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Welcome to tonights coverage of the premier league between Norwich City and West London Blues.
that PES no branding treatment for Chelsea:lol:

currently 0-2 up against relegation prospects Norwich. Some fire in their hearts the West London Blues have tho.

I mean, what's said has been said in here and I do agree with all of it. on a logistical standpoint, not just the board, but the British government CAN'T just let an organisation as large as Chelsea just FALL fall into what could be administration so rapidly. and yes there are other clubs dying like Derby but not due to sanctions. when will the morality game end for basic survival to start?

This is really annoying, there should be at least 10 other owners sanctioned also
this needs to be yelled
they couldnt give it a week

:lol: of course not. Gotta just enjoy both them, world class. But Benz is more complete tho

Oh gosh, the Ricketts family (Cubs owner) too?!

Farewell The Iron Lady :frown:

Marina would be a massive loss to the club. Her potential replacement would have some big *** shows to fill

I was gonna post something about this the other day but it mentioned that he was wiretapped and they heard that he wanted to kill his cousin. But I didn’t want to post it because it didn’t mention to why there a wiretap. But it all makes sense now
The Chelsea situation just boggles the mind. Once upon a time, under Western jurisprudence generally, personal assets could not be seized by a government without some sort of factual findings in a legal proceeding., let alone without thorough application of due process.

I've voiced sentiments on this phenomenon before in here, and lest I be construed as being "Pro-Russia" I'll disclaim I have no interest or love for Russia, Putin, or its people, and am 100% opposed to this god-forsaken war. That established, international conflict between sovereign nation states--and the press and popular fervor resulting therefrom--cannot be the sole basis for seizing personal assets of individuals from countries involved in a hot war, regardless of those individual's presumed connection to national leaders. It's as violative of basic, universally recognized rights of life, liberty, and property as was jailing ethnic Japanese in the USA during WWII. Nations should not be permitted to violate these personal rights on hunches, suspicion, or mere association. The UK Gov't is acting in an absolutely ridiculous manner, speaking out of one side of their a*s that its football clubs are public goods while out the other side sanctioning a Russian citizen's assets which happen to include one of the largest football clubs in the country.

Try the man civilly, or ciminally, for all I care. Get a verdict. Then do whatever to the man's fortune and the club. But I can never, and will never, support this sweeping frenzy that Russian Ethnicity = Bad Man that seems to be being pushed at every possible opportunity. It's a farce. It's the worst, invasive aspects of the Patriot Act being played by another government, yet again.
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