Yo NT, this Jersey girl got jabbed. How does that make you feel?

frostythepoptart wrote:
while we are getting hypothetical for whatever stupid reason....

imagine that was a dude who snatched another dudes drink. and the dude is 4 inches smaller yapping in another dudes face. hands in their face being disrespectful. i dont care what the first kid did wrong I'd more than expect someone to get molly whooped. You can't disrespect someone verbally inches from their face over and over and expect people to just sit there and take it quietly.

If it was two men, same thing. The smaller dude is the one whose drink was stolen, how is he being disrespectful? HIS drink which he paid for wasstolen, he was the one being disrespected. He has every right to get in the man's face and tell him off for it. Would you let someone get away withstealing the drink YOU paid for? If the guy who is the one who stole the drink goes ahead and throws a punch, then he is not only wrong for stealing the drink,but also wrong for resorting to abuse/violence. He is in the wrong for all of it. If anything, if the guy who stole the drink is being told off by the smallerdude, why the need to punch back him when he is in the wrong?Even if he is mad for being told off, you can talk. Why resort to throwing punches? He should, ifanything, just have his mouth shut and take being told off since he is in the wrong.

But, in this case, this was just cowardly in every way. The girl was doing nothing wrong except for telling him off for him stealing her drink which she paidfor. He deserves to get told off. But, the idiot just punches out a 4'9" woman. $#*#%%' coward and sorry excuse of a man.
Originally Posted by 35KD

That's what she gets for leaving the kitchen
You're corny
This dude was drunk to the point where no matter the gender in this situation, he was going to punch somebody. So happens he snuffed a woman....REAL bad. Yousee dudes flexin' w. beer balls all the time in clubs. It's the nature of the beast...however, the fact that he hit a woman takes it to a wholedifferent level. I hope someone got a good lick in on this guy after he hit that girl...
Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

frostythepoptart wrote:
while we are getting hypothetical for whatever stupid reason....

imagine that was a dude who snatched another dudes drink. and the dude is 4 inches smaller yapping in another dudes face. hands in their face being disrespectful. i dont care what the first kid did wrong I'd more than expect someone to get molly whooped. You can't disrespect someone verbally inches from their face over and over and expect people to just sit there and take it quietly.
If it was two men, same thing. The smaller dude is the one whose drink was stolen, how is he being disrespectful? HIS drink which he paid for was stolen, he was the one being disrespected. He has every right to get in the man's face and tell him off for it. Would you let someone get away with stealing the drink YOU paid for? If the guy who is the one who stole the drink goes ahead and throws a punch, then he is not only wrong for stealing the drink, but also wrong for resorting to abuse/violence. He is in the wrong for all of it. If anything, if the guy who stole the drink is being told off by the smaller dude, why the need to punch back him when he is in the wrong?Even if he is mad for being told off, you can talk. Why resort to throwing punches? He should, if anything, just have his mouth shut and take being told off since he is in the wrong.

But, in this case, this was just cowardly in every way. The girl was doing nothing wrong except for telling him off for him stealing her drink which she paid for. He deserves to get told off. But, the idiot just punches out a 4'9" woman. $#*#%%' coward and sorry excuse of a man.

Obviously. He couldnt of even said a full sentence.
He shouldn't have been hitting anyone. What was he trying to do? Get her to stop? Hitting her will 1. make her keep talking 2. get other people on herside. Was he trying to further prove how strong he is? Class act, really.
Originally Posted by SIRIUS LEE HANDSOME

Originally Posted by Lrrr

Originally Posted by SIRIUS LEE HANDSOME

Originally Posted by Lrrr

Personally, I think she was wrong for having her hands all in dudes face and talking down to him like that. But dude straight Pacquiao'D her
What's wrong with you?

She had her drink stolen by a drunk, belligerent idiot.

What do you expect anyone to do in that kind of situation - Keep your mouth shut and let a dude take your drink right from right out in front of you? Because that's what you're basically saying she should have done.
Only idiots argue with drunk idiots.
Ok, fair enough. What would you have done in that situation?
Take my $+#* back...there was nothing that needed to be said in that situation dude
Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

frostythepoptart wrote:
while we are getting hypothetical for whatever stupid reason....

imagine that was a dude who snatched another dudes drink. and the dude is 4 inches smaller yapping in another dudes face. hands in their face being disrespectful. i dont care what the first kid did wrong I'd more than expect someone to get molly whooped. You can't disrespect someone verbally inches from their face over and over and expect people to just sit there and take it quietly.
If it was two men, same thing. The smaller dude is the one whose drink was stolen, how is he being disrespectful? HIS drink which he paid for was stolen, he was the one being disrespected. He has every right to get in the man's face and tell him off for it. Would you let someone get away with stealing the drink YOU paid for? If the guy who is the one who stole the drink goes ahead and throws a punch, then he is not only wrong for stealing the drink, but also wrong for resorting to abuse/violence. He is in the wrong for all of it. If anything, if the guy who stole the drink is being told off by the smaller dude, why the need to punch back him when he is in the wrong?Even if he is mad for being told off, you can talk. Why resort to throwing punches? He should, if anything, just have his mouth shut and take being told off since he is in the wrong.

But, in this case, this was just cowardly in every way. The girl was doing nothing wrong except for telling him off for him stealing her drink which she paid for. He deserves to get told off. But, the idiot just punches out a 4'9" woman. $#*#%%' coward and sorry excuse of a man.


Can you begin to justify that please?

Your post is all over the place.

First you say she has the right to tell him off, then you go on to say that they should talk about it. Then right back to keeping his mouth shut and proceed tosit there being insulted.

Do you not understand that her telling him off is only going to esculate the problem. 2 WRONGS DON'T MAKE A RIGHT %%$@*%*
Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

Originally Posted by NiPxD

But then ...again...my sister or my my mom wouldnt be caught dead at a place like that...or putting their hands on other ppl's faces like that either.

I love it!
Just take the situation hypothetically, because if that was the case, you would not be laughing. Let alone in any situation like this. It could be at a house party where this can happen.

All she was doing was telling him off for stealing HER drink. So, since it is HIS fault, and she was telling him off all the while giving hand gestures, then she should be expecting a muscled man 10 x her height to hit her? Her hand did not even touch his face. She was just waving it around.

Even though thats not a reason for him to punch her I've had that done to me and it's REALLY annoying
Originally Posted by blazinRook

Originally Posted by Just bLAzed

Hazeleyed Honey wrote:
a muscled man 10 x her height
at broads always over exaggerating to appear more like victims
i'm pretty sure shorty was the victim here

i never said she wasnt the victim
Hazeleyed honey is just making it seem worse than it is

for example, it is like saying Shaq went and punched a toddler, when in reality it was Earl Boykins that did it
Originally Posted by Just bLAzed

Originally Posted by blazinRook

Originally Posted by Just bLAzed

Hazeleyed Honey wrote:
a muscled man 10 x her height
at broads always over exaggerating to appear more like victims
i'm pretty sure shorty was the victim here

i never said she wasnt the victim
Hazeleyed honey is just making it seem worse than it is

for example, it is like saying Shaq went and punched a toddler, when in reality it was Earl Boykins that did it


I dont know the full situation....and if all this was over a drink then its stupid....but if she kept on keeping on with the insults and being all in his face,she might have been asking for it....

reminds me of this...

its her job just as much as his to avoid fights....but in the modern day, women think they can say anything and do anything without facing the repercussionsfrom men. The days of being dainty and lady like are far gone.......should a man ever hit a woman?? why or why not?? should a man ever hit a man?? why orwhy not??

either way both the above lions video and the MTV "punch in the face" are just examples of low class people behaving poorly....
You gotta watch out for that...that's one of the side effects[nodding]...talking %%$$ in somebody's face may lead to fist to face interaction

A dispute is one thing...but once u start throwing insults...whatever happens next is your fault. That's a dude you're poppin off to - not a chick;consider all scenarios before running your mouth.
Taken from TMZ:

MTV will not air the scene in "Jersey Shore" in which a drunken idiot coldcocks a female cast-member and knocks her out.

MTV told E!'s Marc Malkin the network consulted with experts (we're guessing Chris Brown) and decided the footage should be 86'd from the show.
The scene, which shows New York gym teacher Dan Ferro clocking Nicole "Snooki" Polizzi, was used in the MTV promo and then made the rounds.
MTV told Malkin the scene "has been taken out of context not to show the severity of this act or resulting consequences."
As for resulting consequences, Ferro was arrested, pled guilty and placed on probation.
it's not that I champion women that deserve it getting punched, it's that I think stupid people doing stupid things deserve to get punched.
Yea he was dead wrong for snuffing, she should have called a guy friend over to talk to ol buddy

some of you chicks gotta realize its some equal oppurtunity snuffing going on out there, so if you feel like you gotta yap off and somebody that can possiblybeat your %** you better bring some back up
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