⚽️THE FOOTY THREAD: Leicester v City, Lyon v Brest, Troyes v PSG, Sandhausen v Leipzig, Wiesbaden v BVB

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Maybe if Arsenal give the ball away enough, Villarreal will drop their guard and that's when the Gunners will strike...smart
Run around looking incompetent for 88 minutes and then bring on Willian to drop a DIME to the head of Pepe in the 90th. They'll never see it coming.

What a clinical finish, keeper couldn't do a damn thing about it the way he blasted it
That 2 minute El Chiringuito Hazard clip has been spreading like wildfire in Belgium
I still can't get over the ominous background music, that is pure comedy
Hazard issues an apology
Dave made that save and I don't even think he realized it until he turned around to check the net :rofl:
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