14 day cleanse before becoming a Vegan *UPDATE PG 5: PICS and MyPyramid.gov calorie calculator*

Yeah man I need to make some changes in my life.....my diet now is just unhealthy and Im having trouble stomaching the stuff I used to eat all the time

Started with pork, Ive slowed down drastically on red meat, and now I need to start cutting poultry
Yeah man I need to make some changes in my life.....my diet now is just unhealthy and Im having trouble stomaching the stuff I used to eat all the time

Started with pork, Ive slowed down drastically on red meat, and now I need to start cutting poultry
Originally Posted by Stockholm Patriot

Moved to this <warned> state, YOU HAVE TO DRIVE EVERYWHERE nothing is in walking distance, have to drive 12miles to Whole Foods to buy Nakeds.

I got severely depressed and crashed, all of this November I ate nothing but meat and unhealthy foods,

Today I started the first phase, which is vitamin fortified drinks and fruits and vegetables

...then tomorrow I start the 14 day diet of nothing but, lemon juice, cayenne pepper and maple syrup.

After that I'm going full raw vegetable vegan FOR LIFE.

Has anyone ever successfully completed this 14 day cleanse diet?
You can be a healthy omnivore. Grass-fed, free range, pastured, animal products are far more nutrient-rich than factory farmed animal products. Grass-fed, pastured, etc. are becoming more popular now and are becoming more available. You may want to consider it.
You can also be an unhealthy veg*an. Eating mainly breads, pasta, grains, etc. is no better than eating mostly junk food. Fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds are more nutritionally dense overall have more micronutrients than grains.

If you want to do a cleanse, I'd strongly recommend staying away from a 14 day starvation diet. Look into intermittent fasting. It provides the benefits of being able to cleanse the body while fasting, and you are able to enjoy food as well. You're far better off by eating clean foods consistently than doing crash diet cleanses irregularly.

I thought I'd throw this site out there because it has loads of information regarding health and nutrition from the viewpoint that meat is crucial to optimal health. It helps to solidify your beliefs when you can truly disagree with the opposite beliefs. check out: www.marksdailyapple.com

The main reason that I noticed when looking into veganism that individuals choose the route is because of ethical reasons. Those that felt that the meat industry was greedy and mistreats the livestock. However, they usually don't know about "humane farming" and grass-fed, pastured, free-range, etc. products. Thought I'd throw it out there.

You can definitely be a healthy individual as a vegan, vegetarian, or omnivore. Just make sure that you avoid processed foods and have good lifestyle factors as well.
Originally Posted by Stockholm Patriot

Moved to this <warned> state, YOU HAVE TO DRIVE EVERYWHERE nothing is in walking distance, have to drive 12miles to Whole Foods to buy Nakeds.

I got severely depressed and crashed, all of this November I ate nothing but meat and unhealthy foods,

Today I started the first phase, which is vitamin fortified drinks and fruits and vegetables

...then tomorrow I start the 14 day diet of nothing but, lemon juice, cayenne pepper and maple syrup.

After that I'm going full raw vegetable vegan FOR LIFE.

Has anyone ever successfully completed this 14 day cleanse diet?
You can be a healthy omnivore. Grass-fed, free range, pastured, animal products are far more nutrient-rich than factory farmed animal products. Grass-fed, pastured, etc. are becoming more popular now and are becoming more available. You may want to consider it.
You can also be an unhealthy veg*an. Eating mainly breads, pasta, grains, etc. is no better than eating mostly junk food. Fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds are more nutritionally dense overall have more micronutrients than grains.

If you want to do a cleanse, I'd strongly recommend staying away from a 14 day starvation diet. Look into intermittent fasting. It provides the benefits of being able to cleanse the body while fasting, and you are able to enjoy food as well. You're far better off by eating clean foods consistently than doing crash diet cleanses irregularly.

I thought I'd throw this site out there because it has loads of information regarding health and nutrition from the viewpoint that meat is crucial to optimal health. It helps to solidify your beliefs when you can truly disagree with the opposite beliefs. check out: www.marksdailyapple.com

The main reason that I noticed when looking into veganism that individuals choose the route is because of ethical reasons. Those that felt that the meat industry was greedy and mistreats the livestock. However, they usually don't know about "humane farming" and grass-fed, pastured, free-range, etc. products. Thought I'd throw it out there.

You can definitely be a healthy individual as a vegan, vegetarian, or omnivore. Just make sure that you avoid processed foods and have good lifestyle factors as well.
Originally Posted by SiMPLYDiMPLY

haha props

i have been successful vegetarian for about a month... but you run out of options -_- i'm finding myself craving meat just because the dishes are more flavorful ... ultimately i would like to be a vegan but i am on no kinda budget for that.. eating healthy is super expensive -_-

anyway, do any of you guys have good vegetarian or vegan recipes or food ideas
Indian cuisine traditionally has lots of vegetarian dish options.
Originally Posted by SiMPLYDiMPLY

haha props

i have been successful vegetarian for about a month... but you run out of options -_- i'm finding myself craving meat just because the dishes are more flavorful ... ultimately i would like to be a vegan but i am on no kinda budget for that.. eating healthy is super expensive -_-

anyway, do any of you guys have good vegetarian or vegan recipes or food ideas
Indian cuisine traditionally has lots of vegetarian dish options.
Originally Posted by Method Man

Good looking out on the quote, DC.  You probably saved me some time.
Yea man you need to just keep that saved in a word document and paste it in every Veg thread.
Originally Posted by Method Man

Good looking out on the quote, DC.  You probably saved me some time.
Yea man you need to just keep that saved in a word document and paste it in every Veg thread.
I have a question for my fellow vegans, isn't it awkward to try and take a chick out being your vegetarian and she most likely loves meat lol
I have a question for my fellow vegans, isn't it awkward to try and take a chick out being your vegetarian and she most likely loves meat lol
The Master Cleanse', also known as the Lemon Detox Diet and Maple Syrup Diet is a liquid diet created by alternative medicine performer Stanley Burroughs in 1941, and promoted by Peter Glickman in the 1990s. Burroughs described it as a "detoxification program" and weight loss diet that aids in the removal of allegedly harmful, nonspecific toxins as well as a cure for ulcers and a general panacea.[sup][1][/sup][sup][2][/sup] There is no scientific evidence that it removes any "toxins", or that this diet achieves anything beyond temporary weight loss. Though unlikely to be harmful over the short term, it can be harmful over the long term.
[h2] Description[/h2]
The Master Cleanse claims to be a way to cleanse the body of and remove the cravings associated with drugs, alcohol, tobacco, eating, "Coffee, tea, and various hot drinks."[sup][1][/sup] The cleanse involves drinking only a concoction made from fresh lemons, grade B maple syrup and cayenne pepper, as well as a laxative tea. No solid food is eaten for the entire cleanse.

For people in good health, the body is designed to eliminate normal everyday toxins from itself through the lungs, kidneys, liver, and other eliminator organs.[sup][3][/sup] Nutritionist Jane Clark points to a lack of essential nutrients in this program, citing a deficiency of protein, vitamins, and minerals in the regimen. As a result of these deficiencies, including far fewer calories than the recommended amount for health and optimum functioning, individuals on the diet may experience headaches and a variety of other symptoms in the short term and the diet is potentially harmful over the long term.[sup][4][/sup]
[h2]Used for weight loss[/h2]
Proponents of the cleanse do not recommend it solely for weight loss, instead mentioning its purported detoxifying properties. However because it is extremely low in calories, if it is followed as described people will certainly lose weight.[sup][5][/sup] The program has been described as an extreme fad or crash diet, and any weight lost during the fast can be expected to be regained once the diet is stopped. Scientists in Hungary found the diet to be useless and extremely dangerous to the body's peripheral nervous system.[sup][6][/sup]

The Master Cleanse', also known as the Lemon Detox Diet and Maple Syrup Diet is a liquid diet created by alternative medicine performer Stanley Burroughs in 1941, and promoted by Peter Glickman in the 1990s. Burroughs described it as a "detoxification program" and weight loss diet that aids in the removal of allegedly harmful, nonspecific toxins as well as a cure for ulcers and a general panacea.[sup][1][/sup][sup][2][/sup] There is no scientific evidence that it removes any "toxins", or that this diet achieves anything beyond temporary weight loss. Though unlikely to be harmful over the short term, it can be harmful over the long term.
[h2] Description[/h2]
The Master Cleanse claims to be a way to cleanse the body of and remove the cravings associated with drugs, alcohol, tobacco, eating, "Coffee, tea, and various hot drinks."[sup][1][/sup] The cleanse involves drinking only a concoction made from fresh lemons, grade B maple syrup and cayenne pepper, as well as a laxative tea. No solid food is eaten for the entire cleanse.

For people in good health, the body is designed to eliminate normal everyday toxins from itself through the lungs, kidneys, liver, and other eliminator organs.[sup][3][/sup] Nutritionist Jane Clark points to a lack of essential nutrients in this program, citing a deficiency of protein, vitamins, and minerals in the regimen. As a result of these deficiencies, including far fewer calories than the recommended amount for health and optimum functioning, individuals on the diet may experience headaches and a variety of other symptoms in the short term and the diet is potentially harmful over the long term.[sup][4][/sup]
[h2]Used for weight loss[/h2]
Proponents of the cleanse do not recommend it solely for weight loss, instead mentioning its purported detoxifying properties. However because it is extremely low in calories, if it is followed as described people will certainly lose weight.[sup][5][/sup] The program has been described as an extreme fad or crash diet, and any weight lost during the fast can be expected to be regained once the diet is stopped. Scientists in Hungary found the diet to be useless and extremely dangerous to the body's peripheral nervous system.[sup][6][/sup]

Originally Posted by daboyprince23

I have a question for my fellow vegans, isn't it awkward to try and take a chick out being your vegetarian and she most likely loves meat lol
Be you and be proud of yourself. She will admire and respect that more than she will lose respect for you since you don't eat meat.
Originally Posted by daboyprince23

I have a question for my fellow vegans, isn't it awkward to try and take a chick out being your vegetarian and she most likely loves meat lol
Be you and be proud of yourself. She will admire and respect that more than she will lose respect for you since you don't eat meat.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by daboyprince23

I have a question for my fellow vegans, isn't it awkward to try and take a chick out being your vegetarian and she most likely loves meat lol
Be you and be proud of yourself. She will admire and respect that more than she will lose respect for you since you don't eat meat.
yeh i hear ya its like u gotta convince these chicks to try it out lol alot of chicks dig it but my thing is i love spanish women,,,spanish women love rice, beans and you know it meat..lol sometimes its hard to decide where to go on a date
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by daboyprince23

I have a question for my fellow vegans, isn't it awkward to try and take a chick out being your vegetarian and she most likely loves meat lol
Be you and be proud of yourself. She will admire and respect that more than she will lose respect for you since you don't eat meat.
yeh i hear ya its like u gotta convince these chicks to try it out lol alot of chicks dig it but my thing is i love spanish women,,,spanish women love rice, beans and you know it meat..lol sometimes its hard to decide where to go on a date
Originally Posted by Method Man

Crossed out everything that I considered unimportant to the subject, just plain condescending nonsense, and/or a subjective fallacy.  Some corrections made to make the above sound less condescending.
  Yup, he's mad.  Something "unimportant to the subject" infuriates you?  Really?  So, I'm condescending, but you're gonna grade a message board post like a high school teacher.  Okay.
You mentioned your girlfriend is vegan... this wouldn't be a case of projection, would it?
ninjallamafromhell wrote:

I've only  had one girlfriend that didn't treat me like #*$%, manipulate and use me at every turn. I'm done being kind and respectful to all other women, they'll have to earn it now. Young bucks don't give a woman #*$% unless you've %@*#%% first. 

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]
It's not by coincidence that you always seem to poke out of the woodwork in all of these vegetarian & vegan threads.   I'm just trying to understand where all the hate's coming from.  Let it out.  
You asked for my opinion and you got it kiddo.  If you don't like it then don't ask for it, or try being a man.  Your pick.  I updated my quote that you took time out of your day to find so that it is more current.  I stand by what I said and still consider it to be very good advice, but I finally found a good one.  Only took 27 years.  I'm dating a vegan because I could care less what the diet of my partner is as long as it's fairly healthy.  She could be vegan, vegetarian, omnivore, or carnivore for all I care.  I care about who the person is, not what they eat.  For the record I don't hate vegans or vegetarians.  I hate pretentious +*$@*+%%, which a good number of vegans and vegetarians that I know happen to be.
Originally Posted by Method Man

Crossed out everything that I considered unimportant to the subject, just plain condescending nonsense, and/or a subjective fallacy.  Some corrections made to make the above sound less condescending.
  Yup, he's mad.  Something "unimportant to the subject" infuriates you?  Really?  So, I'm condescending, but you're gonna grade a message board post like a high school teacher.  Okay.
You mentioned your girlfriend is vegan... this wouldn't be a case of projection, would it?
ninjallamafromhell wrote:

I've only  had one girlfriend that didn't treat me like #*$%, manipulate and use me at every turn. I'm done being kind and respectful to all other women, they'll have to earn it now. Young bucks don't give a woman #*$% unless you've %@*#%% first. 

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]
It's not by coincidence that you always seem to poke out of the woodwork in all of these vegetarian & vegan threads.   I'm just trying to understand where all the hate's coming from.  Let it out.  
You asked for my opinion and you got it kiddo.  If you don't like it then don't ask for it, or try being a man.  Your pick.  I updated my quote that you took time out of your day to find so that it is more current.  I stand by what I said and still consider it to be very good advice, but I finally found a good one.  Only took 27 years.  I'm dating a vegan because I could care less what the diet of my partner is as long as it's fairly healthy.  She could be vegan, vegetarian, omnivore, or carnivore for all I care.  I care about who the person is, not what they eat.  For the record I don't hate vegans or vegetarians.  I hate pretentious +*$@*+%%, which a good number of vegans and vegetarians that I know happen to be.
anyone who is willing to give up their nikes/jordans for this true vegetarian stuff, send your boy a PM, I'll gladly help you in your process to becoming a "true vegan"
anyone who is willing to give up their nikes/jordans for this true vegetarian stuff, send your boy a PM, I'll gladly help you in your process to becoming a "true vegan"
Originally Posted by daboyprince23

I have a question for my fellow vegans, isn't it awkward to try and take a chick out being your vegetarian and she most likely loves meat lol
try a thai restaurant. they general have a lot of meat and vegetarian options. she can get her meat (
) and you can choose something vegetarian. win-win

*edit i just realized you said vegan. not sure how many vegan options thai restaurants have sorry
Originally Posted by daboyprince23

I have a question for my fellow vegans, isn't it awkward to try and take a chick out being your vegetarian and she most likely loves meat lol
try a thai restaurant. they general have a lot of meat and vegetarian options. she can get her meat (
) and you can choose something vegetarian. win-win

*edit i just realized you said vegan. not sure how many vegan options thai restaurants have sorry
Originally Posted by SiMPLYDiMPLY

Originally Posted by daboyprince23

I have a question for my fellow vegans, isn't it awkward to try and take a chick out being your vegetarian and she most likely loves meat lol
try a thai restaurant. they general have a lot of meat and vegetarian options. she can get her meat (
) and you can choose something vegetarian. win-win
And then after, she can get her Meat.
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