2012 US Pres. Election Thread- Romney wins FL

Originally Posted by HankMoody


Best reality show on TV is on tonight.

Oh $$*!, thanks for reminding me. Gonna flip to it as soon as the Gators/Rebels game is over
Muslim baby killer Gingrich has been trying to Co-opt Ron Paul for some time, trying to criticize the Fed, now with Health Care.

Kissinger laid down the law on this clown a while ago, he knows his role.
Originally Posted by rashi

Originally Posted by TeamJordan79

i dont follow these political tabloids.....but does ron paul still have a chance at a republican nomination? or its independent all the way for him? 

He could. He won't run a 3rd Party. It's pointless for Santorum and Gingrich to even be in a primary considering they aren't even in on all the State's ballots for theprimaries, therefore it is impossible for them to win the nomination. Paul and Romney are the only ones on all 50 States.

Santorum will drop out after FL, Gingrich is only around because of the Zionist Billionaire funding him, other than that he has no organization or money.

RON PAUL WILL NOT RUN THIRD PARTY. He's setting the stage for Rand, if he runs Third Party, Rand will have no chance for the same reason Liberals hate Ralph Nader for what happened in 2000.

Ron Paul is definitely unelectable.

How is he unelectable if he receives more Liberal to Moderate and the young vote than any other Republican candidate? I take my grandmother to her Progressive Forum every Saturday which is around 100 people and a majority of them said they would vote for Ron Paul over Obama because of his ever expansion of war and Wall St. connections.

This poll was taken almost less than 2 weeks ago, and he's unelectable?
And a CNN/ORC International Poll released Monday also indicates that Rep. Ron Paul of Texas is also even with Obama in another possible showdown this November. The survey also suggests the Republican advantage on voter enthusiasm is eroding, which could be crucial in a close contest.


I swear, you people need to stop letting the Corporate Media choose your candidates.

Like I said, the wider public is not nearly familiar with the man or what his ideologies entail as it is with other candidates.  People hear pieces of his policy ideas that sound good and are different from "the norm" without knowing much else about him or his doctrine.  It's trendy right now to say you support Ron Paul.  If the voting public becomes familiar with what he actually stands for and everything that entails this dynamic will change drastically and rapidly.  That's the only reason he's been able to poll as high as he has to this point.
Originally Posted by Adidas Freak

Originally Posted by Deuce King

Ron Paul is definitely unelectable.  None of the GOP candidates this year are going to be able to pull a significant number of swing voters or Obama defectors.  Paul may be doing the best in this department thus far but that's due to voters' relative unfamiliarity with him combined with the places that have already held primaries and caucuses.  If Ron Paul were to ever really have the spotlight shone on him, his ideologies, and his history, the voting public would not be nearly as kind as it has to this point.

100% Truth.  Like I said before, Ron Paul needs to do the right thing right now which is to pack it up and go home.  He's wasting his time and the time of the few people that support him.  A Ron Paul support room should and mostly will always look like this..............


Stop talking out of your !@# son. You're making yourself look like a fool who has no idea what he's talking about.


Voters unfamiliarity with him? Son, when he was in first place in Iowa polls for 2-3 weeks STRAIGHT the ONLY thing the media was talking about was those newsletters. I'm pretty sure people are "familiar" with him by now.

The media has basically ignored this dude since campaigning began, as Rashi has been stressing on here for months.  What the hell are you talking about?
Originally Posted by red mpls

Originally Posted by rashi

Originally Posted by TeamJordan79

i dont follow these political tabloids.....but does ron paul still have a chance at a republican nomination? or its independent all the way for him? 

He could. He won't run a 3rd Party. It's pointless for Santorum and Gingrich to even be in a primary considering they aren't even in on all the State's ballots for theprimaries, therefore it is impossible for them to win the nomination. Paul and Romney are the only ones on all 50 States.

Santorum will drop out after FL, Gingrich is only around because of the Zionist Billionaire funding him, other than that he has no organization or money.

RON PAUL WILL NOT RUN THIRD PARTY. He's setting the stage for Rand, if he runs Third Party, Rand will have no chance for the same reason Liberals hate Ralph Nader for what happened in 2000.

Ron Paul is definitely unelectable.

How is he unelectable if he receives more Liberal to Moderate and the young vote than any other Republican candidate? I take my grandmother to her Progressive Forum every Saturday which is around 100 people and a majority of them said they would vote for Ron Paul over Obama because of his ever expansion of war and Wall St. connections.

This poll was taken almost less than 2 weeks ago, and he's unelectable?
And a CNN/ORC International Poll released Monday also indicates that Rep. Ron Paul of Texas is also even with Obama in another possible showdown this November. The survey also suggests the Republican advantage on voter enthusiasm is eroding, which could be crucial in a close contest.


I swear, you people need to stop letting the Corporate Media choose your candidates.

Like I said, the wider public is not nearly familiar with the man or what his ideologies entail as it is with other candidates.  People hear pieces of his policy ideas that sound good and are different from "the norm" without knowing much else about him or his doctrine.  It's trendy right now to say you support Ron Paul.  If the voting public becomes familiar with what he actually stands for and everything that entails this dynamic will change drastically and rapidly.  That's the only reason he's been able to poll as high as he has to this point.

You act like his stances are hidden, he's been promoting his stances since the 1970's.
Originally Posted by rashi

You act like his stances are hidden, he's been promoting his stances since the 1970's.

Well, I didn't know about the racist stuff or that he was against the Civil Rights Act until a few months ago. 
Originally Posted by cguy610

Originally Posted by rashi

You act like his stances are hidden, he's been promoting his stances since the 1970's.

Well, I didn't know about the racist stuff or that he was against the Civil Rights Act until a few months ago. 

Dude, please. Ron Paul has said he would pardon all nonviolent offenders currently in jail (due to the War on Drugs) which the vast majority is Black. If that's the case he would have freed more Blacks under government institutionalized enslavement than the Civil War did.
Originally Posted by rashi

Originally Posted by TeamJordan79

i dont follow these political tabloids.....but does ron paul still have a chance at a republican nomination? or its independent all the way for him? 

He could. He won't run a 3rd Party. It's pointless for Santorum and Gingrich to even be in a primary considering they aren't even in on all the State's ballots for theprimaries, therefore it is impossible for them to win the nomination. Paul and Romney are the only ones on all 50 States.

Santorum will drop out after FL, Gingrich is only around because of the Zionist Billionaire funding him, other than that he has no organization or money.

RON PAUL WILL NOT RUN THIRD PARTY. He's setting the stage for Rand, if he runs Third Party, Rand will have no chance for the same reason Liberals hate Ralph Nader for what happened in 2000.
No he can't.

You are lying to yourself.. In order to win a nomination you must actually win a state first.

He's in 4th in Florida.

There is no indication that he is leading in any state primary or caucus.  He had a tremendous showing in Iowa (credit where it is due. I was surprised). But if 3rd place is your success in your biggest support state, and biggest organization he has no shot.
really like ron paul but the guy believes in creationism. I have a serious problem voting for someone who believes in that because it shows that their religion can get in the way of their rational thinking especially if/when shtf
How is he unelectable if he receives more Liberal to Moderate and the young vote than any other Republican candidate?

maybe because if it was up to him you wouldnt even be able to get loans from the government to go to college

and they wouldnt pay for children to eat free breakfast in public schools

hes unelectable and has been unelectable for more than a decade now

again, like i say in every post concerning paul

for every amazing genius idea he has, (kill the fed) there are 5 that are completely ridiculous....(stop "wasteful" dollars being spent on every type of "research" there is)

no president will ever be elected saying "its not the governments job to ensure the food you eat is safe for consumption"

or "EPA? these companies can police themselves when it comes to pollution"


keep the faith in your guy tho


*waits for you to argue how ineffective the EPA and FDA are, completely ignoring what i said*
Originally Posted by rashi

Originally Posted by cguy610

Originally Posted by rashi

You act like his stances are hidden, he's been promoting his stances since the 1970's.

Well, I didn't know about the racist stuff or that he was against the Civil Rights Act until a few months ago. 

Dude, please. Ron Paul has said he would pardon all nonviolent offenders currently in jail (due to the War on Drugs) which the vast majority is Black. If that's the case he would have freed more Blacks under government institutionalized enslavement than the Civil War did.
yeah like that $%%@ would get passed 
Originally Posted by RetroSan

Originally Posted by rashi

Originally Posted by cguy610

Well, I didn't know about the racist stuff or that he was against the Civil Rights Act until a few months ago. 

Dude, please. Ron Paul has said he would pardon all nonviolent offenders currently in jail (due to the War on Drugs) which the vast majority is Black. If that's the case he would have freed more Blacks under government institutionalized enslavement than the Civil War did.
yeah like that $%%@ would get passed 
I'm not 100% convinced you know how Presidential pardons work.
Originally Posted by rashi

Originally Posted by red mpls

Like I said, the wider public is not nearly familiar with the man or what his ideologies entail as it is with other candidates.  People hear pieces of his policy ideas that sound good and are different from "the norm" without knowing much else about him or his doctrine.  It's trendy right now to say you support Ron Paul.  If the voting public becomes familiar with what he actually stands for and everything that entails this dynamic will change drastically and rapidly.  That's the only reason he's been able to poll as high as he has to this point.

You act like his stances are hidden, he's been promoting his stances since the 1970's.

But who has been paying attention?

Paul is a congressman.  One out of 535 in any given two-year period.  I'm sure we have gone through more than 10,000 congressmen since the 1970s.  Half of the people in this country probably don't know who their own congressman is, let alone their views.  Why on earth would the average person be aware of the views of some random representative from rural Texas, or even the fact that he exists?  This is the widest national media exposure he has ever enjoyed and it's still been damn near non-existent compared to the other GOP nominees, as you yourself have argued time and again.

So once again I reiterate, the voting public is not as familiar with him or his stances as they are with someone like Newt Gingrich, one of the highest-profile politicians over the past two decades, or Mitt Romney, a serious contender in the 2008 GOP presidential primaries and someone who the national media has been covering since.
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Well this just got interesting.

The hacktivist collective Anonymous set out to take down the white supremacist American Third Party (A3P) in what they called “Operation Blitzkrieg
Ron Paul is the only republican candidate with a chance (very small chance, but a chance) to beat Obama - but he should just pack it up and go home? LOL.

Not only should Ron Paul pack it up and go home but he needs to do so immediately if not sooner.  That way his supporters like you and a few others on here can start to deal with your disappointment in him not being the Republican nominee sooner rather than later. 

Regardless, it's 4 more years of Obama

We'll take it

Paul isn't really in this to win it. �He wants to keep spreading his message which is finally catching on and set the stage for Rand like rashi said. �He'll try to get as many delegates as he can and have an influence in the GOP convention.

Like I said before, he's wasting his time, and his supporters as few as they are, are doing the same thing.  He's been finishing dead last in a few of these primaries lately. 
Wow, what a thread.

8 pages and not one person has mentioned "peak oil", which is
the only REAL issue our world faces. I'm not surprised though,
our political heroes don't mention it either. 
Originally Posted by Pig Love

Wow, what a thread.

8 pages and not one person has mentioned "peak oil", which is
the only REAL issue our world faces.�I'm not surprised though,
our political heroes�don't�mention it either.�
...I mean no one wants to talk about real issues though
...no one is stopping you though...

But instead we're left with this trash:
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