2015 NY Knicks offseason thread, Los Almighty appreciation thread

Quiet night for the Knicks.

Aminu gone, didn't want him here so pretty happy.

Beverly would be great addition. Not sure what his contract is.

Haven't run through his numbers yet and i doubt Knicks have even considered it but: Kyle Oquinn seems like an under the radar dude that could be super productive

EDIT: he's from NY
Haven't told you guys yet but

I'm Phil Jackson
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Don't see any team that would even want Calderon at this point, though. 

Then again, didn't think anyone would want Earl or Shumpert either. So we'll see what happens, however I strongly doubt he even plays out the season in a Knick uniform. 
But then again it isn't as appealing to take him on with that contract. Prigs' was much lower
I don't want Shved

KD could come here. They say he's real close with Fisher. Only way he even considers here, is if we win at least 40 this season. Don't see that happening. He's not going to a bad team. I also think he retires in two years because of his foot so I don't even care.
Quiet night for the Knicks.

Aminu gone, didn't want him here so pretty happy.

Beverly would be great addition. Not sure what his contract is.

Haven't run through his numbers yet and i doubt Knicks have even considered it but: Kyle Oquinn seems like an under the radar dude that could be super productive

EDIT: he's from NY
Haven't told you guys yet but

I'm Phil Jackson

Repped for being Phil Jackson
I feel like O'Quinn is Quincy Acy, just bigger in height and weight.

He is providing everything you were asking of Acy. The grit, toughness, heart, and all that. He happens to be a better rebounder though.

Don't hate it, don't love it

But very minimal risk. And you could have spent it in far worse ways.
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The only difference is that Acy has absolutely no offensive game and O'Quinn could give you a little bit from midrange and put backs
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