Women hitting men ?

I was worried because the next day we spoke about it and she was saying it was hurting real bad and was thinking about going to the hospital about it, when I saw it about 2 days later it was just a bad bruise. But had she went to that hospital even with what happened I'm sure I would have been arrested smh.... But since then we have had a good relationship and she has never has hit me again because she knows I'm about that action....
@KSteezy, your woman attempting to put her hands on you says she doesn't respect you as a man. Point blank. Not trying to sass but she doesn't respect you maN.

Aint no dominican women putting hands on a dude unless she knows she can

Get away with it.
One time i threw a stack of papers at my girl out of anger, and she started wailing on me. I just grabbed her hands and forced her up against a wall and looked her dead in the eyes and she calmed down real quick.

Then she started talkin about calling dudes to come get at me, and I told her "i'm not about that life! i'll call the cops on those dudes! i'm not a fighter i'm a snitch! Please call some people so i can say they also robbed me and you planned it out!" then I started putting stuff in a trash bag like "yea i could def use a new 360."

Broad couldn't handle how i was about to make the situation work. So much defeat in her face, thank god we're not togeth no more tho.
I knew that pic would pop up sooner or later
I was worried because the next day we spoke about it and she was saying it was hurting real bad and was thinking about going to the hospital about it, when I saw it about 2 days later it was just a bad bruise. But had she went to that hospital even with what happened I'm sure I would have been arrested smh.... But since then we have had a good relationship and she has never has hit me again because she knows I'm about that action....

She stupid, you may not hit her again cause she wont hit you
But you gonna cheat again.

@ knowledge

stack of paper :lol:

I would have got the goons.
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One time i threw a stack of papers at my girl out of anger, and she started wailing on me. I just grabbed her hands and forced her up against a wall and looked her dead in the eyes and she calmed down real quick.

Then she started talkin about calling dudes to come get at me, and I told her "i'm not about that life! i'll call the cops on those dudes! i'm not a fighter i'm a snitch! Please call some people so i can say they also robbed me and you planned it out!" then I started putting stuff in a trash bag like "yea i could def use a new 360."

Broad couldn't handle how i was about to make the situation work. So much defeat in her face, thank god we're not togeth no more tho.
:rofl: My man
It's ok, you guys can come up with your own conclusion based on what I tell ya, but I know the reality and dynamic of my own marriage, in which we are both very happy.

**btw this relationship dates back almost 14 years ago to when we were 16 years old...we've both matured and learn to control ourselves a lot over the years....the majority of the times things have gotten out of hand was when we were still kids.
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One time i threw a stack of papers at my girl out of anger, and she started wailing on me. I just grabbed her hands and forced her up against a wall and looked her dead in the eyes and she calmed down real quick.

Then she started talkin about calling dudes to come get at me, and I told her "i'm not about that life! i'll call the cops on those dudes! i'm not a fighter i'm a snitch! Please call some people so i can say they also robbed me and you planned it out!" then I started putting stuff in a trash bag like "yea i could def use a new 360."

Broad couldn't handle how i was about to make the situation work. So much defeat in her face, thank god we're not togeth no more tho.
Wasted no time flippin the whole situation. Repped.
One time i threw a stack of papers at my girl out of anger, and she started wailing on me. I just grabbed her hands and forced her up against a wall and looked her dead in the eyes and she calmed down real quick.

Then she started talkin about calling dudes to come get at me, and I told her "i'm not about that life! i'll call the cops on those dudes! i'm not a fighter i'm a snitch! Please call some people so i can say they also robbed me and you planned it out!" then I started putting stuff in a trash bag like "yea i could def use a new 360."

Broad couldn't handle how i was about to make the situation work. So much defeat in her face, thank god we're not togeth no more tho.
Wasted no time flippin the whole situation. Repped.
This is what I like
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What about when your girl has more body than you? Like a lot of *** and thighs. And you a skinny dude?
I'm trying to visualize about what would happen if my girl tried to hit me. It won't end well. For me. :lol:
She shorter than me by an inch but she can easily handle her brother and cousin. She got some strength to her.

So would I have full authority to put some mitts on her?
I dont condone hitting women but dont let them punk you though like when me and my daughter's mom got into it and she hit me I would either bearhug her with my arms around hers, throw her out of my way or would just catch one of her arms put it in a armbar
mama taught me not to horseplay or play with the hands... **** is out of line, b. On some g **** though, sometimes ******* need to get smacked. My EX had slapped me once and just straight off reaction I slapped her back. She started crying and **** and I was apologizing for the rest of the night.... But in retrospect, I feel great about the whole situation and my actions. :\:D
Too be honest I think neither parties should harm one another for any reasons. But If a male get's hit by a female,he shouldn't hit her back. Just call the police and if they don't do their job or they take it as a joke than get their names and badge #'s and file a complaint and sue the department for it's unorganized procedures. Not trying to bash women or anything but at the end of the day I know we are men and we are accountable for a lot of stuff in this society and at the same time we got to think smart about the decisions we make especially when it comes to this situation.9 times out of 10 the female that abuse the male is going to hit you just to provoke you so you can be in a dirtier situation than you are in
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If someone touches my face I take it as a sign they don't respect me.... So I'm out drinking with my bros and I'm completely wasted so instead of driving home I go to my girls crib and decide to crash there since I live about 40 blocks away (and I don't live in the safest area to walk 40 blocks at 2am in the summer time). So while I'm sleeping I awake to a hard smack (strike 1)to my face and my girl holding my phone. Even as drunk as I was I knew what was up when she had my phone. So I ask why she got my phone and she asks who (insert ratchet name) is. Im still drunk so I say thats my cousin (oldest most unoriginal lie) so she starts reading the nasty messages detailing our sexual encounters (I was a rookie and forgot to delete the texts) she even texts the girl asking if we had sex from my phone and the girl says yes many times (why the girl was up at 3am idk). So I know I'm not in the right frame of mind to engage this argument I attempt to leave and began putting on my stuff and she tells my I'm not going anywhere and begins to push and mushes me in the face (strike 2) I tell her I'm leaving I Don't want to fight we can talk when we are both in the right frame of mind. She continues to shove me and say I'm leaving so I'm moving her out my way and she's trying to wrestle with me (I'm no big dude I'm 5"10 with sneakers 170 muscular fit I use to box a lil in HS and play football about 4 years ago, she's 5"8 135) so I put a smirk on because her wresting me was funny at that moment. She says "why u smiling u think something is funny and in a flash gives me a Roy jones esque right hook to my jaw and I instantly taste blood in my mouth and she taunts me and says how about that while blocking the doorway (strike 3) I snap and give her a full haymaker mike Tyson would be proud of to the ribs. She falls and let's out one of those cries where no sound comes out and holds her side and I proceed to leave....

TL:dr girl catches me cheating
Attacks me in sleep
I try to leave and am stopped and hit
She punches me in face and busts my lip
I punch her in the ribs bruising her ribs and dip while she's on the floor

Was I wrong?
legitimately cool story bro...

i know for a fact she aint ever put her hands on you...

and yes, i will punch a girl... yall dealing with some small chicks...

last girl i was serious with was 5'9" 170 w/ rump and ****... hit me once, i corrected dat, and she never hit me again.
Smh You guys smacking up women. I'd never do that in my life, I've been raised against it. I play around with my girl, but thats x400 different. If a women ever hit me I just take the L and either walk away, or talk to her if she's worth it.

You guys need some common sense though, like Thisizdray, you deserved every bit of that punch to the face. You cheated on her, and tried to come up and sleep in her crib like nothing happened. 
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