[::2009 Champion LAKERS OFF-SEASON THREAD Vol. Boring Non-News Days Causing In-Thread Tension::]

But ok, guys like him change all the time. As stated, I'm sure he'll hit 50 percent of his shots, won't dribble too much, won't get taken to school on defense, won't act a clown at any point, and will be so clutch in the playoffs that Horry and Fish will be jealous of dude. Because he's one of us now. That makes all the difference.
Not be a clown at any point? Hell, Lamar Odom has been a clown at MULTIPLE points throughout his Laker career, and you're fighting for him tohave been a priority over Artest in your next point.

And of course he'll get taken to school on defense (word to Courtney Lee on LeBron... twice, or Joakim Noah on Paul Pierce, or any superstar gettingschooled on defense, yet somehow managing to still maintain their superstar level). I'm not saying he's a superstar; I'm saying getting schooled ondefense from time to time happens.

50% shooting? Dribbling too much? Kobe has made me pull my hair out and punch myself in the teeth for bricking ill-advised shots and dribbling too much.

Does he owe you money or something?
Oh and, since they were on his doorstep at midnight, it means he was their #1 priority, not Ariza and Odom as it shoulda been. Hope it works out.
The hell? Just because he was on the doorstep while Trevor was playing games and Lamar was enjoying being courted by other suitors, that meansthat Artest was the priority? Like tunnel-vision is the name of the game when signing players.
Nah, he don't owe me no money, but if I'm right, he gon owe some damn thing.

And while you are dead right about Kobe shooting and dribbling stupid, there's just a smaaaaaaaaaaallll difference in their capabilities.

Ya think? Maybe a little? Tiny bit. Pinch.

Don't you think bein on Ariza's doorstep mighta been a different ending? Mighta helped? Odom too? That's what I'm getting at. If Arizaflat out tells us to f off and jumps ship, ok, look elsewhere. But to be on Ron's door minute 1? Naw, I'm not good with that, Ron or not. Iwouldn't have been down if it was Hedo, or Lee, or whatever other free agent. Our two guys just helped us get a title, they are young, or in prime (Odom)and they deserve a little love, more so then a plain ol free agent. It's a bad move, and the risk is much higher now then if we sign candy man and Trevor. NOBODY can argue that. Their is now a great risk around this team. Everybody knows it, but because he has a sexy name,and people know him, it makes asplash.

I care more about winning, then making a splash.
An All Star dribbling too much and taking stupid shots = a role player dribbling too much and taking stupid shots.

One player being more talented and thus having the ability to make up for it means ZILCH to me, and maybe that's part of the reason I've never beenable to attach myself to Kobe. If you're that good, then 'dribbling too much and taking stupid shots' should happen NEVER. So if it does happen andyou're a superstar, it means the same to me as if it were done by someone less talented. The fact that you're awesome and theoretically possible tomake up for it in ensuing possessions doesn't take away from the turnover that resulted from your dumb self.

So that's where I'm at with that.

As far as being at Artest's doorstep: we weren't. He was at ours. Literally. If I'm sitting on my couch trying to decide between someMcDonald's fries or Wendy's chili, and Burger King shows up at my door offering me an Oreo shake for cheaper than what they're supposed to cost,and I wanted dessert anyways, then it doesn't make sense for me to go 'Go away. I'm deciding between Wendy's and MickyD's, hoping I canswing both. I'll get to you in a second.' P-shaw. And then Burger King goes right to my neighbor, the Spurs or something, like 'Hey, just give methe MLE. I know I'm worth more than that, but I don't want to get into a battle of prices. I just want to be somewhere I like, and I like whatyou've got going on.'

Kind of a weird analogy, but I'm saying... Trevor was messing around with a money game between his agent and us, Lamar was (and still is) giddy from hisoffers, and Artest was at our doorstep since before the Finals ended, talking about 'I don't care about contract negotiations. I want a ring. Signme?'
Just to be clear, I'm not on board with the Artest signing.

Don't want anybody to be confused or anything.

Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

Kind of a weird analogy, but I'm saying... Trevor was messing around with a money game between his agent and us, Lamar was (and still is) giddy from his offers, and Artest was at our doorstep since before the Finals ended, talking about 'I don't care about contract negotiations. I want a ring. Sign me?'

I'll buy that, I can see it.

though, one correction, it wasn't doorstep, I believe it was the shower he was waiting in.

Uh, yeah.

I think everyone is certain of that.

And you're definitely being far less optimistic than I was when Malone hopped on board. And I absolutely hated him beforehand, and I'm glad to be backto hating his whiny, fraudulent, dirty self again.

But I gave him a chance, cheered his successes, lauded his willingness to pass, and appreciated the grit he brought, all the way to the Finals.

Then I resumed my regularly scheduled resentment.
Originally Posted by knightngale

CP is starting to sound worse than ska and his hate for kobe


Thank you.

Hey, I'll be right there hoping every pass he makes leads to a bucket, I'll love every board, every block, hustle play, back up a teammate, no worriesthere. I'll support him any way I think helps him. A hug, yell at him, cry with him, what the hell ever gets him to do the job.

But don't check in here if he does something that hurts this franchise. Be sick that day or something, because you won't like this thread.
lol I dont m ind seeing players being criticized

if they suck or do some stupid +@@+ then I bash them
I do that all season long even with kobe

I give credit when they play good though (fisher) and let things slide
CP is starting to sound worse than in this thread alone has surpassed ska and his hate antipathy for kobe


I have different Kobe sneakers. CP, what would you do with a pair of Artest's sneakers if I game them to you?You wouldn't rock with a pair of free Artests, but I've bought Kobes.

And I've always wiped the slate clean with Kobe in the offseason, hoping that the next season would be the season he wins me over, and every season, hegets a liiiiiittttttle bit closer. But we haven't even started the season yet, and CP's already gone alldoomsday on the signing.
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

CP is starting to sound worse than in this thread alone has surpassed ska and his hate antipathy for kobe
I'm gonna need BigMike to come in here and explain to me what antipathy is, but then after that, I'll simply say I hope like hell I get tocome in here some day and say "Yo, i was wrong, Artest has been a blessing for us, he's the perfect sidekick to Kobe and Pau, we're champs onceagain."

I can't wait to say something like that.

Just hope it happens.

*Off to go PM Mike for help reading*

Currently I'm wearin the Black Cats, pretty much all I wear these days.

Ima pass on the Addidas Artest's though.
one thing i really dont like about Ron is his tat game, luke held the tittle for worst/weakest arm tat on the squad but Ron just took that.
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

CP is starting to sound worse than in this thread alone has surpassed ska and his hate antipathy for kobe

I have different Kobe sneakers. CP, what would you do with a pair of Artest's sneakers if I game them to you? You wouldn't rock with a pair of free Artests, but I've bought Kobes.

And I've always wiped the slate clean with Kobe in the offseason, hoping that the next season would be the season he wins me over, and every season, he gets a liiiiiittttttle bit closer. But we haven't even started the season yet, and CP's already gone all doomsday on the signing.

well ska...some ppl dont have to like kobe to like his shoes...but hey kobes shoes>>>artests shoes LOL...c'mon CP though open your anti ron shades
...hell i hated karl malone but when he became a Laker i bought hisjersey he was a good pick up for us over payton...anyways if youre a Laker youre good in my book...except if your name is sasha
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