Would you rather??? Volume...how my friends and I hang out and kill time

Feb 19, 2004
My friends and I often play the Would you rather game, usually it is funny/sex questions like, "Would you rather sex up for a week one 9, or have athreesome with two 7.5's?" I'll get this started, answer my question and repost a would you rather a Would you rather question of your own.

Would you rather, at the age of 30, lived in 4 different countries, slept with 10 women, and be debt-free with a 40k (or equivalent $$) job lined up whereveryou choose to live ORRR be 30, lived in the US your whole life, slept with 3 women, and be 50k in debt and a 50k job lined up????
Originally Posted by Kicktionair

Would you rather take it in the butt or in the mouth?
heres on would you rather have sex with your mom and have everyone know or give your dad brain and have nobody know?

my answer is neither
would you rather log off of NT and quit making BS threads or would you rather be on NT and get flamed for making BS threads?
If your life depended on it would you rather attempt to do 1,000 push ups in a day or 10,000 sit ups?
Originally Posted by Th3Ownly

heres on would you rather have sex with your mom and have everyone know or give your dad brain and have nobody know?

my answer is neither

hahaha, that's just wrong
i always hated this game. me and my boys played a better game, "kill, smash, marry", some of you prolly heard of a different version of that, butsomeone will name 3 girls and you have to name which one you'd wanna kill, smash, and marry, it gets interesting sometimes.
Originally Posted by Th3Ownly

heres on would you rather have sex with your mom and have everyone know or give your dad brain and have nobody know?

my answer is neither
Hahaha this game is played in restaurants all the time in the kitchen or in front of the house. Everyone pushes the envelope or goes straight up overboard. Igot one though. Would you rather stick it in a girls eye socket if she had one eye, or would you rather have sex with a girl that has no arms or legs?
no arms. so she wont scratch my back.

would you rather get tackled by a gorilla or a ray lewis?
Originally Posted by dipsett247

no arms. so she wont scratch my back.

would you rather get tackled by a gorilla [color= rgb(255, 255, 255)]or a ray lewis?[/color]
you say it like he is some type of wild animal or something

but i will go with Ray Lewis
ray lewis, all you gotta do is throw some coke in his face.

Would you rather sleep with your girl or her sister/mom/friend?

That one is deep.....
this reminds me of that one random thread from a few years ago where all the topic consisted of was the question:

"Would you rather suck a penis or have yours cut off"

it really threw me off for some reason
Originally Posted by pokeyneil30

i always hated this game. me and my boys played a better game, "kill, smash, marry", some of you prolly heard of a different version of that, but someone will name 3 girls and you have to name which one you'd wanna kill, smash, and marry, it gets interesting sometimes.
I love Step Brothers.
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