WWE SummerSlam 8/15 8pm PPV - The Nexus vs Team WWE | Sheamus vs Orton | Kane vs Mysterio (p12)

Oct 15, 2000


Last night was TNA's HardCORE Justice aka ECW Reunion 2010.� It was an awful wrestling show.� There's no getting around that.� And a lot of the other parts of the show sucked, too.� The announcing.� The lighting.� The Impact Zone.� Pretty much everything about the show was awful.� But in some small, sick way, I did find some enjoyment in the show.� Yes, it was depressing to see so many of these guys 10-15 years past their primes.� It was depressing to have the show in the Impact Zone.� It was depressing to have Mike Tenay announce the action.� It was depressing to have so many things barred because of copyright issues.� It made me a little sick seeing Dixie get brought into the ring.� But still, I kind of enjoyed it.� However, I hope this is the final time a show like this happens.� 90% of the guys last night have no business in a wrestling ring anymore.� And the style of wrestling that made many of them famous has no place in 2010.� So let's please finally let ECW rest in peace.� It's expiration date should have been One Night Stand in 2005.� The brand has had its grave pissed on way too many times now.� I don't need anymore Tommy Dreamer tearful promos.� I don't need a 300+ pound Sandman.� I don't need a balding corpse of Raven in the ring.� I don't need to see Sabu nearly kill himself.� It's time to just let it go.

Tonight is the go home Raw for Summerslam.� Considering how poorly WWE's PPV business has been, it is absolutely amazing to me that only three matches have been announced for Sunday's show.� You would think they would be doing everything they could to sell the show instead of making excuses that established stars are out of action.� I know the show is really focused around The Nexus angle, but these guys haven't proven that they can sell a PPV yet, so it seems like a pretty big gamble on WWE's part to put their eggs in the basket of a group of unproven rookies.� And on Smackdown, the main angle is revolving around Kane and The Undertaker.� We all assume The Undertaker will return at Summerslam, but the WWE certainly hasn't made it clear if he will.� The Undertaker is probably the most over wrestler in the WWE.� If I were running things, I would want to promote his return to sell the show.� But that's just me.� I don't think anyone is buying the show to see Kane vs Rey Mysterio.� The Undertaker is the draw there.� And even if they announce on Friday's Smackdown that Taker is returning, only about half as many people watch Smackdown compared to Raw, so half of the WWE Universe won't even know Taker is coming back.� Maybe The Undertaker isn't coming back Sunday, in which case, at least fans have the thought in their mind that Taker may show up Sunday which I guess could help buys.� But if The Undertaker returns with no hype, that is unforgivable on WWE's part.

After quitting Team Cena/WWE last week, Edge and Chris Jericho put their differences aside to join forces against Cena.� The anonymous GM then made the match for tonight of Edge and Jericho vs Cena and Bret Hart with The Nexus as lumberjacks.� My guess of how this plays out is pretty simple.� The Nexus interfere which forces Edge and Jericho to unite with Cena as one on Team WWE, thus giving us back the previously announce 7 on 7 match.� If that doesn't happen, I guess they could put The Hart Dynasty on Team WWE, but again, on one is paying to see that.� I speculated in last week's thread that Bret Hart will likely turn on Team WWE, but I'll wait to see what happens on TV this week before making my final predictions on the weekend.

Randy Orton challenges Sheamus for the WWE Title on Sunday.� Last week Orton defeated The Miz in a very good main event.� Sheamus looked on during the match.� Going along with Orton vs Sheamus is the ongoing threat of The Miz cashing in his Money in the Bank opportunity.� With Summerslam taking place in Los Angeles, many think it is the perfect place for The Miz to cash in his shot.� However, I would much rather prefer if they drew this out much longer with The Miz holding onto his opportunity until much later in the year or even into 2011.

Melina returned last week.� Cole declared her an all-time great.� Yeah.� So it looks like we'll have Alicia Fox vs Melina at Summerslam.

Today also marks the 10 year anniversary of the epic Chris Jericho Y2J debut on Raw with the unforgettable promo with The Rock.


Last night was TNA's HardCORE Justice aka ECW Reunion 2010.� It was an awful wrestling show.� There's no getting around that.� And a lot of the other parts of the show sucked, too.� The announcing.� The lighting.� The Impact Zone.� Pretty much everything about the show was awful.� But in some small, sick way, I did find some enjoyment in the show.� Yes, it was depressing to see so many of these guys 10-15 years past their primes.� It was depressing to have the show in the Impact Zone.� It was depressing to have Mike Tenay announce the action.� It was depressing to have so many things barred because of copyright issues.� It made me a little sick seeing Dixie get brought into the ring.� But still, I kind of enjoyed it.� However, I hope this is the final time a show like this happens.� 90% of the guys last night have no business in a wrestling ring anymore.� And the style of wrestling that made many of them famous has no place in 2010.� So let's please finally let ECW rest in peace.� It's expiration date should have been One Night Stand in 2005.� The brand has had its grave pissed on way too many times now.� I don't need anymore Tommy Dreamer tearful promos.� I don't need a 300+ pound Sandman.� I don't need a balding corpse of Raven in the ring.� I don't need to see Sabu nearly kill himself.� It's time to just let it go.

Tonight is the go home Raw for Summerslam.� Considering how poorly WWE's PPV business has been, it is absolutely amazing to me that only three matches have been announced for Sunday's show.� You would think they would be doing everything they could to sell the show instead of making excuses that established stars are out of action.� I know the show is really focused around The Nexus angle, but these guys haven't proven that they can sell a PPV yet, so it seems like a pretty big gamble on WWE's part to put their eggs in the basket of a group of unproven rookies.� And on Smackdown, the main angle is revolving around Kane and The Undertaker.� We all assume The Undertaker will return at Summerslam, but the WWE certainly hasn't made it clear if he will.� The Undertaker is probably the most over wrestler in the WWE.� If I were running things, I would want to promote his return to sell the show.� But that's just me.� I don't think anyone is buying the show to see Kane vs Rey Mysterio.� The Undertaker is the draw there.� And even if they announce on Friday's Smackdown that Taker is returning, only about half as many people watch Smackdown compared to Raw, so half of the WWE Universe won't even know Taker is coming back.� Maybe The Undertaker isn't coming back Sunday, in which case, at least fans have the thought in their mind that Taker may show up Sunday which I guess could help buys.� But if The Undertaker returns with no hype, that is unforgivable on WWE's part.

After quitting Team Cena/WWE last week, Edge and Chris Jericho put their differences aside to join forces against Cena.� The anonymous GM then made the match for tonight of Edge and Jericho vs Cena and Bret Hart with The Nexus as lumberjacks.� My guess of how this plays out is pretty simple.� The Nexus interfere which forces Edge and Jericho to unite with Cena as one on Team WWE, thus giving us back the previously announce 7 on 7 match.� If that doesn't happen, I guess they could put The Hart Dynasty on Team WWE, but again, on one is paying to see that.� I speculated in last week's thread that Bret Hart will likely turn on Team WWE, but I'll wait to see what happens on TV this week before making my final predictions on the weekend.

Randy Orton challenges Sheamus for the WWE Title on Sunday.� Last week Orton defeated The Miz in a very good main event.� Sheamus looked on during the match.� Going along with Orton vs Sheamus is the ongoing threat of The Miz cashing in his Money in the Bank opportunity.� With Summerslam taking place in Los Angeles, many think it is the perfect place for The Miz to cash in his shot.� However, I would much rather prefer if they drew this out much longer with The Miz holding onto his opportunity until much later in the year or even into 2011.

Melina returned last week.� Cole declared her an all-time great.� Yeah.� So it looks like we'll have Alicia Fox vs Melina at Summerslam.

Today also marks the 10 year anniversary of the epic Chris Jericho Y2J debut on Raw with the unforgettable promo with The Rock.
10 years already?

The buildup to Jericho's initial WWE debut was one of the best, period.

Not really interested in Raw tonight nor Summerfest for that matter.
10 years already?

The buildup to Jericho's initial WWE debut was one of the best, period.

Not really interested in Raw tonight nor Summerfest for that matter.
I really hope RAW ends up good tonight. I have always wanted to catch a Summerslam. I finally got to watch a Royal Rumble and a Wrestlemania this year...
I really hope RAW ends up good tonight. I have always wanted to catch a Summerslam. I finally got to watch a Royal Rumble and a Wrestlemania this year...
Originally Posted by Mister916

I should've went to the show today


My boy's there right now with a Bryan Danielson shirt and a 'PG-Rated Fan' sign.
Originally Posted by Mister916

I should've went to the show today


My boy's there right now with a Bryan Danielson shirt and a 'PG-Rated Fan' sign.
Been reading the live spoilers for TNA's Thursday "PPV" style show. Sounds like crap beyond the MCMG/Beer Money match. They should've run a live show Thursday and brought out all the stops, but it's TNA...they're not that smart.
Been reading the live spoilers for TNA's Thursday "PPV" style show. Sounds like crap beyond the MCMG/Beer Money match. They should've run a live show Thursday and brought out all the stops, but it's TNA...they're not that smart.
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

However, I would much rather prefer if they drew this out much longer with The Miz holding onto his opportunity until much later in the year or even into 2011.
Agreed. Better he do it out of nowhere when it's not in the spotlight...I doubt Sheamus goes over Orton clean though.
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

The Undertaker is the draw there.� And even if they announce on Friday's Smackdown that Taker is returning, only about half as many people watch Smackdown compared to Raw, so half of the WWE Universe won't even know Taker is coming back.� Maybe The Undertaker isn't coming back Sunday, in which case, at least fans have the thought in their mind that Taker may show up Sunday which I guess could help buys.� But if The Undertaker returns with no hype, that is unforgivable on WWE's part.
WWE has promoted him in the Summerfest commercials and they can't really hype his return considering he's in a "coma".
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