Why do ESPN anchors hate soccer/futbol/football so much?

You're free to have your own opinion, but as an adult its pretty close minded and ignorant.
Originally Posted by NooEra

Originally Posted by Jada2001Retro

Son said the boys were busy playing baseball...

Yep...the non-athletic fat ones, oh wait...those kind of men do too.


No ones denying soccer players are athletic . Female gymnasts are athletic too . But that doesn't change the fact that they're feminine.

I was just offering my perspective on the subject. Where I grew up, where sports are king to the youth in the area, soccer was designated as a female sport. You can take it for what it's worth or get all extra defensive
I see you chose the latter option though
You're from Boston tho. They think Baseball is the best sport in the world.
Originally Posted by Jerome in the House

Originally Posted by NooEra

Originally Posted by Jada2001Retro

Son said the boys were busy playing baseball...

Yep...the non-athletic fat ones, oh wait...those kind of men do too.


No ones denying soccer players are athletic . Female gymnasts are athletic too . But that doesn't change the fact that they're feminine.

I was just offering my perspective on the subject. Where I grew up, where sports are king to the youth in the area, soccer was designated as a female sport. You can take it for what it's worth or get all extra defensive
I see you chose the latter option though
You're from Boston tho. They think Baseball is the best sport in the world.

Boston loves all of its four major sports teams equally but for some reason soccer was never included . Is it that serious to everyone here? Are ya'll shocked that the "average" American such as myself isn't fascinated with soccer? And i'm the ignorant one ? Okay.

And people from Boston are stupid ? C'mon son Boston is only the center of medicine and academics in the United States but that's neither here nor there.

Soccer is extremely boring IMO . Many others share my sentiments . Whenever it's brought up tho soccer players always get hella sensitive about it . I have no idea why.
Dissin Boston is neither here nor there. My question is why do people like NooEra have to go out of their way to diss the sport? Why not just ignore it instead of cracking jokes. Is there some type of jelousy towards it?...cuz the world is in on something your not? I love football but i know nobody outside the US could give two licks about it. Sure some of our american trasplants in England attend the NFL international game but that about covers its Int. appeal.
to be truthful, until the world cup comes back around, they can care less about soccer.
Cheap shots are just a part of American culture, and dumb people will unfortunately translate that as some sort of fact instead of gathering their own opinion. Playing FIFA and learning players got me more into it, so maybe I'll watch two teams with players I enjoy. Thing is its harder to find on tv so less people come across it. Also it's fans are stereotyped as losers in other places with the rioting stuff. There is a lot of flopping and though it's gamesmanship, it's pretty corny. The players don't speak English so not as many interviews and getting to know them. Either way there are many divas that do come across as feminine, but that goes for our sports too. No American tradition! I personally enjoy competition so the older I get I like more sports, and I understand the appeal. Personally I got NFL in its own top tier. Next tier basketball. Then baseball, hockey. Then I get to tennis and soccer. NASCAR and golf I'm interested in winners but not watching. In the end I mostly follow sports through highlights and I have spent a lot of time enjoying numerous soccer players through YouTube.
What do you expect from a network run by a bunch of white boy frat types? I have a good friend that worked in IT for several years in Bristol & he said they are some of the most racist people he's ever seen operate, specifically behind closed doors from the top on down to the anchors.

I love futball but I don't need espn to catch highlights. I do appreciate them carrying the English Premiere & the Spanish leagues though...
Football would have the same scores as soccer if fieldgoals and touchdowns were worth 1 point, and half a point each. In america its just the quick score gratification they get out of it and patience is low.

Pretty ignorant to say "oh i dont like watching people flop and run in circles etc" shoot, i can make football sound boring by saying "oh no one wants to see a sport with 40+ second huddles and 5 seconds of play time" or baseball by saying "oh how can you watch a sport when 30% accuracy in hitting the ball is pretty damn good?!" see? i can do it too.

I used to get offended by it but honestly I don't care, soccer is an amazing sport and i havent seen anyone bash it around but then again, i live in SD
I remember a long time ago when ibrahimovic was still in Inter and they were goin over CL highlights they stutter over his name and goal, pretty funny

even during the world cup Jimmy Fallon was making jokes about it and all were uneducated, one of them was "How can they call it a world cup when there are only 32 teams? That's racist!" he got laughs but i guess no one told him that there's months of eliminations going on around the earth

EDIT: post 1337
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