Your go to snack?

Apr 1, 2009
Whenever I am feeling a bit sleepy at work trail mix always seems to wake me right up.
I need to go get a huge bag from Sams Club and leave it at my desk because 60 cents adds up pretty fast.

What's your go to snack to give you a burst of energy?
Whenever I am feeling a bit sleepy at work trail mix always seems to wake me right up.
I need to go get a huge bag from Sams Club and leave it at my desk because 60 cents adds up pretty fast.

What's your go to snack to give you a burst of energy?
cheddar chex mix that !@#$ is bomb
downed wit some gatorade
I'm gonna have to try that cheddar chex mix. I've only had the OG kind
I don't like those bread slice looking things though
I'm gonna have to try that cheddar chex mix. I've only had the OG kind
I don't like those bread slice looking things though
im so hungry now i dont know what to boycotting my cafeteria at work because they found a rodent in there
and its too cold to go anywhere
im so hungry now i dont know what to boycotting my cafeteria at work because they found a rodent in there
and its too cold to go anywhere
Originally Posted by SoleWoman

im so hungry now i dont know what to boycotting my cafeteria at work because they found a rodent in there
and its too cold to go anywhere

   working through lunch so I can leave a hour earlier

last day out here until summer semeseter starts, and looks like I might have a 4 day weekend due to snow and ice. I'm feeling good right about now
Originally Posted by SoleWoman

im so hungry now i dont know what to boycotting my cafeteria at work because they found a rodent in there
and its too cold to go anywhere

   working through lunch so I can leave a hour earlier

last day out here until summer semeseter starts, and looks like I might have a 4 day weekend due to snow and ice. I'm feeling good right about now
Originally Posted by SoleWoman

im so hungry now i dont know what to boycotting my cafeteria at work because they found a rodent in there
and its too cold to go anywhere

How bout Obama is a block away from my job giving a speech right now and all the roads are blocked off....

I'm starving...
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