[::2009 Champion LAKERS OFF-SEASON THREAD Vol. Boring Non-News Days Causing In-Thread Tension::]

Cavs better stay out of our cookie jar!
'Our' cookie jar?
We win the championship andyou've picked your fan card back up, I see.

Ben Roethlisberger:
Never understood why an athelete leaves a team right after they win the Championship, knowing they could win 2 or 3 more.
Because they don't know they can win 2 or 3 more, that's why. Who was the last team to repeat? Us, in the beginning of the decade. Why?Because of one of the most dominant players to play in our generation coupled with a young, hungry, lethal guard. You'd have to be an idiot to leave thatteam after winning that first championship with them.

But now? No one's dominating like that right now, so no one's going to win a championship and have the roleplayers think 'Oh yeah, we're just going to keep wining 'em and winning 'em and winning 'em! WOOO-HOO!!!'
I don't understand, Cavs only want to give him the same amount as the Lakers, why would he even think of going there?
To me, it's simple. If two teams are offering the same amount of money, then the team you'll choose to go to will be the team you feelwill be the most successful, either immediately, or in the very near future. So if the Lakers and the Cavs offer the same exact amount of money and he goes tothe Cavs, then he either thinks the Cavs will win it all next year (and he wants to be on that team), or he thinks the Cavs will have the better chance ofwinning it all in the next few years, and he wants to be on that championship Cavalier team if it happens.
Rudy and Pau Would Be Nice, Our Biggest Mistake Was Giving Sasha And Luke So Much Money, But Batiier Would Be Nice, Nice D & 3 , And As We Saw In R.2 HeComes Up Big When You Need Him
Or, when Bron leaves, Trevor will be the best player on that team. That will win 11 games.
Ariza has the opportunity to become a household name, but he's jeopardizing that for a mil and a half. If he stays in LA, at the end of the day he'llhave the fortune and the fame, since he won't be broke either way.
^ But it's possible that he is thinking this: 'Kobe is at the end of his career. I'm fortunate to have won a championship with him, but he'snot the future of the league. Between Howard and Paul and Bron and Wade and everyone else, I think Bron is definitely the future of the league, and that'swhere I need to be to win championships. Thanks for getting me 1 ring, Kobe, but I need to be where the future is, and you're not the future. I think Bronis, so that's where I'm going.'

You know?

And honestly, CP, you think Trevor thinks of himself as a franchise player? I think that if he were to go to CLE because he thinks Bron has the best chance atwinning multiple championships, and then LeBron left, he would leave, too... either to Bron's new team (if they were solid and it wasn't just a case ofBron going to the highest bidder), or to the newest 'best team' when that time comes (if LeBron were to bolt to a mediocre team with large dollars).
it sucks if ariza leaves good thing i did not buy the ariza authentic lol. but i hope we go after grant hill if he leaves
Grant Hill wouldn't exactly be the 'answer' to Ariza, but he would definitely be a nice compliment to what we do. He runs breaks with precision,whether he has the ball or not, and he plays very smart defense.

I'd like it.

Ska, i was tellin jokes about about Ariza bein the best player on the team if Bron left. The whole point is if he goes to Cleveland and Bron does leave, thenAriza made a grave mistake.

Totally agree that he could view Kobe as running on fumes, and Bron being a guy that could get him a couple more titles. But shouldn't he wait til heknows where Bron goes for sure?
All this talk about if Ariza leaves is making it even more obvious to me that it's not absolutely necessary tore-sign him. There's already a few names that have been mentioned that could bring something similar to the team. Hill, Battier, Artest, and maybe Prince. I know they may not be able to get those guys, but they're solid alternatives. I have a hard time thinking of someone that could replace what LO givesus.
^ Ooooh, Battier is a FA?

That's my choice right there.

Or Prince.

Battier is so underrated; I've said that for a couple seasons now. Smart player, perfect attitude, competitive spirit, HARD worker, intense...MIIIITCCHHH!!!!
David Lee, who's both Ariza and Andrew Bynum agent, annoys the hell out of me, constantly complaining and whining through the media about his clients. Iknow its an agents job to do whatever he can for his clients but it seems that he complains more through the media than a lot of agents.
solefob wrote:
David Lee, who's both Ariza and Andrew Bynum agent, annoys the hell out of me, constantly complaining and whining through the media about his clients. I know its an agents job to do whatever he can for his clients but it seems that he complains more through the media than a lot of agents.

Ya, I believe he's the one causing all this fiction right now.
Yeah Bright, Marion is a FA, but I dunno about that dudes diminishing skills.

However, it might just kill zo inside, which is a plus, so......
Yeah, I'm just throwing names out there.

Marion is pretty much a system player (run n gun), he was a BAD fit for the Heat and I thought he would do well with the Raptors but that organization is justin shambles.

Like any player, put him in a good situation and good things will come out of it.
Could he spot up shoot for us at a decent level?

I know he could hit those Bruce Bowen corner 3's, could he hit from the angles like Trevor was doing?

KB8, don't read the rest of this post.......

Sasha is the wildcard, he better come in after a HARD working summer because he is the guy who will get minutes like 08. He'll play the 2 in crunchtime,Kobe will end up at the 3.

Kobe, Gasol, Odom, Fish team went to the finals, no reason it couldn't happen adding Bynum to the mix should he improve. We just need one extra perimeterplayer and a backup PG to stay near the top. Then it's just a roll of the dice........
Originally Posted by Long Beach Vincey


Prince nor Shane are free agents. Stop throwing names out there guys

Free agents are:

Barnes, Hill, Artest

Ok my fault, I got you. Well I understand why it would be nice to bring back Ariza, but it isnt do or die. And best believe artest AND grant hill are waitingin the wing to get that ring.
I can't believe that Ariza is about to leave LA.
If Kobe really cares, he would re construct his contract. Take about 5-6 mil cut so Lakers can sign Odom and Ariza.
With that being said, Grant Hill wont be a good fit for LA. Lakers need someone that can hit the 3 when Kobe is being doubled.
Artest or Battier will do. As for Barnes..that guy is a joke.
Originally Posted by Long Beach Vincey


Prince nor Shane are free agents. Stop throwing names out there guys

Free agents are:

Barnes, Hill, Artest
Yeah I meant to say that when I said that we probably wouldn't be able to get those guys. Unless we pull off a trade.
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