2015 NY Knicks offseason thread, Los Almighty appreciation thread

trade Zinger for whoever takes Winslow idc 
praying he does that
I thought you was done though?

Is this what it's come to? Knicks fans being all wishy washy. Finally gone over the cliff past all the sky is falling nonsense now we threatening to give up on being fans :smh:

Yall are better than this.
We wouldn't be Knicks fans if we were. We're clearly bigger morons than Phil and Dolan.
That's just that disillusioned delusional Knick fan failure talk right now. Deep down we're stronger than that.

We live in NYC.
i'll give Zinger a chance just because i'd never stop being a Knick fan but he's on a very short leash

shorter than what JR had 

If it's shorter than JR's then Idk what to tell you. You're investing too much in the wrong players. At least this guy actually has upside. Instead of a dummy who doesn't know how to utilize his talent.
I was gon cop the mudiay jersey also. i wanted to rep someone else besides melo. this sucks smh
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Hope he spends the summer just working on his game.

Hell at least he wants to be here. Says a lot knowing what was gonna follow.
Watch Mudiay be another Shumpert. I can feel it. There has to be a reason why he fell a few spots. A reason we don't know of.
the kid is fluid offensively, he moves like a sf as a 7footer

can shoot with the best of them, he has a high motor

i believe
u can believe all u want to say hes better than ad was at 19 and that u know hes not soft are two absurd statements
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