Why is the USA so obsessed with the lives of celebs?

Nov 25, 2007
something i never understood

we have news stations that use hour long blocks just to talk about who so and so is dating, whoever is pregnant, and who's in rehab, etc.

i dun get it
i was honestly just thinking about this the other day

oh also, its not even just celebrities, people are for some reason so interested in other peoples lives, people seem to need to know

everything when they really need to learn to mind their own business
Originally Posted by needsomejays

i was honestly just thinking about this the other day

oh also, its not even just celebrities, people are for some reason so interested in other peoples lives, people seem to need to know

everything when they really need to learn to mind their own business
so true.
it's a crazy world my brothas.
i've been wondering the same thing for the longest time... i honestly can't even watch a show like TMZ because it just pisses me off...
The USA? Have you ever heard of European soccer players? They get more love than the biggest American stars. Bollywood, etc., it's not just the US. Peoplein general are interested in the lives of people who do things they can only imagine.
People want to know how the successful life is. Money, Clothes, and +#*# i suppose word to Drizzy
I am AMAZED at the idea of Jon Gosselin being more famous than 95% of movie stars. It boggles my mind.
You guys are right when you say that it isn't JUST America, but I think that America's obsession with Hollywood stars is more extreme than in mostother countries.

India and America probably lead the way in unhealthy obsessions with celebrities.
I think, at least when they see the celebs struggling, that people watch it to show themselves that no matter how successful they could be they all encounterthe same problems. Also some people might use it as reinforcement that as bad as my life might be. At least i don't have the problems of an addiction orsomething that these famous people go through.
Because they're what only one can dream. They are leaders sort of speak. We are so enamoured by their lifestyle that we have this obsession on keeping upwith their regular lifes. People keep the mindset that just because they are famous and have riches, that their lifes are morr i teresting the the regularfolk. i.e, Paris Hilton bought a nee dog yesterday and it was on the magazines and stuff, and i bought a dog yesterday and only a few gave a rats +@# lol.

P.S. Excuse my grammatical errors and mispellings for i am posting from a handheld device
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