☆☆☆☆ Official G.o.D Jewels Thread *XXL Freshman Campaign. #ReasonableMatic 9-21-2011* ☆☆

Originally Posted by notoriusWES

Originally Posted by RIPyzyz

So who on Jesus Piece...Ms. Becky or Daisy??

wrong, they actually both are on jesus piece. becky is on the hook and through out the song and daisy is the phone call at the end
i would also like to say that it brings a smile to my face to see the love that my young liege g.o.d is getting off this tape. i still remember way back when i gave dude how to rap, now look (so much for "this the last time you hear me on one of these" lol)
Originally Posted by ebeatz

Originally Posted by notoriusWES

Originally Posted by RIPyzyz

So who on Jesus Piece...Ms. Becky or Daisy??

wrong, they actually both are on jesus piece. becky is on the hook and through out the song and daisy is the phone call at the end
I just thought he meant the art work lol lookd like daisy
@ becky bein on the tape
Originally Posted by gambit576

i recant my last statement, i didn't know i was responding to a 15 y/o jewish kid. a fellow nt just put me up on game.  i thought it was a actual hater. it's all good now
15 and jewish, thats a new one ... but on the real though, who would put a whole foods in the hood when most of their food costs double what normal supermarkets cost? it's called business, not whatever the $$%@ this dude was talkin about ... tryin to lump blacks with hispanics when most hispanics hate blacks more than whites do #realtalk ... then when he starts talking about color when it comes to iraq and so on ... smh
i only listened to R.A.C.E. and part of another song with a twilight reference and it sucked except for the production ... ya'll crucify other artists for singin on their @#*% but everybody in here d-ridin sayin "yo the singin was aiight, but it's cool cuz you ripped that @#*%"
... call a spade a spade and stop perpetuating ignorance ...
Originally Posted by moneyisthemotive

gambit576 wrote:
i recant my last statement, i didn't know i was responding to a 15 y/o jewish kid. a fellow nt just put me up on game.  i thought it was a actual hater. it's all good now
15 and jewish, thats a new one ... but on the real though, who would put a whole foods in the hood when most of their food costs double what normal supermarkets cost? it's called business, not whatever the $$%@ this dude was talkin about ... tryin to lump blacks with hispanics when most hispanics hate blacks more than whites do #realtalk ... then when he starts talking about color when it comes to iraq and so on ... smh
i only listened to R.A.C.E. and part of another song with a twilight reference and it sucked except for the production ... ya'll crucify other artists for singin on their @#*% but everybody in here d-ridin sayin "yo the singin was aiight, but it's cool cuz you ripped that @#*%"
... call a spade a spade and stop perpetuating ignorance ...

Alright so let me get this straight...

1) Because of the economical situation african american's and hispanic nieghborhoods are often in they don't deserve to be given the opportunity to eat food of a better quality void of toxins?
2) Because of the race relations between some members of African American's and Hispanics (I won't generalize like you just did saying most Hispanics because I know quite a few and have only had issues with a handful) this somehow means that they don't suffer the same plight or aren't cast in the same light or highly discriminated against in the same vein?
3) Reread # 2 however substitute Iranians, Afghans, and individuals from Kuwait.
4) You can't understand that what he was talking about was actually real to him/can't get past him singing at the end of this song to appreciate the message, you're that trivial???

You're Dumber Than You Look, You're Ignorance Is Understated.
1) when did i say anyone didnt deserve anything? i wish everyone on earth had everything they ever wanted, ate whatever they wanted and drove lambos, but thats just not feasible is it? unless of course you believe that a utopian society is actually attainable, then i dont know what to tell you ...

2) there are white/asian/black/brown/blue that suffer some of the same "plight" ... actin like people who own whole food stores deliberately dont put them in black and hispanic neighborhoods because they are just discriminating ... %$+$ is dumb as hell to even suggest ... i'm a middle class white 24 year old and i can't shop at a whole foods store because i dont have the money to spend $8 for a dozen of eggs ... i've never even walked in a whole foods store ... am i complaining?

3) what this dude did was basically say white people hate people from those aforementioned countries because they are brown and lump them together with anyone who isn't white ... really? really? cuz in the real world, people hate those who look like "terrorists" because they look like "terrorists" ... although i cant help but notice the "similarities" between certain groups of people and terror, if you wanna blame anyone blame the media ... and by the way, 99% of historical scholars say jesus wasnt "white" and 98% of that 99% is white ...

4) i only brought up the singing because people are in here raving about the song like it's great ... when any other rapper who sang like that would get crucified ... aint like dude is hittin notes or nothin, he cant sing ... and people are just overlooking it because they either are on his cd or for some reason want to be on his next cd ... i'm just pointing out that people seem two-faced ... as someone who could care less about how good of an e-buddy i am with anyone, im trying to understand why his singing and 1.5 verses on a song is overlooked ... ?

"insert line from greatness opens doors"
I mean, it really aiint that serious, the song is good in itself singing or not, and I'm not bein
biased just cause I did the beat for it. The Whole Foods thing is based more on location rather
than discrimination really. What I mean is that here in NYC Whole Foods are located in busy areas
of Manhattan (I always see different races), prices are expensive on items like meats, seafood, veggies etc so you really
won't see a spot like that in more urban areas just cause a lot of people rather spend 1.99
on milk at Trade Fair or Path Mark, and not 3.99 for a quart of organic milk.
To me its just whatever but I understand where Jewels is coming from, he has that
"at least give us an option" approach ....but to be honest most people in the hood are ignorant
to stuff like that and just eat crap cause its cheaper, especially the way the economy is
nowadays. For someone like myself who works in the city and lives all the way out in Queens,
I take the trip 2x a month out there just cause the options out here suck....at most we get local
farmers market during the summer. It would be nice to have easier access but it is what it is,
and if a Hispanic like myself (or any other minority) wants the product bad enough they would do their research.
Jesus we got essays going in here. I'm going to have to go back and read the last 10 pages or so and see what I've missed when I get time.

I will say that I am white and R.A.C.E. is my least favorite track on the tape. Is that racist?
Originally Posted by moneyisthemotive

1) when did i say anyone didnt deserve anything? i wish everyone on earth had everything they ever wanted, ate whatever they wanted and drove lambos, but thats just not feasible is it? unless of course you believe that a utopian society is actually attainable, then i dont know what to tell you ...

2) there are white/asian/black/brown/blue that suffer some of the same "plight" ... actin like people who own whole food stores deliberately dont put them in black and hispanic neighborhoods because they are just discriminating ... %$+$ is dumb as hell to even suggest ... i'm a middle class white 24 year old and i can't shop at a whole foods store because i dont have the money to spend $8 for a dozen of eggs ... i've never even walked in a whole foods store ... am i complaining?

3) what this dude did was basically say white people hate people from those aforementioned countries because they are brown and lump them together with anyone who isn't white ... really? really? cuz in the real world, people hate those who look like "terrorists" because they look like "terrorists" ... although i cant help but notice the "similarities" between certain groups of people and terror, if you wanna blame anyone blame the media ... and by the way, 99% of historical scholars say jesus wasnt "white" and 98% of that 99% is white ...

4) i only brought up the singing because people are in here raving about the song like it's great ... when any other rapper who sang like that would get crucified ... aint like dude is hittin notes or nothin, he cant sing ... and people are just overlooking it because they either are on his cd or for some reason want to be on his next cd ... i'm just pointing out that people seem two-faced ... as someone who could care less about how good of an e-buddy i am with anyone, im trying to understand why his singing and 1.5 verses on a song is overlooked ... ?

"insert line from greatness opens doors"

I won't address the 1st on because thats just you being facetious.

2) First and foremost I can't speak for whites/asians because I haven't spent sufficeint time in their nieghborhood to determine its disparities so I don't know that you suffer that "plight". You stated that you can't shop there because you don't have the money to, would I be wrong to go out on a limb and say you have access to one if you do choose to venture into it?  However their are individuals who live in these nieghborhoods who can afford to shop there but they don't have that option unless they travel to find one, and I know plenty of them who do. Hell there are nieghborhoods that don't even have a grocery store within a 15 mile radius, they're called Food Deserts you should look them up  Before anyone take the well if they had the money why would they stay in these nieghborhoods, some people want to empower the community that made them, where their roots are.  The bottomline is this:  Limiting options for a group of people doesn't help anyone.

3) First and Foremost WHAT DOES A TERRORIST LOOK LIKE???? Please provide me with a physical discription. That in itself is ignorant bro. Hitler, Son of Sam, Unibomber, Tim McViegh, John Allen Muhammad were they not terrorist as well??? Furthermore there are large groups of people/whole countries who consider us terrorist for invading countries and attempting to force our way of living and values on them, yet you're siting here saying you can't help but notice certain similarites between certain groups of people and terror??? GTFOHWTBSG PLEASE!!! And as far as "whites" lumping or categorizing people because they're nonwhite during a state of panic its not the first time they've done it  Here Learn Something. SERIOUSLY

4) People in this thread have stated that they weren't feeling him singing but thats his preference, you're were trying to imply that people were acknowledging him as Marvin Gaye. Noone really nitpicked about him singing because he was speaking on social issues that need to be addressed the same thing you call complaining, so in the grand scheme of things him singing is a moot point.
Jewels, I'm getting ready for graduation, got half of the South Side of Chicago coming through.  But I'm going to get at you soon.

But I had to say it's interesting to see this kind of emotion invoked from an "unknown" artist.  And when I say emotion, I'm not talking about the appreciation and praise.  I'm talking about the hate and scrutiny.  My initial reaction was, if I saw this cat I'd smack the "whatever color he is" off his face, but then I stopped and thought, that's actually pretty major that people care enough to express how much they dislike your product.  It could be that they are just upset at their situation, but regardless it's a good look, and I'm sure you're prepared to see this type of reaction increased exponentially. 

And all I'll say is that everybody always screaming about music lacking substance, and when a dude is actually saying something you should appreciate it. 


The Cusp is my joint right now.  You know my story and how hard I've reached for greatness, and now that graduation is Saturday, the song is just so appropriate.  And I'm thinking about fornicating with my shorty to Jesus Piece but I think it will be type weird, plus I'll keep on laughing at hearing this goofy dude in the background. 
So......I've listened to the tape 3 straight through.. Only tracks I don't care for are Aqua Flow and Perfect Man...

Good !%# Jewels.. Can def see the progress you've made.

Open the Door
All Things Go
Keeps You Running
Made it look good
Close the Door. 

Most played tracks..
"But I had to say it's interesting to see this kind of emotion invoked from an "unknown" artist. And when I say emotion, I'm not talking about the appreciation and praise. I'm talking about the hate and scrutiny. My initial reaction was, if I saw this cat I'd smack the "whatever color he is" off his face, but then I stopped and thought, that's actually pretty major that people care enough to express how much they dislike your product. It could be that they are just upset at their situation, but regardless it's a good look, and I'm sure you're prepared to see this type of reaction increased exponentially."

Yea, It's crazy, But was bound to happen as more people got hold of the music. The game has changed with this release.

Anyway, Congrats once again on graduating bro.

As far as the line in R.A.C.E. pertaining to food/nutrition, This is my take: It's more of a socio-economic/money issue than anything, But race still plays a factor.

I've just always had a difficult time accepting that processed food with additives, preservatives, coloring, and injected with growth hormones is cheaper and more easily accessible than food in it's purest form. Shouldn't it be the other way around? Or at least priced competitively? You're telling me you have to be well-off in order eat healthier? I have to travel to the "nice" side of town to buy a package of chicken breast that isn't laden in chemicals? "We are given garbage and very little options".

My thing is, How can people do better if they have limited options available to them? Give people the option...Give them a choice. Only then can you truly blame them...Because the reality is, Most will never leave the Southside of Chicago, Or their borough in NYC etc, So they will gravitate towards what they've known all their life.

Lack of adequate nutrition, and a lack of adequate education is a lack of respect for those disenfranchised people. Whether it be Blacks, Hispanics, Or even poor whites. They all deserve respect regardless of color or class, Hence the title.
im not gettin into a back and forth passed this cuz i dont care enough to do it, but here you go ...

1) typical response ...

2) i dont know where a whole food store would be around me, never thought about going to one ... i can walk to safeway so why would i drive somewhere else? and word to next friday "i was goooooone" ... be real ...

3) in our country, right now and for the past 10 or so years, a terrorist looks a certain way ... when dude from NYC got picked up, was anyone surprised? "Faisal Shahzad, a Pakistani-born U.S. citizen, is under arrest for the failed bombing." and the Taliban has taken responsibility for his training and he has admitted that ... same with the christmas day bomber, except he looked black ... cant get mad if people are "scared" of someone who is from a country deep rooted in islam if the reoccurring theme this past decade has been such ... yet whites are the only group who "lump" people together?

4) all i was saying was this song sucked and asking why people were gassing it ... and why does dude get to sing and people overlook it, especially when theres only 2 verses and only half of one makes sense ... i understand it's NT, but i would expect a little better ...

and i bet i'd kick more "knowledge" on that beat than dude did and i dont even rap ... and to i am, dont flatter dude ... only reason im nitpickin this one song is because people in here were gasping like it was this groundbreaking masterpiece ... the joint sucked, period ... if any run of the mill rapper put that out people would laugh at him ... all im doing is pointing out the obvious, whereas others try their hardest to "get on" with anything dude does ... i enjoy the back and forth more than the song ...
Originally Posted by G o D Jewels

As far as the line in R.A.C.E. pertaining to food/nutrition, This is my take: It's more of a socio-economic/money issue than anything, But race still plays a factor.

I've just always had a difficult time accepting that processed food with additives, preservatives, coloring, and injected with growth hormones is cheaper and more easily accessible than food in it's purest form. Shouldn't it be the other way around? Or at least priced competitively? You're telling me you have to be well-off in order eat healthier? I have to travel to the "nice" side of town to buy a package of chicken breast that isn't laden in chemicals? "We are given garbage and very little options".

My thing is, How can people do better if they have limited options available to them? Give people the option...Give them a choice. Only then can you truly blame them...Because the reality is, Most will never leave the Southside of Chicago, Or their borough in NYC etc, So they will gravitate towards what they've known all their life.

Lack of adequate nutrition, and a lack of adequate education is a lack of respect for those disenfranchised people. Whether it be Blacks, Hispanics, Or even poor whites. They all deserve respect regardless of color or class, Hence the title.
this is the problem i have, what about this are you dudes not understanding ... it is cheaper/easier to make food with additives and preservatives and hormones and whatever than it is to make organic food ... that's why the prices are higher ... it is BUSINESS ... has nothing to do with the color of your skin, the determining factor is and always will be MONEY ... i did a quick google search and there are two whole foods stores in baltimore ... poor city right? high crime right? 8 minute drive from the inner city ... BE REAL ...

you went on to talk about education in the song that's one thing, but needless to say your "focus" didnt reflect your title ... to suggest otherwise in that last statement is COMICAL ... like you were an equal opportunity hater in the song
you wanna turn some heads and kick some real *%++, instead of saying blue states this and red states that, why not call Obama out straight up? hes part of the blue state fakeness you speak so eloquently about ... o but wait, you're from chicago ...

edit... dont forget me if you make it big though, giving you some real feedback instead of the blind co-signing
Originally Posted by moneyisthemotive

you went on to talk about education in the song that's one thing, but needless to say your "focus" didnt reflect your title ... to suggest otherwise in that last statement is COMICAL ... like you were an equal opportunity hater in the song
you wanna turn some heads and kick some real *%++, instead of saying blue states this and red states that, why not call Obama out straight up? hes part of the blue state fakeness you speak so eloquently about ... o but wait, you're from chicago ...

edit... dont forget me if you make it big though, giving you some real feedback instead of the blind co-signing

Yea You're Definitely Under The Act.

Yea, It's deeper than the music/content. I see through limo tint. Dudes have personal problems/issues that I can't remedy...Good luck with all that.

But like I said, Anybody can message me.
Good tape Jewels. The progression is undeniable. Keep doing what you do and good things are bound to come.

SMH at dudes writing essays in here. Is it THAT deep? If you don't like the music, state your business and keep it moving. Never understood discussing something you're NOT feeling to the extent that dude is. Just comes off as doing a little bit too much, but that's just me I guess.
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