, the pack you burn through cause it doesn't matter because you're quitting today. So you don't have a problem giving some of that death away.

...I'm an ex smoker, two packs of 100's in a day for 10 years.
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Because they're an outcast group shoved to the fringes of society, and they need to stick together as much as possible.

Seriously tho, this was one of the benefits of switching to e-cigs...nobody bums a vape.
"nah man, i would but this the last one doe"
Went from gum in HS to cancer sticks in college

I don't really smoke at all any more but I would mess with people so bad. There were times that people would ask me for a cig and I would just tell them I don't smoke while I was smoking one. 

Most smokers just give one to others just to shut them up and leave them alone.
I don't think I ever asked someone for one. My friends usually ask if I want one when we're outside and they light one up. When someone asks me I always give them one. It's like some weird common courtesy / understanding between smokers. We're nice to each other for some reason. :lol:
I remember this guy asked my cousin for a cigarette, then turned around and put it into his carton that was already full. :lol:
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