Women of the 2012 Olympic Games

Was it her?

They also had that giant chick who was BEASTING today, who was surprisingly gorgeous

Cuz, move your DVR control out the middle of the screen, so I can see what number she is so I can start my detective duties.

EDIT: not necessary. Thank you for your time.
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That's y I love a woman who at least participates in a sport, b.c you know they are gonna be nice and toned
Christine Sonali Merrill - US born and running for Sri Lanka

Kobe's teammate putting in work too:
C. Sonali Merrill@SonaliMerrill
Sooo we were behind the Spanish team - there was this really tall guy who asked to take a picture with me -just realized that it was GASOL




She was in quite a few of my classes during undergrad at UCSD :lol: (same major). A friend of mine worked with her for an engineering project too- kinda insane she'd make it to the Olympics
There's a chick on the US volley ball team that look like Amare Statourmire with long hair lol
there must be MILLIONS of high school and middle school kids all over the world cheering on the olympics with a good old FAP :lol:
lots of tattle tales here. can't believe it.
there are much worst comments/posts out there. such a shame. have some brains in deciphering innuendo.
I was pleasantly surprised to see that the Croatian women's basketball team wasn't a bunch of huge hairy women, but a good number of them were actually very good looking, even that 6'6" center who beasted.
Britain Volleyball Savanah Leaf 18 6'0'' 161lbs

Oh my...she's cute as FUUUUUUU.

That Croatian chick though...I'm deadass when I say this...this thread and the Olympic Village one has motivated me to go harder in soccer for the 2016 Olympic squad. :smokin
Are they purposely making the beach volleyball games at night so that Misty and Kerri are inclined to wear more clothes??
Oh my...she's cute as FUUUUUUU.
That Croatian chick though...I'm deadass when I say this...this thread and the Olympic Village one has motivated me to go harder in soccer for the 2016 Olympic squad. :smokin

You for real have a shot at making the games? That would be awesome to have an NTer out there. Tell us more about it if you wouldn't mind. How old are you?
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