Wrestling Thread 4/30-5/6 | 5/3 Extreme Rules PPV Prediction Contest Results Posted! p84

Originally Posted by 4wrestling

%%@% it. I won't bother writing a Raw preview tomorrow since I have nothing positive to say.

It's %%@!%%% stupid enough that WWE writers come up with this $$%++#@+, but it's even more mind boggling that you guys go along with it.
you talk down to us like we're all a bunch of stupid marks. but honestly i'd rather be a mark and enjoy it.

not a bad pay per view. has me excited to see where they're going with this storyline. much better show than mania.
Originally Posted by Scott Frost

I passed on the PPV last night. How did Lesnar look in the ring?   


not that bad IMO, but definitely a much different style. more ufc "take downs" "submissions" and "ground and pound" than previously when he was just a powerhouse and grappler. looks like a clown wearing those boots with his shorts though
Originally Posted by YardFather

I don't work for the WWE, nor does anyone in my family, so the amount of buys a PPV does doesn't mean *!%* to me. A good wrestling match is a good wrestling match and at the end of the day that's what we (most of us) watch for.

In 5 years the outcome of any match doesn't mean anything anyways, but we'll watch a match again for the performance. Don't put so much emphasis on the scripted winner when both performers put on a great show.Best pay per view of 2012 so far.
100% this. 4W you HAVE to relax
Here are the bigger questions...

Who / where do they go with Brock till Cena comes back?

who does Punk and Daniel Bryan face?
@venom lyrix

i think they might head towards that brock/hhh feud. think about it, hhh is going to tell johnny he has no right to make "monday night raw featuring brock lesnar" etc, then brock is gonna tell hunter to grow some and face him, hunter is going to refuse like he has his last three feuds, then end up fighting him yada yada yada.

i wish they would let punk feud with dolph, with dolph winning the belt but they won't. i think dbry is going to just lounge around wrestling mid-carders until they find something to do with him.

if they weren't both heels i'd like to see and brock vs bryan match. that'd be cool to see some grappling between those two
I don't have a problem with Lesnar losing; chances are he won't even be here this time next yr anyway 
WWE.com is hyping that John Cena was injured at the hands of Brock Lesnar during the main event of Extreme Rules tonight. The article reads:

"The most obvious injury was the laceration to his head, which caused a substantial amount of bleeding," said WWE locker room physician Dr. Chris Amann. "He also has suffered a shoulder injury. Initial testing in the training room leads me to believe there may be torn muscles, possibly a torn rotator cuff or a biceps muscle."

The article goes on to note that there are no specifics available as to the extent of Cena's injuries, but that more tests will be conducted in the morning.

As we reported before, there was talk prior to the PPV tonight that Cena would be taking some time off after Extreme Rules, but that has yet to be confirmed by WWE.
Originally Posted by datboi81

@venom lyrix

i think they might head towards that brock/hhh feud. think about it, hhh is going to tell johnny he has no right to make "monday night raw featuring brock lesnar" etc, then brock is gonna tell hunter to grow some and face him, hunter is going to refuse like he has his last three feuds, then end up fighting him yada yada yada.

i wish they would let punk feud with dolph, with dolph winning the belt but they won't. i think dbry is going to just lounge around wrestling mid-carders until they find something to do with him.

if they weren't both heels i'd like to see and brock vs bryan match. that'd be cool to see some grappling between those two
yea I heard the speculation of Lesnar vs HHH on twitter last night, but if they do that it's gotta be at a big PPV. THey won't waste it on a B level ppv.
And i suggested to a friend last night to let Dolph vs Punk but no one will believe Dolph can take the strap so IDK if that would work.

The other idea i suggested was a unification feud with Bryan and Punk and have it culminate at a major PPV
4W, if anything, it made me interested in Lesnar more.  I'm not a UFC fan, never really saw the hype in him.  The casual fan would probably be impressed just at how different he is and at some of the stuff he was pulling off.  They made him look like a monster.  Cena winning didn't hurt him.  If anything, Lesnar can say that Cena needed the chain to beat him cause he couldn't stand a chance and was beating em down the whole match to the point of injuring em.  Have Lesnar lay out Cena tonight, move on to a program with Triple H and by Summerslam, we'll probably have a rematch.    
If anything, i'd be more upset if they push away Daniel Bryan from the title picture for Del Rio vs Shaemeus.  
Originally Posted by NobleKane

i dunno if it been mentioned in here but my brother told me raven made a new flock stable and in this stable they have a member who is crippled and they call him cripple h
 i found that a bit funny

Tom Zenk used to have a weekly article he would write 10-11 years ago in which he constantly referred to Trips as Cripple H, funny stuff
i have this feeling that maybe Taker is gonna feud with Brock next. It would be nice. Taker being a huge fan of the UFC.
Originally Posted by venom lyrix

Here are the bigger questions...

Who / where do they go with Brock till Cena comes back?

who does Punk and Daniel Bryan face?

Why does it matter?  Brock is just a WWE Superstar now.  He'll win a few matches.  He'll lose a few matches.  Who cares?
Is there any interest for...

Brock vs Austin

Brock vs Rock

Brock vs Undertaker

Nothing like it was before last night's match.  If Lesnar was undefeated going into Mania, there would be legit interest that he would end Taker's streak.  Now there is no chance.  It will be no different than Taker facing HHH.

Don't tell me to relax, either.  The match was good.  The finish was beyond stupid.  It killed Lesnar's drawing ability for the remainder of his contract.  When people continue to tune out of WWE after this PPV (this week's rating is not an indication because people will be interested in the follow up to last night's show), don't tell me I'm wrong.
This just once again proves, when WWE has the world's easiest storylines fall into their lap, they blow it every single time.

Big Show's debut.
The failed WCW invasion.
Vince and Eric hugging.
Goldberg's debut.
The Nexus.
The Rock's return match.
Lesnar's return match.

These are just off the top of my head, but I know there are dozens and dozens of more examples out there.

And for those who say, "I'm not a stock holder, why should I care about business #'s?" Well, when more and more people continue to tune out of the product because of !%@%@*%# like last night, it hurts pro wrestling as a whole. TNA is not a viable #2 option. WWE is the only show in town. If WWE is losing the public's interest, pro wrestling is losing the public's interest.
And I apologize if I'm sounding like a ****. I'm not mad at you guys. I'm just beyond pissed and fed up with WWE and have been pissed off for the past 12 hours since this %%%#@*#$ went down.

But no one here will get me to change my mind about what a freaking stupid decision it was.
Pro Wrestling will never lose interest...not when you still see kids showing up in the crowd....and the diehards...it's a cycle man....the quality of the product might
Wait, so when Brock lost his first UFC fight did he lose all his drawing power then, too?

You complain about the finish yet once again you're completey missing the big picture, 4w.
Originally Posted by venom lyrix

Originally Posted by YardFather

I don't work for the WWE, nor does anyone in my family, so the amount of buys a PPV does doesn't mean *!%* to me. A good wrestling match is a good wrestling match and at the end of the day that's what we (most of us) watch for.

In 5 years the outcome of any match doesn't mean anything anyways, but we'll watch a match again for the performance. Don't put so much emphasis on the scripted winner when both performers put on a great show.Best pay per view of 2012 so far.
100% this. 4W you HAVE to relax

This, finally they showed they're not making cookie cutter returns. The match most importantly was fun. It was unpredictable, which is what they need.
 Moreover, it gives Lesnar a method to his madness rather than "I'm Lesnar and I'm bad".  Lesnar doesnt need to beat the #1 guy his first match back.
Also, it made Chicago give Cena a standing ovation in CHICAGO
Originally Posted by hombrelobo

Wait, so when Brock lost his first UFC fight did he lose all his drawing power then, too?

You complain about the finish yet once again you're completey missing the big picture, 4w.
Big picture? You're an idiot.  I know for a 100% fact you disagree with me just to disagree.  Go troll somewhere else.
Originally Posted by sickickz23

Pro Wrestling will never lose interest...not when you still see kids showing up in the crowd....and the diehards...it's a cycle man....the quality of the product might

When every business indicator (buy rates, ratings, merchandise sales, house show attendance) are down year over year, it's a little hard to tell me that pro wrestling isn't losing interest to the general public.
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

And I apologize if I'm sounding like a ****. I'm not mad at you guys. I'm just beyond pissed and fed up with WWE and have been pissed off for the past 12 hours since this %%%#@*#$ went down.

But no one here will get me to change my mind about what a freaking stupid decision it was.
Don't usually agree with you 4W, but now I will. There aren't enough stonefaces in the world to describe the stupidy of letting Cena win...
as much as I don't like Cena sometimes
the dude is nothing but a class act; he puts people over if asked (maybe he sucks at selling) but the dude gets one of these from me 

he deserves a break 
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