Recent content by bcollins415

  1. bcollins415

    Whats a good Facebook Status Update?

    they call me Cassius, right, no relation to Clay, because my cash is right, making money all day
  2. bcollins415

    D Wayde can learn something from Candice Parker.

    Mods are wack nothing in here was any different from 80% of the %%$% posted in s&t. Ska stop being salty
  3. bcollins415

    BAY AREA- Post the new BAY SLAPS

    This cd came out last august, but I haven't seen him in here(i haven't read every page) but this cd is seriously :hat Izakane - The Beginning :hat :hat :hat
  4. bcollins415


    But on a serious note, I really hope that evryone involved gets their money and then some, what ISS have done is completely unacceptable, i strongly agree with everyone that has said to take legal action, it may be the only way to get your money.
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