2014 NBA Off-Season; Paul George suffers a double-compund-fracture, likely out for season. Speedy re

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rockets agree in principle with 76ers to trade jeremy lin. if we get bosh, lin is gone, parsons is matched, and all is right in houston texas.
If I was Dirk...I'd dip to Houston.

I'm in the twilight of my career...and you give Chandler ******* Parsons 46 million? That's my help?

I'm out.
Looks like Lin got traded to the Sixers. Which sort of confirms HOU will get Bosh. Which means LeBron back to CLE. :wow:

Bosh-Houston check
Bron-Cleveland check

In a perfect world... Wade and my main man Kobe would retire.

Kobe to save his legacy... Wade to save the embarrassment...

Looks like Lin got traded to the Sixers. Which sort of confirms HOU will get Bosh. Which means LeBron back to CLE. :wow:

bosh and lebron breaking up and now houston is breaking up these two

View media item 1070199

Chandler looking like a boy band member on tour in Asia...

Lin looking like a fangirl...
If I was Dirk...I'd dip to Houston.

I'm in the twilight of my career...and you give Chandler ******* Parsons 46 million? That's my help?

I'm out.

who else they gonna target? it's not like they arent trying. deron/dwight/lebron/melo/bosh/all them said no to them. what else are they gonna do?

Where are you guys getting this Lin news?

think it's been out there for awhile. philly was willing to take him
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I will forever miss Chan+Jerm 

Whats lost in all of this Lebron to the Cavs business is that they just drafted Wiggins.

How will this hinder his development? So Wiggins will come off the bench? etc

He's the best trade chip in the league right now. Why keep him when you can get another established star to go w/ Bron?

They should just keep Wiggins, blow of the Love trade, and sign Bosh instead, need his defense.
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rockets agree in principle with 76ers to trade jeremy lin. if we get bosh, lin is gone, parsons is matched, and all is right in houston texas.

No way in Hell they should match Parsons. Let that boy go; 15 mil per year is too much. Dwight, harden and bosh would make them real contenders in the west w/o Chandler
Where are you guys getting this Lin news?

the official news looks like a false alarm, but there are reports that theres already a deal in place

rockets agree in principle with 76ers to trade jeremy lin. if we get bosh, lin is gone, parsons is matched, and all is right in houston texas.

No way in Hell they should match Parsons. Let that boy go; 15 mil per year is too much. Dwight, harden and bosh would make them real contenders in the west w/o Chandler

if we match parsons, we can go over the cap and it's ok.

if we don't, we essentially lose parsons, lin, and asik to sign chris bosh. and then we'd have little to no cap space to work with. we should match parsons.
who else they gonna target? it's not like they arent trying. deron/dwight/lebron/melo/bosh/all them said no to them. what else are they gonna do?
Spending money just because you have it and overpaying for talent that doesn't match the value...hasn't traditionally worked out very well for most teams in NBA history.

Didn't Cuban tailor the roster after that title season with the same concept in mind?
If I was Dirk...I'd dip to Houston.

I'm in the twilight of my career...and you give Chandler ******* Parsons 46 million? That's my help?

I'm out.


the team they'd have with Parsons would arguably be better than the 2011 team.. maybe even the best he's ever had

Parsons + Monta as backup ain't help? cmon son... plus their bench is always tops in the league
Should take a second and let this soak in. We are currently being entertained by one of the most impactful legacies of all time. If he goes back it'll probably be the coolest. Just the way the pieces slowly get put in place while loads of gifs and videos are created based off speculation to entertain you in the meantime. One day you're gonna be like I remember when all that happened, it was wild. The Internet is baller as ****.
the team they'd have with Parsons would arguably be better than the 2011 team.. maybe even the best he's ever had

I don't know when people are serious or when they're trying to be funny in here.
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