Why do African Americans continue to practice Christianity if it was forced upon them during slavery

I'm sure as child it's easier to influence/ force someone's beleifs. But as an independent adult you have that choice to follow a religion. It goes more so beyond race and more towards cultural and societal norms.

As much as people ish on religion faith is individual and is not contingent on others.
mostly because they especially as of late try to do any and everything to disassociate themselves from their root culture... Granted most came from slavery... but in large part black ppl are one of the few ppl who look down, shun or completely dismiss anything that remotely connects them to where they come from. In fact many times and many are completely ignorant an actually make fun of and mock their culture.

Hell you add that and many black folks white man daddy syndrome....aka how often times black show/give respect to whites while make ppl of their own earn it, then with black women basically the only group of ppl who change their outer appearance to resemble whites, and you add many of the dudes follow because of the ramped single mother epidemic... Then you equate it in most part is used by blacks well but not limited to blacks as  mean of explaining things they cannot understand or choose not to gain knowledge of, to justify actions, to be remissive and avoidance of ownership and personal responsibility for actions and events in life....a cooping mechanism.,,, etc so on and so forth.

In most part very few are true christians if you look at it and its practices...in large part vast majority are convenient christians .. aka ill follow this part cause it coincides with what I wanna do, ill listen take heed to this part cause then I don't have to use logic/knowledge for certain events.... I practice or will subscribe to this passage etc... if it meets this certain agenda, allows me to not take personal responsibility for something they have done..aka pray to god and ask for forgiveness aka get out of jail free card.

its not a coincidence most blacks get all holier then thou after serving time, or the high number of Christian black women coincide with the high number of single back mothers...

Also it isn't a coincidence that the most oppressed, distraught deprived ppl/nations in the world are the most religious, it isn't a coincidence the places with the highest crime rates, porn, unwed babies, low test scores, lowest pay scales...overweightness so on and so forth are the most religious places.

cause instead of owning up, improving and growing, advancing, etc... its much easier to say god knows my heart, or be in denial/ignorance or avoidance and this is what religion and in most part does for blacks. its a distraction tool more or less. its a justifier, its a pompous way of avoiding saying I don't know, its a social acceptance to being ignorant to things. Its the ultimate whatever, I don't have to explain myself, talk to the hand, im not gonna explain myself, I don't know, get out of jail trump card....
am1x90xnike am1x90xnike

I got you tomorrow night homie. I'm gonna try and provide a logical argument that way when the jimmies are rustled at least my point of view is understood.

shoelyesses shoelyesses

To play devils advocate, whose to say all the above isn't a product of programming?
You guys should watch the documentary Hidden Colors 2!  This topic is talked about on there and some really insightful stuff is said. I got a link if needed
This LIONBLOOD dude is itching so hard for a damn debate.

Ya'll mf'ers don't get bored of these tired *** religion threads? Same arguments over and over.
He may be rash in the way he is going about it, but @LIONBLOOD

Is pretty much spot on with what he's saying.

I think it should be transparent to anyone that's he's frustrated with how Negros have been treated and programmed since they've been diagnosed with the Jesus disease.

As far as getting bored with these threads, what else is there to talk about of value? I get it may not be everyone's cup of tea, especially on a sneaker board, but at some point you gotta wonder what's your history and whys it a mystery?

IMO, the same ol routine of _____appreciation
Yambs thread
_____ about nothing
Air Jordan/lebron/Kobe/KD

Threads get old. You already know the same outcome, you already know the characters. If people wanna try and take it another level let Em cook.
I accept that historians count Jesus as a real person in history. Whether stories about him are all factual doesn't matter. If he believed he was the son of God and died for the sins of world. It doesn't hurt to say okay well if I come face to face with God when I leave this Earth, I know I'll be in good standing, and don't have to be afraid because I'm covered. If it isnt true then it won't matter. Christianity is the only religion that doesn't punish you or force you to atone for not being perfect. It's like having car insurance, prrobably can get by without it but theres a slight chance your wrong, so might as well be covered.
To keep the thread on track I wanted to share this bookView media item 902334
It opened my eyes in the sense that the people who devised the slavery conspiracy are for more intelligent then they are given credit for, which actually benefits them cause they can chalk a lot of stuff they do up to coincidence. The methods, and administration techniques have changed but the agenda is the same.

At any rate, Christianity, white washing, self degradation are all part of a very well thought out conspiracy that serve purposes in a spiritual warfare that's being waged in front of our faces with little to no recognition.
He may be rash in the way he is going about it, but @LIONBLOOD

Is pretty much spot on with what he's saying.

I think it should be transparent to anyone that's he's frustrated with how Negros have been treated and programmed since they've been diagnosed with the Jesus disease.

As far as getting bored with these threads, what else is there to talk about of value? I get it may not be everyone's cup of tea, especially on a sneaker board, but at some point you gotta wonder what's your history and whys it a mystery?

IMO, the same ol routine of _____appreciation
Yambs thread
_____ about nothing
Air Jordan/lebron/Kobe/KD

Threads get old. You already know the same outcome, you already know the characters. If people wanna try and take it another level let Em cook.

So the religion threads are any different from the appreciation threads? The outcomes aren't predictable?

I know there are some of you who know how to keep things civil... But these threads are never end civil.

But go ahead. Ya'll boys cook.
I accept that historians count Jesus as a real person in history. Whether stories about him are all factual doesn't matter. If he believed he was the son of God and died for the sins of world. It doesn't hurt to say okay well if I come face to face with God when I leave this Earth, I know I'll be in good standing, and don't have to be afraid because I'm covered. If it isnt true then it won't matter. Christianity is the only religion that doesn't punish you or force you to atone for not being perfect. It's like having car insurance, prrobably can get by without it but theres a slight chance your wrong, so might as well be covered.

This post embodies exactly what shoelyesses shoelyesses was talking about. Exactly!
So the religion threads are any different from the appreciation threads? The outcomes aren't predictable?

I know there are some of you who know how to keep things civil... But these threads are never end civil.

But go ahead. Ya'll boys cook.

I'll give you that man, they usually end in people slandering one another and the whole thread getting shut down because nothing productive comes from it. I guess I was trying to articulate at least there's an opportunity for something to be learned/taught. Whether that comes to fruition is usually based on the posters who contribute. We know how that goes tho.
Christianity is the only religion that doesn't punish you or force you to atone for not being perfect.
umm.... no

all religions are a set of cultural rules/guidelines/traditions that people can chose to follow or not follow, no religion punishes or forces anyone to do anything (let alone atone for not being perfect). it is those who practice the religion and their own interpretations of that religion that cause them to punish/force others for not being perfect.

christianity has been used as a justification to punish millions of people across the world and throughout history for "not being perfect", the same can be said about many other religions

the fact that you think that christianity is the only religion that doesnt do this shows that you have a lack of understanding for the other religions of the world

I got you tomorrow night homie. I'm gonna try and provide a logical argument that way when the jimmies are rustled at least my point of view is understood.


To play devils advocate, whose to say all the above isn't a product of programming?
it is and in my travels and actually speaking with growing relationships with Africans... it is the biggest gripe/beef they have with black ppl in the usa... its like they feel ok we get understand the ignorance the sheep mentality several yrs decades ago.... but at this point it is inexcusable...

To best put it its like a dog you chained up in a fenced backyard... its understandable if you unchain him and open the gate he would be cautious etc... at first of the unknown etc... but for that dog to have no leash and the gate open and then several generations of dogs later to still be ignorant of leaving the yard and still move only a chain/leash distance despite no longer having the bounds... to the outsiders looking in many would perceive that dog is slow/stupid or something is up with him...

Then you take into the account blacks active passiveness towards the very ppl who oppress them... aka whites etc, do them wrong oh its imma sit back pray on it etc... let it be your own and folks get all high and mighty and get big bad and bold... especially as of late...

aka will million man march, loot, fight riot, spend last dime for a midnight release of a shoe...but will be quiet as a church mouse and just sit back on some oh nah ill just pray hope things get better when something worth going out to fight/riot/stand up for.

many see this as dishonorable and unrespectable.. and in most part I agree. how imma respect someone willing to fight get buck etc... over a pair of shoes, yet go into full b mode when something like being harassed, stopped and frisked, unlawfully/mistreated by cops.

and their only answer is oh ill just put/leave it into gods hands, then you take into account many Africans actually PRACTICE what they preach,,, not on some oh well ill just tie/work religion into my everyday life..

then you account that most could name every housewife on some show... yet couldn't name 5 places in Africa without a sneak peak google search...

I mean I could follow/understand programming to an extent, but its hard to use that argument when its an entirely new pc with an entirely different os...
Why do African Americans continue to practice Christianity if it was forced upon them during slavery?​
On top of that, why are African Americans/minorities the ones who go the hardest with it?
 Whats up with these racist threads. Meth come on

Who said blacks go the hardest with it? last i checked whites are just into it.. Typical stereo type

It's not racist...I mean why do a race of people follow a religion taught to them by folks who enslaved them

**** is *** backwards
 Whats up with these racist threads. Meth come on

Who said blacks go the hardest with it? last i checked whites are just into it.. Typical stereo type


and this is old I think its 82% blacks to whites being the second largest group at 45% so considering its almost double, would hardly call it racist or a stereotype... 8 outta 10 is a far cry from stereotyping...
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It's not racist...I mean why do a race of people follow a religion taught to them by folks who enslaved them

**** is *** backwards
well yes it was taught to/forced upon them by the white people who enslaved them, exactly how that part happened im not sure but my guess is it took generations to purge the old african cultures out to replace them with christianity.

but the current generation of african americans (along with the last few generations) didnt get christianty taught to them by folks who enslaved them, they got taught by their parents and black communities. so its easy to see why so many african americans today are christians, after the initial purge of african culture and introduction of christianity there really was no turning back and it started snowballing
 Whats up with these racist threads. Meth come on

Who said blacks go the hardest with it? last i checked whites are just into it.. Typical stereo type


and this is old I think its 82% blacks to whites being the second largest group at 45% so considering its almost double, would hardly call it racist or a stereotype... 8 outta 10 is a far cry from stereotyping...
45% is low, i expected it to be higher

hopefully both values will continue to trend downward over time
and ill through this tidbit out and this isn't exclusive to the us... in terms of religion and I hinted on this.... the ppl/areas with the highest religious followings also have the lowest standardized test scores, lowest iq's, highest crime rates, and in America this is followed with most clubs/strip clubs, highest teenage pregnancies, highest single parent rates, lowest net worth, highest incarceration rates...so on and so forth.

I mean you COULD call it a coincidence.... but I call it b$%& your way aint working, and historically it aint never been working.
Racists used the Bible and Christianity to validate slavery.
Black were held back from reading, so they didnt know what the scriptures actually said, only what they were told.
Slavery in the Bible was more indentured servitude. Nothing like what the trans- Atlantic slave trade was about.
There were commands and laws to protect slaves and there rights in the Bible. It was more like working off
a dept or paying what you owed. You were supposed to take extreme care of slaves, and keep them comfortable in the Bible.
Slave owners in America did what they felt and skewed the word of God.

So to me, its a non issue. People go off of what they hear verses reading for themselves.
That enslaved mentality all over again...
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