Why do women care so much about being pretty?

Come on man, this is common sense.
Modern societal pressures.

We're all pretty much brainwashed from a young age to think that beautiful=good. Just look at all the cartoons and Disney movies we watched when we were kids. All the good looking people are the heros and all the ugly people are the villains. The beautiful princess always gets the prince at the end. It's all downhill from there on. Some people are able to break out of that ideal, most aren't.
Modern societal pressures.

We're all pretty much brainwashed from a young age to think that beautiful=good. Just look at all the cartoons and Disney movies we watched when we were kids. All the good looking people are the heros and all the ugly people are the villains. The beautiful princess always gets the prince at the end. It's all downhill from there on. Some people are able to break out of that ideal, most aren't.
What kind of question is this?
And why are you asking an audience that is mostly males instead of the targeted audience?

+%!# makes no sense!
What kind of question is this?
And why are you asking an audience that is mostly males instead of the targeted audience?

+%!# makes no sense!
I just have to reply to this because you guys make women seem so pathetic.
I'm  a woman and believe me, this has nothing to do with society or evolution or insecurity.  All women are creative left-brained thinkers.  We like beauty and art and all those non-practical things men rarely care for.  Looking pretty is like art to us--it's a hobby.  We enjoy striving for it.  
For example, we spend hours getting ready for a date or for the club not because we want to impress some guy but rather because we actually have fun getting ready.  But of course that baffles some of you.  "What?  You mean she's not spending all that time getting ready for me?"
 Oh, you've so much to learn.
I just have to reply to this because you guys make women seem so pathetic.
I'm  a woman and believe me, this has nothing to do with society or evolution or insecurity.  All women are creative left-brained thinkers.  We like beauty and art and all those non-practical things men rarely care for.  Looking pretty is like art to us--it's a hobby.  We enjoy striving for it.  
For example, we spend hours getting ready for a date or for the club not because we want to impress some guy but rather because we actually have fun getting ready.  But of course that baffles some of you.  "What?  You mean she's not spending all that time getting ready for me?"
 Oh, you've so much to learn.
Originally Posted by Bastitch

Originally Posted by tkthafm

Millions of years of evolution.

More attractive -> better chance at reproduction with higher quality & status males/better genetics.
Ehhhhh...I don't know aobut that.

You can argue that as it pertains to reproduction, women are the sexual selectors. That means MEN have to be good looking, in good health, and have a good job, qualities that would allow them to be able to provide an environment that could support a child/family.

great points.

fully agreed.
Originally Posted by Bastitch

Originally Posted by tkthafm

Millions of years of evolution.

More attractive -> better chance at reproduction with higher quality & status males/better genetics.
Ehhhhh...I don't know aobut that.

You can argue that as it pertains to reproduction, women are the sexual selectors. That means MEN have to be good looking, in good health, and have a good job, qualities that would allow them to be able to provide an environment that could support a child/family.

great points.

fully agreed.
Originally Posted by PinkAJs

I just have to reply to this because you guys make women seem so pathetic.

I'm  a woman and believe me, this has nothing to do with society or evolution or insecurity.  All women are creative left-brained thinkers.  We like beauty and art and all those non-practical things men rarely care for.  Looking pretty is like art to us--it's a hobby.  We enjoy striving for it.  

For example, we spend hours getting ready for a date or for the club not because we want to impress some guy but rather because we actually have fun getting ready.  But of course that baffles some of you.  "What?  You mean she's not spending all that time getting ready for me?"
 Oh, you've so much to learn.
Originally Posted by PinkAJs

I just have to reply to this because you guys make women seem so pathetic.

I'm  a woman and believe me, this has nothing to do with society or evolution or insecurity.  All women are creative left-brained thinkers.  We like beauty and art and all those non-practical things men rarely care for.  Looking pretty is like art to us--it's a hobby.  We enjoy striving for it.  

For example, we spend hours getting ready for a date or for the club not because we want to impress some guy but rather because we actually have fun getting ready.  But of course that baffles some of you.  "What?  You mean she's not spending all that time getting ready for me?"
 Oh, you've so much to learn.
Originally Posted by PinkAJs

I just have to reply to this because you guys make women seem so pathetic.

I'm  a woman and believe me, this has nothing to do with society or evolution or insecurity.  All women are creative left-brained thinkers.  We like beauty and art and all those non-practical things men rarely care for.  Looking pretty is like art to us--it's a hobby.  We enjoy striving for it.  
For example, we spend hours getting ready for a date or for the club not because we want to impress some guy but rather because we actually have fun getting ready.  But of course that baffles some of you.  "What?  You mean she's not spending all that time getting ready for me?"
 Oh, you've so much to learn.
prove it
Originally Posted by PinkAJs

I just have to reply to this because you guys make women seem so pathetic.

I'm  a woman and believe me, this has nothing to do with society or evolution or insecurity.  All women are creative left-brained thinkers.  We like beauty and art and all those non-practical things men rarely care for.  Looking pretty is like art to us--it's a hobby.  We enjoy striving for it.  
For example, we spend hours getting ready for a date or for the club not because we want to impress some guy but rather because we actually have fun getting ready.  But of course that baffles some of you.  "What?  You mean she's not spending all that time getting ready for me?"
 Oh, you've so much to learn.
prove it
some want to be beautiful so a rich man can swoop up and save them from working.
some want to be beautiful so they will be admired.
etc. etc.
some want to be beautiful so a rich man can swoop up and save them from working.
some want to be beautiful so they will be admired.
etc. etc.
Pink you go to the club and get no looks, your night = fail... If you say otherwise you are a beta female that's saying you don't care to protect your ego
Pink you go to the club and get no looks, your night = fail... If you say otherwise you are a beta female that's saying you don't care to protect your ego
Originally Posted by Bastitch

Originally Posted by tkthafm

Millions of years of evolution.

More attractive -> better chance at reproduction with higher quality & status males/better genetics.
Ehhhhh...I don't know aobut that.

You can argue that as it pertains to reproduction, women are the sexual selectors. That means MEN have to be good looking, in good health, and have a good job, qualities that would allow them to be able to provide an environment that could support a child/family.

Thing is your theory of women being  the sexual  selectors is wrong  because there are more women than there are males ..also  your chances of having a a daughter are much higher than having a son  so by default males are the selectors ....

the only thing is men aren't as coordinated as females ..females can hold out longer before sex thus creating the illusion of males being second fiddle of sexual selectors  because males have been socially conditioned to think they need to be alpha males and monogamous(married /in a relationship ) to reproduce but the reality is  regardless of social status females still need an xy chromosome in order to have kids

that is why they need  to always look pretty because they know their in a competition for males ...later alone the males they desire(which is why i believe marriage{no bigamy } was created)
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