2010 NBA Trade Deadline thread

[h3]Wolves a sleeper for Thomas?[/h3]
9:51AM ET

[h5]Tyrus Thomas | Bulls[/h5]
Top http://insider.espn.go.com/nba/features/rumors#/sendtofriend.espn.go.com/sendtofriend/SendToFriend?URL=http://insider.espn.go.com/nba/features/rumors#14464&title=Wolves a sleeper for Thomas?">http://sendtofriend.espn....0sleeper for Thomas?', 'sendtofriend', 'noresizable,noscrollbars,width=345,height=470');return false;">Email

The Nuggets and Rockets made bids for Bulls forward Tyrus Thomas over the weekend, according to Yahoo! Sports. The website also reports league executives are saying the Timberwolves could be a sleeper for Thomas.

Minnesota will probably have three picks in the first round of the2010 NBA draft and David Kahn is trying to find an athletic forward.

The website suggests Kahn will try to move Al Jefferson this summer for a small forward.
[h3]Could Miller end up in Houston?[/h3]
7:05AM ET

[h5]Brad Miller | Bulls[/h5]
Top http://insider.espn.go.com/nba/features/rumors#/sendtofriend.espn.go.com/sendtofriend/SendToFriend?URL=http://insider.espn.go.com/nba/features/rumors#14458&title=Could Miller end up in Houston?">http://sendtofriend.espn....end up in Houston?', 'sendtofriend', 'noresizable,noscrollbars,width=345,height=470');return false;">Email

From today's Chicago Tribune:

"The Bulls continue to be one of the few teams in dialogue with Houston regarding Tracy McGrady and his $22 million expiring contract. Brad Miller,a longtime favorite of Rockets coach Rick Adelman, would certainly bein the deal. The Rockets, who also are talking to the Knicks and 76ers,don't sound interested in Kirk Hinrich."
Originally Posted by Mitchellicious

Wow, NY giving up 2 lottery picks for T-Mac

Realistically, I don't think NY is getting Lebron, Wade or Bosh. If Amare goes to Cleveland this week, then they aren't getting him either. If Atlanta have a good showing this postseason, which I think is highly likely, then NY can say goodbye to Joe Johnson as well. So who CAN the Knicks get? Boozer and Gay? I think NY fans are getting hyped up for nothing

They're not guaranteed lottery picks and I'm pretty sure Walsh would not deal them unless they are protected.  And if all of these scenarios pan out there are other summers after this year where the Knicks can make moves.  No realistic Knick fans are putting all their eggs into this years FA market.
^Wait, so Houston confirmed the deal to be Tmac, Cook, Doresy for Buckets, Hill, and Jefferies?

im a bit disappointed to say the least..
If NY gives all that up for T-Mac they are worthless excuse of a franchise and are clearly thirsty for some star-power and I will lose all respect for them
Originally Posted by NobleKane

you dont see any bulls fans on here going "oh noez! please dont trade hinrich!
" theres a reason why

shannon brown = hinrich and BOTH wont help us stop speedy pgs
Because Hinrich is a point guard and the Bulls already have their point guard for years to come.

Hinrich's and Brown's games are COMPLETELY different. Hinrich is a very underrated defender and would be an upgrade on defense over anyone we currently have.
Originally Posted by mYToAsterspeak

If NY gives all that up for T-Mac they are worthless excuse of a franchise and are clearly thirsty for some star-power and I will lose all respect for them  July 1st scares me. A lot.
Originally Posted by mYToAsterspeak

If NY gives all that up for T-Mac they are worthless excuse of a franchise and are clearly thirsty for some star-power and I will lose all respect for them

I dont think its guranteed and only thing we gave up is Hill
Originally Posted by mYToAsterspeak

If NY gives all that up for T-Mac they are worthless excuse of a franchise and are clearly thirsty for some star-power and I will lose all respect for them

nobdoy cares about your respect
only person you should lose respect for is bron if he leaves CLE

the tmac deal is about getting cap room not star power anyway
There is no way on God's green Earth that Amare Stoudemire deserves a $20 million a year contract. Someone needs to sit him down and talk some sense into him. And dude's agent's name is Happy. Damn right he will be if he gets that amount of money. Ridiculous.

This is fundamentally what's wrong with the NBA, stupid people paying stupid contracts. The new CBA should involve a pay scheme that rates players in tiers based on talent. The only players that should earn a max contract in the league are Kobe, LeBron, Wade, CP3, Howard & maybe Melo & Durant. That's Tier 1. Every player after them should fall into a tier group and get paid accordingly. Somebody like Hollinger would have to create some BS formula to get this to actually work, but nobody should be seeing Tier 1 unless they play their way into it and/or show the same leadership qualities as those mentioned above.

Note: I'm not counting older guys that are way past their prime or younger guys that haven't proved a lot yet.
Whether you think he's worth it or not, Amare gonna get a max deal or damn near to it. Watch.
So let me understand something, Lebron comes out and says, "I wanna win", but he goes to a team who hasn't even won 40% of their games in YEARS just cause he likes the city, and leaves a team that's close to winning a championship? You cats reaaaally believe this cause he wears a damn hat or Nike puts out a shoe? He leaves just cause Jay-z is there? He leaves all his friends and family here, the place where he learned the game, the team that's the best in the league, just cause he thinks NY is cool? He leaves cause NY is NY? [Sho Nuff Voice], "%@%%+ Please" [Sho Nuff Voice]
Updated: February 15, 2010, 4:26 PM ET

[h2]Trade Buzz: Who's making a move?[/h2]

Comment http://insider.espn.go.com/nba/insider/columns/story?columnist=ford_chad&page=TradeWatch-100215#/sendtofriend.espn.go.com/sendtofriend/SendToFriend?URL=http://insider.espn.go.com/nba/insi... and sellers at the trade deadline&id=4915584">http://sendtofriend.espn....0deadli...le,noscrollbars,width=400,height=500');return false;">Email Print http:///a.espncdn.com/icons/share-icon-12x12.png)">http://a.espncdn.com/icons/share-icon-12x12.png) no-repeat scroll left top; -moz-background-clip: border; -moz-background-origin: padding; -moz-background-inline-policy: continuous;" rel="nofollow">Share
By Chad Ford

ESPN.com IllustrationWhat will happen to Kirk Hinrich, Andre Iguodala and Monta Ellis at Thursday's trade deadline?

With the NBA's trade deadline on Thursday, trade talk is flying around the league.

The Dallas Mavericks' acquisition of Caron Butler and Brendan Haywood from Washington for Josh Howard has prompted other teams to focus their efforts to make deals, especially with the deadline looming.

For Chad Ford's report on what the Cavs are likely to do, click here.

If the much-discussed swap of Amare Stoudemire for J.J. Hicksonhappens between Phoenix and Cleveland, that will mean several majorassets are apparently no longer available by trade: Stoudemire, Butler,Haywood, Howard and Hickson.

Still, that would leave at least 10 teams interested in making moves.

Here's our rundown of which teams might be buying and which might be selling this week:
[h3]The Buyers[/h3] Teams willing to increase their long-term payroll


Assets: Ray Allen's $18.8 million expiring contract; other, smaller contracts

Celtics president Danny Aingehas said it's "unlikely" that his team will pull off a deal before thedeadline. But numerous GMs around the league say Boston has been activein trying to make things happen.

To quote one general manager who spoke with Ainge in the past 48 hours, "I get the feeling Boston's getting desperate."

Withthe Celtics looking more like an NBA Legends team than a serious titlecontender at the moment, Ainge has a difficult decision to make.

Ifhe believes that a tweak of the roster will put the Celtics intocontention, then Ainge has a number of smaller contracts he could useto land a player.

If Ainge believes a bigger change is in order,now is the time to make a move. If he doesn't trade Allen now, hishands could be tied until the summer of 2012, unless he wants toconsider trading Paul Pierce (whose contract expires in 2011) or Kevin Garnett (whose contract expires in 2012) at some point.

What could Ainge get for Allen? The Celtics have looked into the possibility of acquiring Andre Iguodala, Kirk Hinrich, Kevin Martin or Monta Ellis.Each would be expensive over the long haul, and it's not clear thatBoston has what it takes to get Iguodala, Martin or Ellis. Given that,Hinrich, the least expensive of the four, might be Ainge's best bet,but he's also the oldest and least desirable of the foursome.



Assets: Derek Fisher's expiring contract; Adam Morrison's expiring contract

L.A.has been hesitant in years past to make a trade-deadline deal. Lakerscoach Phil Jackson's offense isn't easy to pick up on the fly and theteam has preferred to make moves in the summer. Yes, the Lakers tradedfor Pau Gasol two years ago, but that deal was a no-brainer.

The Lakers' point guard play of late has raised concerns. Derek Fisher has lost another step, especially defensively. Jordan Farmar has been solid, but the Lakers believe they may need more than "solid" to get past teams like the Nuggets and Mavs.

If the Lakers want to get a point guard, they face two big issues:

First,there aren't a lot of great point guards available right now. TheBulls' Kirk Hinrich has been the name most associated with the Lakers'trade rumors, and L.A. has explored smaller deals, such as one for thePacers' Earl Watson.

[h4]NBA Trade Machine[/h4]
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Trade Machine

Second,a deal could be costly. The Lakers already have the highest payroll inthe league and would prefer to avoid adding more long-term commitments.

Here's one potential solution: The word out of the All-Star Game late Sunday had the Lakers recruiting the Portland Trail Blazersas a third team in trade talks with the Bulls. According to one sourcefamiliar with the discussions, the Lakers would get Hinrich, the Bullswould get Adam Morrison, Steve Blake, Travis Outlaw and Juwan Howard, and the Blazers would land Tyrus Thomas and Sasha Vujacic. Such a deal would lessen the amount of money the Lakers would be adding to their payroll next season.



Assets: Michael Beasley; Jermaine O'Neal's expiring contract; Udonis Haslem's expiring contract

TheHeat are in a precarious situation and are trying to hedge their bets.While on paper Miami is an ideal destination, there is no guarantee theHeat can get any of the marquee free agents this summer. If LeBron James and Chris Bosh decide to stay with their current teams or go somewhere other than Miami, Wade might see it as a signal that he should walk.

That'sled the Heat to explore making a deal now, while they can control theirfate a little more, and they've focused most of their energy onacquiring Stoudemire. The thinking: If the Heat add Stoudemire now,they can (1) still have the flexibility to re-sign him and add anothersignificant free agent and (2) persuade Wade to stay.

The problemis that Cleveland now looks like the front-runner to land Stoudemire.If the Heat can't get him, my guess is that they sit tight and hopethey make a major coup in free agency.



Asset: Tracy McGrady's $22.5 million expiring contract

Houstonis in an interesting position. The Rockets could let McGrady's dealexpire and pursue a free agent this summer, or upgrade the team now andavoid gambling on free agency.

Without committing to either strategy, the team has been exploring McGrady trades for weeks to no avail. In particular, the Philadelphia 76ers and New York Knicks have emerged as potential trade partners.

The Rockets would like to get Andre Iguodala from the Sixers and would accept Samuel Dalembert in that trade, but Philly wants some young talent beyond McGrady in return.

Meanwhile, the Knicks remain interested in McGrady, but the Rockets won't take either of the players New York wants to move: Jared Jeffries and Eddy Curry.While the Knicks have a number of expiring contracts they could swapfor McGrady, it's not clear why Houston would want to make such a dealwithout the Knicks including a young asset.



Assets: Ersan Ilyasova; potential lottery pick; expiring contracts of Luke Ridnour, Joe Alexander and Kurt Thomas

Justmonths ago, the Bucks appeared to be conducting a fire sale. Now, tothe surprise of other teams, Bucks GM John Hammond has been outaggressively looking to move expiring contracts to get back a powerforward or a dynamic 2-guard to play alongside Andrew Bogut and Brandon Jennings.

Reportedly, the Bucks have talked to the Wizards about Antawn Jamison and to the Pacers about Troy Murphy, and have shown interest in the Bulls' Tyrus Thomas.

Milwaukeewill have to be patient, because other teams might have better offersto make to Washington, Indiana and Chicago. But if the Bucks arewilling to throw their first-round pick into a deal, they might be ableto trump other teams. As the deadline approaches, don't be surprised tosee Milwaukee scoop up someone.

[h3]The Sellers[/h3] Teams hoping to decrease their long-term payroll


Asset: Troy Murphy

With their playoff hopes dashed, the Pacers have moved into serious rebuilding mode. Their efforts to move Jeff Foster were stymied when Foster underwent back surgery, so now they are focused on moving Murphy.

Whilehe's overpaid, he's one of the few big men who can grab 10 boards andshoot 40 percent from beyond the 3-point arc, making him one of the"stretch 4s" coveted around the league.

The Cavs, Bucks, andKings have shown interest in Murphy. In exchange, the Pacers want caprelief plus at least one young asset or first-round pick. Cleveland hasbeen reluctant to give up Hickson for Murphy, and the Bucks have beenunwilling to give their first-round pick to Indiana.

With similar parameters, Indiana would also move T.J. Ford or Mike Dunleavy, according to several GMs who have had conversations with the Pacers.

ForPacers fans, this has become a long road back to contention. But with ahigh lottery pick coming and the opportunity for significant cap spacein the summer of 2011, the team is showing signs of recovering from thedifficulties of the Ron Artest era.



Assets: Kirk Hinrich, Tyrus Thomas and John Salmons

The Bulls are proactively looking to get further under the cap this summer.

Theproblem is that Hinrich's contract has two more seasons on it afterthis one, at a total of $17 million. Given the uncertainties about thefinancial climate in 2011-12, teams such as the Lakers are reluctant totake on his contract.

As noted above, the Lakers are trying tomitigate the damage by insisting the Bulls (or a third party) takeVujacic, who has $5 million coming to him next season.



Assets: Tayshaun Prince and Rip Hamilton

After six consecutive trips to the Eastern Conference finals, Detroit is in free fall.

While Pistons president Joe Dumarswould prefer to move Hamilton, his contract is almost impossible totrade, with three years of guaranteed money remaining after thisseason. So Dumars has reluctantly made Prince available, and not justfor cap relief. According to sources close to the talks, the Pistonsare looking for a big man. While Detroit would trade Prince to the Jazzfor Carlos Boozer, Utah is reluctant, given its current success, to make a deal.



Asset: Andre Iguodala

Rightnow the Sixers are difficult to peg, with a number of teams saying thatPhilly general manager Ed Stefanski has been vague in trade talks.

But with a payroll bloated by huge contracts for Iguodala, Samuel Dalembert and Elton Brand,the 76ers appear to be willing to move a cornerstone piece, Iguodala,provided they can move Dalembert (and his contract) in the same trade.But they also want young assets in return, which has thwarted tradetalks so far, particularly with Houston and Phoenix.



Assets: Kevin Martin; Andres Nocioni; Kenny Thomas' expiring contract

TheKings could be both buyers and sellers, as they have explored usingThomas' contract to acquire a veteran such as Murphy or Dalembert.Simultaneously, they've tried to get Nocioni off the books by finding ateam interested in the tough-nosed forward.

The big question is this: Would they move Kevin Martin? While they have maintained that they want to see whether Martin and Tyreke Evanscan coexist, teams around the league remain skeptical. We'll know bythe end of Thursday whether a team was willing to offer enough in theform of assets, draft picks and/or expiring contracts to get the Kingsto the table.
^ the team is a contender because lebron IS the team. the minute lebron puts on a knick jersey the knicks are top 3 in the east. how don't you people see that? lebron will never need to rebuild.

mo williams gets out of the line up and the cavs go on a winning streak lol. it's not the team, it's bron.

of course new york the city itself is enough of a reason to leave. you are talking about how the man is gonna live a good chunk of his life. why do you think artest went to LA? once again bron invited all the new york talk.
Originally Posted by mYToAsterspeak

So let me understand something, Lebron comes out and says, "I wanna win", but he goes to a team who hasn't even won 40% of their games in YEARS just cause he likes the city, and leaves a team that's close to winning a championship? You cats reaaaally believe this cause he wears a damn hat or Nike puts out a shoe? He leaves just cause Jay-z is there? He leaves all his friends and family here, the place where he learned the game, the team that's the best in the league, just cause he thinks NY is cool? He leaves cause NY is NY? [Sho Nuff Voice], "%@%%+ Please" [Sho Nuff Voice]

LeBron doesn't need the Cavaliers - the Cavaliers need LeBron. LeBron + 4 random scrubs = playoff team.
Update: Amare never said he won't join Cavs
Amare Stoudemire - F/C - Phoenix SunsMore team news
Today - 8:20 PM ET
A source close to Amare Stoudemire now refutes that he isn't interested in being traded to the Cavaliers.
Amare apparently never said that he won't rejoin forces with Shaquille O'Neal, and his representatives haven't even spoken with the Cavaliers. He seems most likely to end up in Cleveland, where he'll have the choice whether to exercise his player option ($17.7 million) for next season.
I thought you can't trade back-to-back first rounders, like 2010 2011.

The Rockets fleecing the Knicks if that trade goes down.

They better be protected.

Utah already got Knicks unprotected pick this upcoming year.
Originally Posted by mYToAsterspeak

So let me understand something, Lebron comes out and says, "I wanna win", but he goes to a team who hasn't even won 40% of their games in YEARS just cause he likes the city, and leaves a team that's close to winning a championship? You cats reaaaally believe this cause he wears a damn hat or Nike puts out a shoe? He leaves just cause Jay-z is there? He leaves all his friends and family here, the place where he learned the game, the team that's the best in the league, just cause he thinks NY is cool? He leaves cause NY is NY? [Sho Nuff Voice], "%@%%+ Please" [Sho Nuff Voice]
None of that crap matters to me.  You think his friends and family wouldn't move?  Lebron has loyalty to Akron, not Cleveland.  Learned the game?  Come on.  Lebron took a bunch of scrubs to the Finals in 07, you don't think he could do that with this NY team?  Lebron on any team makes them a championship contender.

What people don't seem to realize is NY fans have bought into rebuilding and the free agent class of 2010.  Lebron leads the class and is obviously the most desired player on the planet, why wouldn't they get excited at the hopes of him potentially coming.  But with or without Lebron, the team and fans just want to get better, and for the first time in awhile there's management in power and we've bought into rebuilding, any and everything else is just hype and anticipation.

If Amare comes in, I think Lebron is a lock to resign and stay with Cleveland.  But if that deal falls through, and if the Cavs falter in the playoffs again, well then it's going to be an interesting summer.  There's a lot of hypothetical and a lot of "ifs", so getting wrapped up in them now is pointless.
i wouldnt even be mad if NY trades away JORDAN HILL. HE's A BUM. i was never impressed with him when i saw him play in arizona. and i was tight as hell when we drafted him. PLEASE TAKE HIM HOUSTON
Not only Mo was injured... Delonte West was too.. You know.. The All Star PG and the glue guy.. & their on a 13 game winning streak. Lebron is the Cavaliers lol
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