Wrestling Thread October 1st-31st/ No Mercy Tonight At 8PM ET/ Dolph Zigger Last Match






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Ryback talking about his WWE departure

But Reeves said he didn't leave because of monetary value of the offer. "Not about a money issue, just so everybody knows, I walked away from the WWE, the contract offer that I walked away from was a three-year $1.5 million contract.” Reeves said.

Reeves mentioned that there were other things he wasn't happy about. He said that there were merchandising opportunities that didn’t pan out and noted how expensive travel expenses were, saying the way professional wrestling has always done things isn’t always right.

Reeves said that he had been lied to at many times in his career about booking and other opportunities. He claimed that Vince McMahon told him that he would be the number one heel in the company and have the title put on him if he listened to McMahon and read his promos as they were scripted. Reeves also claimed that he was supposed to face AJ Styles at WrestleMania 32, with McMahon telling him that he would "squash that little twerp."

Though he was told that by McMahon, Reeves said that he didn't necessarily believe he would squash Styles given the way he was brought into the company.

That changed and Reeves would go on to face Kalisto on the WrestleMania 32 kickoff show. He said that he was set to sign a new contract but sent a revised offer to the company after not being happy about how he was handled.
^ Honner had the IC title + Austin had main title in 2001

They won the tag straps off Taker/Kane
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Too bad WWE won't acknowledge that match, Power Trip vs Y2J/krispin wah

They don't even acknowledge Austin's heel run in 01, and if they do, it's marginal :lol: I don't have the recent Stone Cold DVD, but that was the only blemish I had on that Legacy Of Stone Cold DVD. They only had like 2 matches from 2001, when from a character standpoint, 2001 had some of his best matches. It was like the Power Trip nor Invasion happened
Just noticed that Trips being injured that time made him miss the Invasion

But that January 2002 return pop was GOAT
Does anyone else remember both these promos and being let down because it wasnt Sting? 
Didn't Ryback make fun of CM Punk after he left for crying on a podcast? Now look at him crying on a podcast about the WWE.
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