Wrestling Thread Aug 12-25 | 8/19 RAW -SS Fallout- Bryan d Cena, Orton Corp Champ, Brock Kills Punk

The black ref responds.
"Funny how "amateur", "indie", and "unemployed former refs" think they know it all but have NO IDEA. There's a reason your where your at and I'm where I'm at, "a professional referee with the number one entertainment company in the world. I'm the now, your yester year."

"Keep your opinions to yourself cause I'm definitely not taking advice from someone with less experience and not at a level I am, so continue to hate and I'll continue to work tv's and pay per view. Enjoy your life cause I'm loving mine!"
My dude is already a better heel than Seth Rollins.
He's so sincere, too.
He's no Earl Hebner

At least in this scenario it kind of makes sense for trips to be in this match. They've been building this up since the vickie storyline.

Still a lot better than the mess that happened with nash and punk.

But that man has to stop stealing the spotlight like that!
It's official..DBreezy is the best WRESTLER in wwe and he is now my number 1 favorite..I love that he keeps dropping the wrestler/wrestling bombs with such emphasis and saying entertainer with such disdain..YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES!
Bryan said World Heavyweight Championship more than once in that interview. Vince is gonna keep the strap off him now :smh:
So I'm watching the most recent NXT, and I think I kinda understand what Bo Dallas' gimmick is now.

He's pre-2013 Justin Bieber.

Which is hilariously awesome :lol:

And another thing...I feel like the World Heavyweight Championship is what the IC Title used to(and should) be at this point.

the current IC title is pretty much the European title. :lol:
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Not one single damn is given by that black ref.

Dude is on that JTG is still employed swag.
Not one single damn is given by that black ref. :lol: :pimp:

Dude is on that JTG is still employed swag.

Not even Black Ref can match that swag.

Man I would love to be in JTG's shoes. Just get paid to do nothing but hang around backstage at every show. Easiest paycheck ever. :lol:

But seriously they should just let him be a manager or something.
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So, yeah... I'm over at my dudes house smoking up at 7 tonight... and I'm not paying attention to ****, and dude has local news on... I'm hitting the bong, and dude says "You're on TV"... I look up, and there I am, next to Fandango... Damn news channel recorded me and put me on TV without permission... Homey no like lol...

If you never hear from me again, they found me...
So, yeah... I'm over at my dudes house smoking up at 7 tonight... and I'm not paying attention to ****, and dude has local news on... I'm hitting the bong, and dude says "You're on TV"... I look up, and there I am, next to Fandango... Damn news channel recorded me and put me on TV without permission... Homey no like lol...

If you never hear from me again, they found me...


You dnt want your city to know about your infatuation . . .
Not one single damn is given by that black ref. :lol: :pimp:

Dude is on that JTG is still employed swag.

Not even Black Ref can match that swag.

Man I would love to be in JTG's shoes. Just get paid to do nothing but hang around backstage at every show. Easiest paycheck ever. :lol:

But seriously they should just let him be a manager or something.

If you seen any of his NXT stuff when he was Darren Young's pro (I think), he would be the perfect manager :lol: Dude is a total douche as a heel, like a rapper that I can't stand or something.

You're right about the way the titles are viewed too :lol: But the IC title is even less important than the European title was. D'Lo Brown European champ though :pimp:
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The IC and US straps mean absolutely nothing today. 10 years ago if you had one of those titles it meant you were top 10 caliber talent but now its just another 10lbs in your luggage. :smh:
The IC and US straps mean absolutely nothing today. 10 years ago if you had one of those titles it meant you were top 10 caliber talent but now its just another 10lbs in your luggage. :smh:

Pretty much.

When did these titles become mid card props? At this point the European still carries more prestige then both US & IC belts today. So many greats held it aside from your Mideon, Spike Dudley, & Hurricane. Majority of the holders are former World Champs: Christian, RVD, Jeff Hardy, Bradshaw, HBK, Henry, Jericho, Angle, Eddie Guerrero, DoubleJ & HHH. If they werent former champs they were upper mid card guys at a point in time: Regal, Matt Hardy, Test, Owen, Val Venis, & British Bulldog.

All in all the European strap is :pimp:
The IC and US straps mean absolutely nothing today. 10 years ago if you had one of those titles it meant you were top 10 caliber talent but now its just another 10lbs in your luggage. :smh:

The World heavyweight title killed the intercontinental title. I remember back in the WWF when i thought being the IC champ was cooler than being WWF champ. World heavyweight title became the 2nd most over belt and the IC belt has never been the same since.

I think European title died when the invasion angle had 4390583490583490 belts in the wwe. Not sure if the european title was even around at that time. Can't remember.
The IC and US straps mean absolutely nothing today. 10 years ago if you had one of those titles it meant you were top 10 caliber talent but now its just another 10lbs in your luggage.
meh, people were saying the same thing about both midcard titles 10 years ago. the cycle doesnt change
So I'm watching the most recent NXT, and I think I kinda understand what Bo Dallas' gimmick is now.

He's pre-2013 Justin Bieber.

Which is hilariously awesome

now that its been figured out, Bo Dallas has one of the most original gimmicks in a while and he'll end up being a major heel in a few years if this shtick continues. 

"Cesaro? hes a GOOD KID! with a BRIGHT FUTURE!" *cringe-inducing smile*

pure gold 
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