2015-2016 NBA Regular Season - MDA to HOU - All-NBA - Harden snubbed - Anthony Davis is broke

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Lebron won 2 chips already. 

He better retire in Cleveland trying to bring that Chip.

I mean there isn't a BIGGER challenge left for him, he better stay put man.

If you aren't good enough to win, you just aren't good enough. Live with it, but don't run from it man, step up to the Challenge and die trying. 
Tyson was great in his first two years with the Knicks. In 2012 he dragged that crappy Knicks roster to a top 5 defense and deservedly won DPOY in the process. Then the nagging injuries and maybe some disinterest got the better of him in his final year there.

its weird seeing Chase playing for the Suns |I  

Are you stalking him, bro? How are you getting practice pics already? He just got there.

them banners
diana taurasi :smokin
greatest basketball player to ever play for a phx. just ahead of nash and chuck
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Are you stalking him, bro? How are you getting practice pics already? He just got there.
tbh, I was Twitter searching any news on him (I thought he might have played already) but literally minutes before I searched; the local beat writers had got pics/reported his official signing.
tbh, I was Twitter searching any news on him (I thought he might have played already) but literally minutes before I searched; the local beat writers had got pics/reported his official signing.

Explanation accepted. My condolences on the Kings not signing him. Maybe this Summer.
Man KD aint doing the same as what Bron did by going back home and TRYING to get a ring....Bron already scheming on bailing out on Cleveland again :lol:
View media item 1943265
This is the most hateful article i have read all year about the Warriors .. if you are a fan of the Warriors its almost comical that this writer clearly just hates the warriors and doesnt follow the team
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View media item 1943265
This is the most hateful article i have read all year about the Warriors .. if you are a fan of the Warriors its almost comical that this writer clearly just hates the warriors and doesnt follow the team

Stopped reading at "have had it easy." Let em hate man. We know theyre a great team. Historical, rather. **** the haters. The championships will shut them up
This is the most hateful article i have read all year about the Warriors .. if you are a fan of the Warriors its almost comical that this writer clearly just hates the warriors and doesnt follow the team
this is a prime example of how anyone who knows english can be seen as a journalist these days

what a garbage article
I think my understanding was the Bulls loses that season were an average under 10 pts
thats cool and all but the writer takes some hateful jabs .. did he have to say a gimicky 3 point team ? No clearly not.. also doesnt mention the loses were from brutal roadtrips or missing key players. MINUS the lakers game
gsw followers hype fans born every millisecond these days. with the 49ers sucking and macd turning higher in the bay area, these fans from "the bay" with supreme gear and iphone 6 are all wearing blue n gold.

no one know about troy murphs dad and the crossover god father.

gsw disgusts me...
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The Warriors have had it much harder than Mike's Bulls. And that Bulls team is my favorite team ever. It's just the reality of today's environment.

The Bulls coverage each night was a 60 second highlight reel on SportsCenter and then your boxscores in the paper in the morning, and people moved on. The Bulls were the Beatles but they existed in that day's media environment.

The Warriors are dissected to death by every media outlet, by Twitter, by every show on ESPN all day and night. Each game now is getting close to a Donald Trump debate which leads to opponents paying attention and going full throttle every game, it leads to the media eyeballs on you, and it leads to fans dumping on you all week on social media and repeat.
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