2013-2014 NBA Season Thread - Congrats to the Spurs, DBD is still a buster

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How is everyone writing off the Pacers after they've outplayed Miami for 93 of the 96 minutes in this series? They've been a great road team in these playoffs. I'm sure the narrative would have been the same had they won game 2. Oh they just took care of home, Heat in 3.

As for Brooks, he has to change up the starting lineup now, right? There's no excuse.
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I commend Mark Cuban for having the balls to speak his mind and speak on his own prejudices. As an NBA owner he's right, he does live in a glass house, he is in a position where every word he utters is scrutinized.

Obviously not everyone has the same prejudices, obviously a lot of us including myself don't walk the other way when we see a certain type of person. But I can still understand where he's coming from.

The thing is you need to be able to not let those prejudices turn into rash behavior, you've got to keep a level head. Nothing wrong with him being honest, society has conditioned and hardwired people to think a certain way. Again not all of us relate to his prejudices, some of us don't share the same fears. But we don't have to misconstrue his statement and turn it into something malicious.


It's a shame the media, and lots of people, just take the quote in context and assume racism. If you read the entire quote, and go through the entire interview, he was bringing up a much bigger point. I agree with him fully that people all have preconceived stereotypes in their head. It's just a matter of how you act on them, and having the awareness to know that the prejudices you have are inaccurate and out of touch with reality. This goes for everybody, no matter what race you are, or which type of culture you were raised in.
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Cuban's problem was he said he would act on those prejudices and stereotypes, giving them validity. Yet In the same breath saying you try and eliminate it from your businesses and companies through sensitivity training and whatever. Practice what you preach so that you don't have to be scared of somebody wearing a damn hoodie because of the color of their skin or if they have tattoos.
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Someone please explain what is going on in Memphis? Why is Jager about to be my new head coach?

Heard Windhorst on the radio today, and he brought up a good point: the new era of NBA owners (half the league has changed hands in the last 7 or 8 years) is comprised of all these venture capitalists and hedge fund guys who are used to acquiring assets, and turning them around in 18-24 months. They bring that same mentality to an NBA team, and if they don't see enough of a positive result within two years (or, hell, even one), they'll just dump everyone and start over. Windhorst specifically points to 50-win coaches getting canned left and right, which is unprecedented and absurd. He said the downfall for many teams in the near future is going to be the fact these owners will meddle too much in the actual basketball part of owning a team, rather than letting the process play out through hiring people they can trust to turn it around.

Basically, you have impatient owners who think running a sports team should have comparable results (not financially, but on a performance level) to their other businesses. They're not. Turns out, nobody learned anything from the real failure of Howard Schultz's term as owner of the Sonics.
Danny Green has made 11 3pointers in this series (out of 15 attempts,73%fg).

Thabo Sefolosha has made 11 3pointers since the all star break (on 47 attempts, 23%fg)

God damn.
Worst 3 & D guy ever 
i definitely see this happening. GS is a prime example.  That fan base went hard at the new owner when they traded Monta. very very luckily for Lacob, the team has improved since the trade, but i think it was just dumb luck and it's only a matter of time before every Warrior fan is calling for his head

It's a shame the media, and lots of people, just take the quote in context and assume racism. If you read the entire quote, and go through the entire interview, he was bringing up a much bigger point. I agree with him fully that people all have preconceived stereotypes in their head. It's just a matter of how you act on them, and having the awareness to know that the prejudices you have are inaccurate and out of touch with reality. This goes for everybody, no matter what race you are, or which type of culture you were raised in.

Very well said.
Do people seriously cross to the other side of the street?

I've never seen this happen in my life.


... it happened to me when i was younger and dressed in "urban gear"
... it happens to me now when i'm clean cut w/ a suit and dress shoes and a briefcase
... many times people prefer to stand on the train when there is an open seat next to me ...

i'm tired of it ... but it is what it is ... i don't even look menacing ... and it's not even like the majority of the people doing where here in the late 80s and early 90s when they were robbing women of all ages in broad daylight ...

strickly for the rustling & lulz.....popcorn beeen ready

that jay pic tho :rofl:

I was about to say :lol: cause the only thing Kanye does better than Nas is produce, be seen, and whine.

Do people seriously cross to the other side of the street?

I've never seen this happen in my life.

Probably not literally, but clutching your purse or hastily locking your door in the presence of what you think is a threat is pretty much the norm.
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[thread="593997"]He said the downfall for many teams in the near future is going to be the fact these owners will meddle too much in the actual basketball part of owning a team, rather than letting the process play out through hiring people they can trust to turn it around.[/thread]
i definitely see this happening. GS is a prime example.  That fan base went hard at the new owner when they traded Monta. very very luckily for Lacob, the team has improved since the trade, but i think it was just dumb luck and it's only a matter of time before every Warrior fan is calling for his head

I don't agree that the trade was just dumb luck. That Monta trade was a very, very good trade, it's just that he was a fan favorite, and Lacob made poor judgment when he did the Mullin jersey retirement, when he decided to talk in front of almost 20,000 fans that were upset at the trade at the time. That wasn't a matter of luck, it was just a trade that needed to be made, not only to get a big, but free up playing time for Klay Thompson, as well as make room for Curry to be the main star of the team. Before the trade, there was major debate over who the W's should trade (Monta or Curry) with the fanbase split fairly 50/50.
The Warriors' ownership has done a very good job even though they haven't done everything perfectly.
haha i think everyone is just using this as kind of a metaphor for avoiding people

Ultimately, that's what it is. I cross the street to avoid all types of people, but I can tell you for certain I'm equal opportunity.
Lot of soft dudes in this thread.

If a guy in a simple hoodie has u shook, u should have your mancard revoked. How pathetic. Jesus Christ.

If dude is really about that life, crossing the street just increases your chances of getting robbed cause now u look like a scared child.

A simple hooded shirt has dudes frightened. Unbelievable.

The thought of being afraid of another human is just unfathomable to me.
Lot of soft dudes in this thread.

If a guy in a simple hoodie has u shook, u should have your mancard revoked. How pathetic. Jesus Christ.

If dude is really about that life, crossing the street just increases your chances of getting robbed cause now u look like a scared child.

A simple hooded shirt has dudes frightened. Unbelievable.

The thought of being afraid of another human is just unfathomable to me.

You sound very strong, mentally and physically. If everyone was like you, we would all be indestructible. I'm being sarcastic.
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