WWE WrestleMania XXVI 3.28 7PM | Taker vs HBK, Hart vs McMahon, Batista vs Cena, Jericho vs Edge

Originally Posted by dland24

Its funny that people are complaining about this being the worst WM crowd ever. Because I go to Az pretty regularly to watch games....and I feel that Arizona sports fans are the worst fans in all of sports. Just funny to me that people are *****ing about Az wresting crowds too.
Didn't think of that. AZ Sports fans do have a bad rep for that...although I'm sure a bunch of people there are out of towners.

WWE got it right with the last match.
Good +%$#.
Originally Posted by gambit215

Streaks are more over than titles...............this is truly the end of an era

Not the first time a Wrestlemania Main Event hasn't been a World Title Match...
Cena gets the first "special" entrance of the night.  A drill team did a pretty cool display of gun twirling.  Although Cena had nothing to do with it.  Once they finished their set, then Cena ran out.  Seems like about a 50/50 crowd for Cena.
that was sad.... cena you aint a marine you #**... god the announcers built him up to lose so hes gonna win....
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