2015 NY Knicks offseason thread, Los Almighty appreciation thread

yeah i dont want okafor on this team either. we NEED a defensive 5. i hope okafor goes 1-3, bc i will be pissed if we end up with him. i dont want us to get screwed any more with this draft.
If the Knicks pass on Mudiay/Russell, with Jose ******* Calderon being the fallback option at PG, then we are ******* ******ed. No need to overthink it.

Mudiay is EXACTLY what this team needs. I have little doubt that he could be a star in this league. He is a 6'5 freak athlete who is unselfish and a firery competitor. NY would fall in love with him. He would very well be more in the conversation for #1 pick if he went to SMU, which is misguided but true.

Unless Phil has some kind of genius plan/trade up his sleeve that would land us a PG, Draft Mudiay if he falls to us, move Melo to the 4, find a defensive center ******* somewhere, and push the pace. Mudiay isnt ideal for the triangle, but if DFish ever wants to be anything more in this league than Phil's puppet (I believe he does) he will make it work. Especially as an ex-PG himself. He should learn from what Kerr is doing right now in Golden State. Incorporate principles of the triangle, but play to your team's advantages, and let Mudiay the Stallion out of the ******* stable.

Drafting Mudiay and asking him to be the prototypical triangle PG would be disastrous. But he is a facilitator who can take the ball out of Melo's hands (in a good way, allowing Melo to focus solely on being a scorer/spot up shooter, his greatest strength) and allow us to push the pace on MFers. Mudiay could run all game, and so could the rest of the team, especially with Melo at the 4. Nothing wrong with that. Nothing at all. Knicks were at our best pushing the ball in 2013.

I think having Mudiay would benefit THJR even more so than he would Melo or any other Knick. Mudiay is at his best driving and kicking, setting up shooters like Melo/Hardaway for open looks. If Hardaway could focus on improving defensively (he has the tools to do so) he could become a real threat next to Mudiay IMO. He would be a great fit offensively and if he improves defensively, that is a very solid defensive backcourt as well.

Sometimes the biggest questions can be answered internally. Just look at JR/Shump in Cleveland this year playing with Lebron (the best facilitator in the game) compared to with the Knicks (with no facilitators). Or Carroll/Korver this year in team-oriented ATL compared to the rest of their ******* careers. Drafting Mudiay improves our greatest weakness immediately and IMO THJR would thrive because of it.

In order to find true success, IMO Knicks/Fisher/Phil needs to incorporate what has worked well for us in the past along with elements of the triangle. Trying to do all or none in either direction will not work for this team in the foreseeable future IMO. Adapt or ******* die.

Just let me ******* run this team. Championship within 3 years. Book it 
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i really hope management doesn't reach for a player because of the triangle or his fit with Melo

whoever we take shluld be our future superstar to build around
Waiting for Phil to go all 2007 Danny Ainge on everybody's *** and manuver a three way trade with Denver and SacTown to land Boogie :pimp:

(it could happen :\ )

Knicks get: Cousins

Denver get: THJR / 4th pick

Sac get: Faried / Lawson / 7th pick

And sign Afflalo
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this draft is really hard to mess up... obviously okafor, towns and russell will be gone and we need a pg badly... if we pass on mudiay :smh:
Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't the wolves recently give Pecovic a sizeable deal? He missed a good chunk of games last year but he's a tough guy. Do you think they move away from him and still draft a big? I can't see him sliding over to the PF And their frontcourt is pretty full.
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