You just came up on a magic genie lamp. What are your 3 wishes?

- 3 billion dollars, not taxed, cleared with the IRS or whatever authorities in an account for me.

- 100% health until age 70.

- Absolute loyalty from friends and family.
- 3 billion dollars, not taxed, cleared with the IRS or whatever authorities in an account for me.

- 100% health until age 70.

- Absolute loyalty from friends and family.
1) Free high speed internet
2) Always have a fresh fade without going to the barber
3) Have a six pack without doing any sit-ups
1) Free high speed internet
2) Always have a fresh fade without going to the barber
3) Have a six pack without doing any sit-ups
-1 Bil.
-Good health for my family
-Wish for the genie to be free, word to Aladdin
1. Giant mansion
2. Ninjahood to live in that mansion
3. That mansion and ninjahood to be put in a galaxy with a people more accepting of his unusual taste in fashion.
1. Giant mansion
2. Ninjahood to live in that mansion
3. That mansion and ninjahood to be put in a galaxy with a people more accepting of his unusual taste in fashion.
Originally Posted by Menacin Methods

1) Free high speed internet
2) Always have a fresh fade without going to the barber
3) Have a six pack without doing any sit-ups
I know this is opinion based and all, but for real? 

You wouldn't just ask for like a billion? You could buy your own internet service provider and have a full time live-in barber. 
Telekinesis and a long healthy life........................and I'll rule the universe. And I'll wish eternal happiness for all of my loved ones as my last wish.
Originally Posted by Menacin Methods

1) Free high speed internet
2) Always have a fresh fade without going to the barber
3) Have a six pack without doing any sit-ups
I know this is opinion based and all, but for real? 

You wouldn't just ask for like a billion? You could buy your own internet service provider and have a full time live-in barber. 
Telekinesis and a long healthy life........................and I'll rule the universe. And I'll wish eternal happiness for all of my loved ones as my last wish.
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