Wrestling Thread May2-9/ The NEW ERA/WWE Black Friday/ Hornswoggle, Cameron, Santino, Zeb Colter, Al

Wrestling is pre determined, we as performers know before we go out to that ring or perform a backstage scene who is winning and losing etc or have a general idea of what we are going to say. It blows my mind how in a sport which is pre determined from a company standpoint winners are paid so much more than the losers. Every single person who works for WWE from top to bottom is absolutely just as valuable as the next. The winners cannot win unless the losers go out there and agree to lose to them.
Complete utter bull. No way he believes that
Good for Ryback to speak out. Prolly gonna get released but he doesn't seem to care. He can go to New Japan and prolly flourish.
Remember when Ryback first debuted. He had a monster buzz to him. The crowd loved him. And what did the wwe do? They fed him to Cena and the Shield and buried him. Is he a great worker, no, but he was entertaining.

There was a raw during the intial push, the shield was beating someone down to close out raw and when his music hit the pop was unreal. They had something atleast for a few weeks
Why not pay the talent equally? The winners have more MERCH as it is or are supposed to anyways so they get that extra perk, but why make the guy who is told to and agrees to lose earn less and sacrifice spots in big pay per view match ups etc. This is one of the major problems with wrestling and WWE today. Most guys take great satisfaction in helping making other talent, the b***hing and the moaning we always hear about stems from the fact they know they are ultimately over time going to make less and live in fear of being released.
@Mister Saint Laurent   brought this up on a recent MSL and Sullivan show. People that do the jobs, in big matches, should always get some sort of compensation. Since nobody wants to lay on their back and look into the lights.
Nothing beats the last man standing match against Cena that ended without a count out after the tackle through the titantron. Ultimate burial.
But that's part of his gripe. Is Ryback truly a B- Player? Or is he perceived as such due to the creative limitations and predetermined aspect of the business?

its a little bit of both. he was on his way to have a batista like big guy run but then he wanted to turn heel. that heel turn did him no favors since he was just fed to cena. I feel like he could've been bigger than he is had he stayed face.
I commend The Ryback speaking out against the machine. He made a lot of good points, some I don't agree with. Everyone shouldn't get paid the same, I can't agree with that AT ALL. But I understand his logic and philosophy.

I always like it when people stand up to bullies.

Unlike getting punked by them like the @GotHolesInMyShoes  / @GotHolesInMySocks   and @4wrestling  angle
But that's part of his gripe. Is Ryback truly a B- Player? Or is he perceived as such due to the creative limitations and predetermined aspect of the business?
Funny thing is you could pretty much say that about anyone. This isn't basketball (Don't report me please) or football. The "talent always creams to the top" (as @Meangene45  would like to taste/see/say) doesn't really apply here ALWAYS. Sure, the more creative people will have their talent on display more often but if creative was in certain people's corner/pocket, they very well could be THAT DUDE.
My money way longer than Dolph, Ryback confirmed.
How is Maryse's cooking? Think she could whip up some low-carb meals for me? I am trying to get in shape for the summer. Hopefully I can be one of your extras if you think I put in enough work
He made a lot of good points. Can't say I agree with the entirety of it but they do need to make some changes. It still baffles me how a Union still isn't there just because none of the top guys have the balls to step to Vince and try to make it happen.
wonder if take took a pay cut when he lost to lesnar at wm
probably got an increase for jobbing!

the way they pay is ad hoc
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How is Maryse's cooking? Think she could whip up some low-carb meals for me? I am trying to get in shape for the summer. Hopefully I can be one of your extras if you think I put in enough work
How you diss me the post before now you asking me for a job.
He said in that blog post that it wasn't money issues, but then continues to talk about money.


I get Ryback's point that it takes the jobbers to make the top guys look good, which makes them valuable, but not as valuable.

Forming a union would be a really smart move for wrestlers, not sure why they haven't yet.
All they had to do was follow the template they used with the Miz. Ryder could have had a solid US Title reign. Then moved on to the IC Title. Then have him win MITB.

The fact that he's still over inspite of the company lets me know it wouldn't have been outrageous.

If Vince wantex to give Ryder an actual shot and solid booking, he could be a monster babyface.
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