Xbox or PS3...Free $10 Paypal to NT Member

I own both systems.

Controllers on Ps3 are cheap. They suck. The L1 L2 R1 R2 buttons get stuck very often. The controller overall sucks.. I'll hit some the analog stick sometimes when i dont want to. It sucks.

Xbox online you have to pay for it. ... There is a reason your paying for it. Im gonna leave it at that.

Ps3 has blu-ray. Yes. But dont buy it for the blu ray. Get a blu ray if u want one.

Xbox overall little things are just 1024246 times better than ps3.

Ps3 the way you to check your messages online it takes forever. X box it just takes a button.

Ps3 your friends dont have profiles. So say if u wanna add more friends that u might know you cant.

Ps3 nobody has profiles. So you cant see anything about that person your playing.

The graphics for ps3 are terrible compared to XBOX.

Xbox has more people online and the funny thing is..... ps3 is free and still cant get more people online than xbox.

Ps3 requires a bluetooth to talk to someone and you cant even hear the game when that person is talking on their bluetooth. All you hear is static throughout the game from your TV.

The system lags alot and is down all the damn time.

Overall XBOX By far...
dont have to pay to play online, online play is coo it's the people you play that suck, and the sports games are far superior
ive had problems with both systems so i cant speak on reliability
can't really go wrong with either one in my opinion, but i ultimately went with the xbox, because online play is gonna be better and ultimately that was gonna be the long term deciding factor for me. can't keep playing the cpu when friends aren't around to play with...
I own both consoles.. I personally prefer the Xbox 360 but blu-ray capabilities and some exclusives made the playstation 3 purchase viable once the slim version came out.

The essential criteria is which system do your key friends have? this will tilt the multi-player experience which arguably the most important aspect of these consoles one way or another.

Multi-player gaming is a paid service on Xbox 360 but I think it's so worth it. A small amount of effort and research on retailer advertisements means you'll never have to pay $50-60 for a 12 month Xbox Live Gold subscription. Generally speaking, there are more microphone users on Xbox 360 because the headset is included//is cheap. This is a gift and curse. The positive is, you'll be able to communicate with your team for comedic and strategic purposes. The negative is, it gives ignorant or childish individuals a voice. Fear not, there is a muting option if you want to go the high route.

Xbox Live Gold is paid but it's a superior service. Cross-game chat is more important than people give it credit. I can't tell you the amount of comedy that has happened when my friends are playing different games. This simple yet important feature isn't available on ps3 for whatever reason.

Better controller? Subjective. I prefer the 360 controller because it suits my hands far better. I feel strongly that is the best controller for first person shooters which is significant since Call of Duty, Halo and Battlefield are "top" games. There's something special about pulling triggers on a controller when using guns in game. The tighter joysticks offer more precision in my opinion. On the other hand, the playstation controller has been around for some time so that may feel better for you off the get go.

Better Graphics? It depends on the game. Some games look slightly better on the 360. Some games look slightly better on the ps3. A lot look the same with very minimal differences.

One underrated aspect between both consoles is how much better of an experience Call of Duty is on 360.. Black Ops for Playstation was a complete joke. It almost seemed as though the game was designed for Xbox and then ported.

Better exclusives? Again, this is subjective. Some people absolutely adore Halo. Some hate it with a passion. Some people loved God of War 3 but at the same time they haven't touched the game after one play through. I prefer the Xbox's Forza to Playstation's Gran Turismo although both are "good." Playstation's MLB the Show is one of the best Sports games out there.

I wouldn't pay any mind to reliability issues on both consoles at this point. Microsoft has addressed the reliability of the Xbox 360. Those who experience problems now are most likely rocking an old Xbox. Playstation's reliability rate has been greater but it's not impervious to failure (Yellow Light of Death, Drive issue, PSN failure)

A lot of NTer's migrated or at least purchased the Xbox 360 when the whole PSN network had gone down for a significant amount of time due to hacker threats. They can attest to the 360 and Xbox Live as an experience.The one major point the ps3 has is blu-ray capability. It's great to see movies in this format. I use it mainly for this and its console exclusives. Multi-platform games including Call of Duty or any EA sports games are purchased on the 360.
1.)still have 1st gen 60 gb ps3 and works 100% perfectly and bought myself the slim version. reliability is amazing on ps3s.

2.)sports game? ps3 graphics are bit better than 360 but if you play online, 360 would best fit for you even though it costs $$.

3.)like i said before i think 360 has better online gaming. ps3 servers sucks sometimes and 360 feels a lot smoother
Everytime you create a new Xbox Live account, they offer you a free 1-month gold. Just saying for those who don't want to spend bills on them
1) I own the newer XBOX and it has been pretty reliable to me. I've also heard that they're made to stay on longer and that there's no "red ring" anymore.

2) I've only played Madden on both PS3 and XBOX, but there wasn't a major difference to me.

3) I like XBOX has better online play when it comes to COD and NBA 2K11. It's more interactive with the other players and you'll have more fun.
Originally Posted by DajonDondo

I own both systems.

Controllers on Ps3 are cheap. They suck. The L1 L2 R1 R2 buttons get stuck very often. The controller overall sucks.. I'll hit some the analog stick sometimes when i dont want to. It sucks.

Xbox online you have to pay for it. ... There is a reason your paying for it. Im gonna leave it at that.

Ps3 has blu-ray. Yes. But dont buy it for the blu ray. Get a blu ray if u want one.

Xbox overall little things are just 1024246 times better than ps3.

Ps3 the way you to check your messages online it takes forever. X box it just takes a button.

Ps3 your friends dont have profiles. So say if u wanna add more friends that u might know you cant.

Ps3 nobody has profiles. So you cant see anything about that person your playing.

The graphics for ps3 are terrible compared to XBOX.

Xbox has more people online and the funny thing is..... ps3 is free and still cant get more people online than xbox.

Ps3 requires a bluetooth to talk to someone and you cant even hear the game when that person is talking on their bluetooth. All you hear is static throughout the game from your TV.

The system lags alot and is down all the damn time.

Overall XBOX By far...
I count at least 5 things in this post that are flat out wrong. 
Originally Posted by pr0phecy718

ok, I have both systems.

-As far as sports games are concerned, you're better off getting X-box. The graphics are smoother than the ps3
-When it comes to reliability, what are you referring to? I mean I like to use my PS3 for netflix, blu ray and sometimes I can browse online, watch youtube clips, go to NT, etc..
X-box on the other hand, it doesn't really let you browse online. Yeah you can go online but only to play games. You can watch netflix but remember, you also have to pay to go online.
-Better online play...This really depends on what games you're playing. I can see for some sports games, you're better off using X-Box. Other games, i honestly don't see much of a difference. I noticed on my ps3, there can be some lagging issues with sports games like NBA 2k11.
- Overall, PS3 is free to go online, xbox requires you to pay to play games online.

It sounds like you're better off getting the X Box slim if you're into sports games and playing online alot.

the red ring of death is fixed with the slim version now
this is everything i was going to say.

but buy used i copped a 250 elite black xbox w/ 3 games and 2 controllers for 150, and then 8 months later, same guy sold me an 80gb ps3 with 3 games and a controller for 150.

as far as the xbox goes, i only copped because the MANUFACTURE date on the box was april 2011 . i bought it in september 2011 . so it was at most 6 months old.
1.) I have both. xbox 60gb. I have never had any issues at all with it.
2.) online atmosphere is way better on xbox when it comes to sports games. the graphics have much smoother animation.
3.) XBOX Live U.I. is simple. never ever put your credit card info on xbox live though

but get both if you can afford it OP. xbox for videogames. PS3 for all your entertainment media needs. 
PS3 is more reliable. Make less heat than the 360 so more time gaming. the new slim is hard to get YLOD. the $ you spend on xbox live can be on the PS3 2 year warranty!
Sports Games are the same on both because its multiplatform. All comes down to your favourite controller to dunk a basketball or w.e
Online, PS3. It's free, why pay for the same thing on the 360? It's fine and does the job.
The advantage of the PS3 lies in its built in Blu Ray Drive. If you plan on playing anything other than sports games, their are exclusives associated with each platform but as years go by more and more AAA games are going multi-console. PS3 has free online, however I believe the consensus is that Xbox Live is a far superior service. Generally sports games have been made for the 360 and then prted to the PS3 so again generally they play better on Xbox. The latest version of the Xbox 360 has been mostly reliably. Personally I'd go with the Xbox, and thats what I recomend.
Originally Posted by empirestrikesfirst

Originally Posted by C o IVI p L e X

Online play is way better on the 360 and the new kinect ready 360's no longer red ring so you don't have to worry about that happening. i'm not too sure about which system has better sports game but personally i would go with the 360, my girlfriends ps3 actually just had the blu ray player go out (which prevents you from playing games or blu rays) so now its just one big bulky DVD player.
Maybe there is an even newer model, but I have an Elite unit that red ringed a few weeks back after having owned it 2 months. 
there is a newer model, the elite's were suppose to be 'less prone' to the red ring but they still had problems. they eliminated the red ring problem in the new kinect ready 360's.
Thank you all for your feedback... Congratulations to K Town Trash for winning the drawing.
Originally Posted by rawjs

Thank you all for your feedback... Congratulations to K Town Trash for winning the drawing.

So what are you going to get?

I had both systems from day 1 and I honestly say I use my xbox WAY more. The RRoD is from the heatsinks being too small so the CPU and GPU couldn't take the heat. I say both slims are reliable in terms of malfunctioning. Bluray isn't a big deal for me since I pretty much use Hulu and Netflix most of the time. If you can pay $250+ for a gaming system, you can pay $60 a year for the best online play imo. Overall I say xbox but it might be better to go with what most of your friends got.
Originally Posted by DajonDondo

I own both systems.

Controllers on Ps3 are cheap. They suck. The L1 L2 R1 R2 buttons get stuck very often. The controller overall sucks.. I'll hit some the analog stick sometimes when i dont want to. It sucks.

Xbox online you have to pay for it. ... There is a reason your paying for it. Im gonna leave it at that.

Ps3 has blu-ray. Yes. But dont buy it for the blu ray. Get a blu ray if u want one.

Xbox overall little things are just 1024246 times better than ps3.

Ps3 the way you to check your messages online it takes forever. X box it just takes a button.

Ps3 your friends dont have profiles. So say if u wanna add more friends that u might know you cant.

Ps3 nobody has profiles. So you cant see anything about that person your playing.

The graphics for ps3 are terrible compared to XBOX.

Xbox has more people online and the funny thing is..... ps3 is free and still cant get more people online than xbox.

Ps3 requires a bluetooth to talk to someone and you cant even hear the game when that person is talking on their bluetooth. All you hear is static throughout the game from your TV.

The system lags alot and is down all the damn time.

Overall XBOX By far...


jesus christ your opinion sucks so bad bro.

get a ps3...if you have a gf or wife, she will love it. Ive had females come over and saw the sexy, black box and went 

I cant check twitter, listen to music, and check messages at the same time on xbox
if you enjoy playing with 5 year olds who drop the N word every other word than get a 360.
Originally Posted by ed2trey

get the ps3. it's more reliable, more powerful, free online, better exclusives, blu ray, rechargable controllers

Microsoft is all Kinnect now. Your hardly going to be seeing them bringing out games like they used to.

PS3's the way to go nowadays
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