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  1. clasik08


    I'm gonna get banned huh?!?....Awwww shoot.
  2. clasik08


  3. clasik08

    WWE Meaningless Throwaway Gimmick PPV - Tonight

    The thing is though..WWE is targeted towards kids and teenagers...that's why we want the "golden" days back.When these teenagers grow up they aregonna be saying the same thing we are saying.."wrestling isn't what it use to be".Don't get me wrong there are some stuff that is for adultstoo but I...
  4. clasik08

    Anyone ever caught their parents...

    My uncle thought I was still in vacation and ended up using MY room.Opened the door wondering why there was noise and saw them messin up my bed.Can't eventalk to him anymore....just hi and bye...haha.
  5. clasik08

    Extremely Rare Mental Power

  6. clasik08

    Exclusive Look at Bape Fall 2011 Catalog Item

    People still but bape stuff??...looks pretty cool.
  7. clasik08

    How can you get your eyeballs to be white again?!?

    Noooooo not that yellow maybe my 5's but not my eyes.My eyes are more off white than yellow when I look close it don't look yellow but far away itseems like it.Is there any other solution besides those drops that feel like mints on your eyes and sea glow!?! lol
  8. clasik08

    How can you get your eyeballs to be white again?!?

    I'm more of a heavy drinker ...I stopped smoking ,2 months free now ,I stopped taking shots .. I mean I'll drink like 2 or 3 beers a month now....uhhhno I don't have sickel cell..and as far as taking a pic of my eyes PAUSE ..I'll try I don't think my cam has good zoom or micro but I'll try.Iran...
  9. clasik08

    How can you get your eyeballs to be white again?!?

    I know that drinking was the one that probably that made it that way and probably smoking too.There was a time when I was almost drinking everyday ...likeshots and shots of Jameson and like 5 Irish Car bombs almost'm gonna try those drops..maybe..but is there any...
  10. clasik08

    What is the longest you've gone without getting a haircut? Vol. Not Growing a Fro

    2-3weeks I always say I'm gonna grow it but always end up chopping it.
  11. clasik08

    How can you get your eyeballs to be white again?!?

    I've searched Google and I've tried many remedies but none seems to be working.Does anybody know how to get your eyeballs to be whiteagain?!?!...Everytime I see a person with the cleanest,brightest,and such white eyeballs I get jealous haha...anybody got some sure fire ways?!?...I shouldhave...
  12. clasik08

    Do you have african background(that includes african americans) and if so what country you from

    I live with Africans but I'm full Filipino ....The Africans that I live with are one of the most down to earth and nicest people on the planet.I swear theymake fun of me though but other than that..I probably don't belong on this
  13. clasik08

    good quote for someone whos lost in life

    If you fall like Beyonce,Just get up and keep dancing.
  14. clasik08

    who is best rapper right now?

    Joe Budden.
  15. clasik08

    Joe Budden-Escapse Route Digital Download July 28th

    I hope they re master this album because I can't hear Joe sometimes lol!! But excellent album as usual by Jump Off.
  16. clasik08

    Royce confronting Reakwons camp!

    I'm sorry I don't have the video but supposedly the vid is up and I can't find it anywhere...did anybody see this???!...I read on JoeBuddentv.comthat Royce started talk hard and getting people shook but I wanna see this vid....for the people that don't know Royce went up to Rea to talk and...
  17. clasik08

    Joe Budden got Tahiry'd.

    Joe posted a pic on Twitter "brand new,I ain't got a scratch on me"
  18. clasik08

    THE OFFICIAL SLAUGHTERHOUSE THREAD **Show Support and Purchase Royce's "STREET HOP"**

    If you guys are itching to hear some snippets of the album,they have all the snippets at also have snippets of the skits lol. Here is the Tracklist. 1. Sound Off 2. Lyrical Murderers (feat. K. Young) 3. Microphone 4. Not Tonight 5. The One (feat. The New Royales) 6. In The Mind...
  19. clasik08

    Joe Budden-Escapse Route Digital Download July 28th

    From what I heard it's going to be Through Amalgam Digital and iTunes.Hopefully there will be some hardcopies later.Joe sent some hardcopies of HalfwayHouse when you pre order Padded room...I heard only a couple of people got the hard copy so maybe it was random.
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