A few things after watching this episode....
Olajuwon is abusive to Katina. There are no two ways about it. The way he's been talking to her is crazy. He sends her shopping....alone...for two people. Then complains when she goes to bed because she's tired and he has to clean alone. What type of BS is that? He keeps harping on his woman should cook for him etc, but mofo, how the hell were you eating before you got married? Then again tries to flip it on her talking about having life skills and babying her, yet he can't make his own meals as a grown man if he ultimately wants home-cooked food all the time. Katina needs to speak out for herself, but since she let him know that she's had a verbally abusive boyfriend before, she might be attracted to that type of personality and doesn't realize it. Olajuwon had an opportunity to find out about that, but nope, he basically bypassed that and didn't want to explore that as a bonding point. It is still a major concern that he doesn't typically date Black women and he now has a Black wife. I feel that because of that, whatever Katina does will never be "good enough" for his "standard".
As for Mark and Lindsay...will Mark ever address the fact that she put him on blast for everyone to hear? I'd be concerned if I was him because every time she gets mad, it seems like her go-to move is to put him down in front of people with no filter. That would be concerning to me. She's not a bad person, but she's also imposing. He never asked her to come to his place with a hazmat suit and help him clean, she just did it, with the guise of being his wife and he should just roll with that. Cool and all, but don't continually throw that fact in his face when you get mad, but he never asked you to do it. She seems like that kind of a person so far. She did it again at the sushi restaurant, he's never been there, but you're already telling him what to eat and order, let the man decide for himself as his first time. It's such an annoying trait, but Mark was warned that Lindsay is a lot.
I see Jasmina was able to get Michael to open up, but I wonder if Michael will get her to open up about her own situation with her family and dealing with loss. I hope he realizes that.
I also didn't like how Noi and Olajuwon told their stories to the group but framed it like they were the hero and leaving out the parts where they did wrong.