X-Men Origins: Wolverine - Movie is Out, What Did You Guys Think?

seems like it's been a busy week, here's an interview with Hugh Jackman from this month's issue of Total Film Mag

[h1]Wolverine: Jackman spills beans on alleged troubles, Gambit and Deadpool[/h1]
By David Bentley on Mar 11, 09 11:07 AM


HUGH JACKMAN, star of the upcoming prequel X-Men Origins: Wolverine, has spoken about the film in an extensive interview.

He addresses rumours of clashes between director Gavin Hood and the studio, talks about Gambit (played by Taylor Kitsch, see picture above), about creative liberties with Deadpool, and his thoughts on more Wolverine movies.

Asked about the reported production troubles, he said: "Let me make this clear. You say clashes between Gavin and the studio, but sometimes there were clashes between Gavin and I, sometimes between me and the studio. I'm not trying to spin this or cover up or anything.

"There is also, wrongly, a belief out there that tonally the studio wanted a different movie from Gavin or from me, but that is not the truth.

"They hired David Benioff. He's an A-list writer. Top writer. Character, character, character, and then the script that came to me was badass, gritty and dark in tone. It was grittier than any of the X-Men movies and fitting for the character.

"I spoke to David [Benioff]. We've always been on the same page with tone. There's never going to be 100 per cent agreement but with tone we've always been on the same page."

He said: "I've seen a cut of the film and it's really strong. I'm really happy with it. And I think whatever people think they should see it. The film is what we live and die for. The proof is in the pudding."

He went on: "I was very adamant this didn't feel like X-Men 4 in any way. People say spin-off, but I've always felt the character is strong enough to deserve a film.

"The movie's really big and we shot it partly in New Zealand, partly in Australia, as I wanted to have something decidedly different. Also we got a different director - Gavin Hood - who's an incredible dramatic storyteller with such enthusiasm."

"I had a really good go in X-Men 1, 2 and 3 - I mean Wolverine got a lot of screen time but I still felt there was a hell of a lot of mystery to him. I'd read so many of the comics' amazing sagas and I thought each one could make an amazing movie.

"There's so much inherent in that character that makes him the perfect antihero, that's the Dirty Harry, Mad Max or Indiana Jones classic screen archetype. As good a go as we'd had, I still didn't think we'd defined him

"The job of this movie is people need to understand everything about him. A central part of storytelling is knowing where people come from and who they are. Until you know you're always going to feel unsatisfied."

He said: "It's definitely the movie seen through his eyes and the battles that he goes through. I hope the movie does it justice.

"First, we have to exceed expectations, we have to reinvent, we have to do what Daniel Craig did with Bond. Secondly we have to be badass, badass, badass! It's got to be badass. Because by the function of the story of X-Men, his evolution was becoming softer."

He said Wolverine was set in the 'not-too-distant past' and in a time where mutants are not openly talked about, where they're more an urban myth. He didn't want to 'lock down' the dates too much because he wanted an 'element of timelessness'.

"I need to 100 per cent believe that at the end, he could walk out of shot and into that bar in X-Men."

He said sequels were possible: "Well, I've always been obsessed by the Japanese story of Wolverine. It gave me a lot of inspiration. I can see the comedy of him training with samurai, I can just see it working."

But he added: "The last thing I'm going to do is flog a dead horse. If it becomes clear that we're barking up a tree that everyone's seen too often, if we're doing something people have had enough of, I'm not the kind of person to doggedly hold on."

On Gambit: "He's a little more showy than Wolverine but there's a similarity. They're outsiders, they're wisecrackers, anti-authority. In this movie, Gambit plays the role a little bit like Wolverine did in the first. He's not on anybody's side. They have a dynamic where they love giving each other s**t."

On Deadpool: "I have to be very careful how I talk about Deadpool because it's something I'm really excited about. I just can't think right now how I can tell you about it without giving away some really cool ideas. Some of Benioff's best stuff in the draft was how smartly he brought that character in.

"The things I'm thinking about now, I don't want to tell you because fans will go "Aw, that's cool". Actually some fans might be p***ed off but that's okay, I think they'll understand. We took some creative licences with him."

Deadpool, a mercenary implanted with Wolverine's healing powers, is played by Ryan Reynolds.

Jackman added that he felt the Wolverine/Sabretooth relationship had a similar competitive edge to the relationship between tennis players Jon McEnroe and Bjorn Borg.

He says he had read the McEnroe book You Cannot Be Serious in which the player had sunk into a depression when Borg retired, because he had fed on the rivalry - and Jackman feels a similar dynamic applies to the animalistic feud between Wolverine and Sabretooth.

The film is released on April 29 in the UK and on May 1 elsewhere.

The full interview with Jackman is in the latest issue of Total Film's print magazine (issue 152, March 2009).
Nice interview there. You can tell he doesn't wanna give away the whole deadpool being weapon x1 and later losing the powers. I also think a sequel to thiswould be good, the Japanese story is intriguing in my opinion.
Originally Posted by LiveMyReality

Originally Posted by Ryda421

MAN %*+@ THIS $@%%+%$**%#$% MOVIE
Your cool.
yeah, you're washed up on this wack marvel hype. any true reader of marvel would be ashamed of how this universe has been portrayed on thesilver screen. but I take it that you did not extensively start reading MARVEL comics at the age of 8. that is why you are satisfied with this backhand slap @stan lee's creation. smh
Originally Posted by carlosnwa

any updates?
Ryan Reynolds talks about playing DEADPOOL in X-Men Origins: Wolverine
Posted by Frosty[table][tr][td]
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[font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Written by Steve 'Frosty' Weintraub[/font]


Just a few hours ago I was doing roundtable interviews with the cast of director Greg Mattola's "Adventureland" movie. In the coming days I'll be posting full transcripts, but I wanted to get some of Ryan Reynolds comments posted immediately.

That's because Ryan is playing Deadpool in 20[sup]th[/sup] Century Fox's upcoming "X-Men Origins: Wolverine" movie and I figured you'd like to read what he said right now. Also, since many have speculated that he'll be starring in a separate "Deadpool" movie, I figured let's not talk about rumors and post his exact thoughts instead.

If you're looking forward to "Wolverine", Ryan talks about filming some of the action sequences and reveals he shot an extended sword fight. Also, he confirms lots of other mutants will be featured in the film.

But the big info is he confirms he's had meetings about a separate "Deadpool" movie. Here's what he said, "I've had a couple of people approach me about meetings for a "Deadpool" movie but I think it's absurd to think that way until this movie comes out. And I don't even look at it like I play Deadpool in this movie. I really think I more or less play Wade Wilson, and I'm playing the creature that will eventually become Deadpool but in this movie it's his newly formed version….so to speak."

Look for more on "Adventureland" soon, but here's all his stuff on playing Deadpool.

Question: So you've got a pretty big summer movie coming out. Did you go after it or did they come after you?

Ryan Reynolds: Do you mean "Wolverine" or "The Proposal"?



Well that character is something I've been mentioned about for a long, long time now. The character in the comic book - Deadpool - even mentioned me playing him. So I think it was in some weird way it was a little bit destined. I love that character. I love that franchise. I love that whole vibe and I was happy to jump in there and do it.

Were you forced to read comic books?

I've read them before. I read the Deadpool series back in the '90's. But I'm not a huge comic-book reader, per se. I'll check out Archie when I'm in the grocery line but that's about it.

You obviously have scenes with Hugh, could you talk a bit about working with him or the fight scenes or the big action stuff.

Yeah they're intense. Movies like this have a lot of big personalities in one room and you think that's going to be combustible but it was just the opposite. I looked at it like an ensemble really, there was a huge amount of people with heavy storylines that they're trying to pack into this one movie so it was a shockingly chummy set. Everybody was into what they were doing and because of that it was a bonding experience to a certain degree. But the action sequences are amazing. I'd never done anything in that scope before. I'd done action movies but not like this. It was pretty wild.

I know there has been some talk about taking Deadpool off on his own. Any update?

No. These things work pretty slowly. I've had a couple of people approach me about meetings for a "Deadpool" movie but I think it's absurd to think that way until this movie comes out. And I don't even look at it like I play Deadpool in this movie. I really think I more or less play Wade Wilson, and I'm playing the creature that will eventually become Deadpool but in this movie it's his newly formed version….so to speak.

I wanted to know about the action scenes. When you're doing a movie like Wolverine, do they take days and days to film? I'm just curious what goes on to prepare you to do that kind of stuff.

Well I have a sword sequence in the movie that is no less than a minute long in the film but that takes months and months to prepare for. When you think about it like that it's vaguely depressing, but when you actually do it, it's worth it. When you see on the screen that it's me and not a stunt person and I'm doing it…those take a long time but, yeah, they're slow. We had action sequences that took weeks. We had one fight sequence that took weeks to shoot.

Obviously the movie is called Wolverine but how much are you in it?

Initially it started out as a cameo and they added a little bit more. For the most part it's definitely Hugh's movie but it also has an ensemble feel. There are a lot of guys in it. There are a lot of characters. They added a bunch of mutants that the fanboys really love. I initially jumped in there because I had to shoot The Proposal and this other movie called Paper Man while they were shooting Wolverine so I was committed to those already when they approached me for the role, so I just said, "look, if you can make it work, make it work." So we ended up going to do additional photography at the end of Wolverine because I still hadn't shot the lion's share of what I was supposed to shoot. So a lot of people thought they were adding scenes because they added more Deadpool, but it was just a function of me finishing the movie that I hadn't completed yet.
^ Damn! I was JUST gunna post that

After watching that, I feel even better about the character's future
I swear, if deadpool has any one liners with stupid humor, I'm going to walk out of the theater.
Originally Posted by Ryda421

I swear, if deadpool has any one liners with stupid humor, I'm going to walk out of the theater.
U might as well not even go see it then homie cuz that's what DP does
Originally Posted by Ryda421

Originally Posted by LiveMyReality

Originally Posted by Ryda421

MAN %*+@ THIS $@%%+%$**%#$% MOVIE
Your cool.
yeah, you're washed up on this wack marvel hype. any true reader of marvel would be ashamed of how this universe has been portrayed on the silver screen. but I take it that you did not extensively start reading MARVEL comics at the age of 8. that is why you are satisfied with this backhand slap @ stan lee's creation. smh
Scary. So what if I never extensively read MARVEL in mychildhood. It's a comic book turned movie with a character that I enjoyed reading about. Calm down and go back to your Dungeons and Dragons.
Originally Posted by cleansneaksonly21

thought i'd share my new pick up............
7.99 3.75 inch figure @ target
had to get my boy Gambit






nice pick ups. I only decided to get comic DP, Gambit, Maverick, & yellow Wolverine. I skipped on that SB b/c I'm looking for the 2 pack with thisversion and I'll probably just give the Wolverine & bike to some random kid since I don't really want it

did you happen to see any?
Got the internet goin nuts.

its workprint version and its comedy, you can see strings and greenscreen and graphic renderings and +%!#.
Originally Posted by Dr Spaceman

Got the internet goin nuts.

its workprint version and its comedy, you can see strings and green screen and graphic renderings and +%!#.
word, but some dudes is desperate


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