Who Will Win the 2017 NBA Finals?

  • Cleveland Cavaliers

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  • Golden State Warriors

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Why Curry over Irving? Is it because he can pull up from the parking lot effortlessly? 

I'd take Kyrie, man when he channels his inner Uncle Drew, my goodness, some of the stuff he does to break down the defense or just to get to the bucket is ridiculous. Steph, yes a ridiculous shooter and definitely a better shooter than Kyrie, but I don't think his handles are better. They both excel where the other lacks but can do the same thing if that makes sense.
Yeah but he's tiring himself out and he's hitting tough shots. Mini Mamba for sure. Steph has had a better Finals but is getting overshadowed by KD's greatness. Steph is a better defender than Kyrie as well. Kyrie's handle is better and he finishes better.
There's absolutely nothing kyrie can do better than curry, nothing.
Kyrie is a better finisher. He was insane last night.
Answer me this stans, why was LeBron in best player in the league conversations without being a champion in 2010 & 2011 when there was another guy who was a made man at the time putting up similar numbers and winning chips?
Not a stan but I'll bite. Bron was in the conversation because he was putting up great stats and leading his team to 60 plus wins a season. 

You don't have to be a champion to be considered the best in the league at the time that you are in it. That's why at the beginning of this season and others KD was considered one of the best without being a champion. 

I do think you have to be a champion to be considered one of the best ever though. 
The blame game for Myrie already beginning. Max saying he cost them the game. Good thing he's already got ahead of it with talking to Bean about feuds.

Cavs not even in it without Kyrie. The momentum stopping tough shots he hit last night....insane.

He really showed the full arsenal. His ground game, footwork and touch is unbelievable.
You know his bought in for at least another year, then he has to opt out the following year. At least 2 more years. By then he be borderline 35 yrs old..
He can opt out after next year so just one more year of this potentially.
Cavs not even in it without Kyrie. The momentum stopping tough shots he hit last night....insane.

He really showed the full arsenal. His ground game, footwork and touch is unbelievable.

I hope he leaves the Cavs after his deal is up.
After last night's game can we finally kill the following narratives:

- The Cavs are a super team
- The NBA is rigged

Both of those narratives were put on display last night and completely debunked.

I mean in any other season, the Cavs are a legit stacked team.

But they just happen to be going up against the mother of all stacked teams right now. So it's easy to kind of pick Cleveland apart right now.
Also stans answer me this...y'all knew what a monster GS was yet you were still blind witnesses who thought your leader would be able to overcome it all just because he's so far and away the best player yet come to find out he ain't even the best on the floor.
answer this...will you tear down KD's game as much as Bron's when he gets close to dethroning Kobe's place in Nba history?
After last night's game can we finally kill the following narratives:

- The Cavs are a super team
- The NBA is rigged

Both of those narratives were put on display last night and completely debunked.

The refs/rigged talk died down exponentially once KD started hitting shots late :lol:
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What ACTUAL and clear evidence is there thru these 3 games, that KD is the best player on the floor though

Just because his team is winning games doesn't actually prove hes the best player.
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answer this...will you tear down KD's game as much as Bron's when he gets close to dethroning Kobe's place in Nba history?

Another non-answer just as I suspected. A buncha hypocrites.

But IF that time comes, I'll have no issue with giving KD his due. I gave the court jester his props last year even moved him ahead of Bean all time, which was a mistake in retrospect.
Prisoner of the moment mentality in here is on 101%

It's not over until a team wins 4 games.
You backed the wrong horse lame. You turned on your own for the enemy and now the chickens are coming home to roost.

Another non-answer just as I suspected. A buncha hypocrites.

But IF that time comes, I'll have no issue with giving KD his due. I gave the court jester his props last year even moved him ahead of Bean all time, which was a mistake in retrospect.

Why? Cause he passed it to Korver instead of taking the shot?
Bron's not that guy. He's going to pass it to the open man. I hate it at times, but it's who he is.
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Last night NT told me Game 4 was rigged for the Cavs and Silver has this going back to GS cause "money reasons"

I wish I had the patience to go back and pull receipts of everyone who made that claim last night. Y'all look like a bunch of idiots :lol:
I just wanna know who didn't see this outcome happening, and what did you expect lol..
Prisoner of the moment mentality in here is on 101% :lol:

Dudes for real talking about Durant being better than LeBron lol

He's always been right behind LeBron and still is. Like, what did you think was gonna happen when someone almost as good as LeBron joined the Warriors.
Another non-answer just as I suspected. A buncha hypocrites.

But IF that time comes, I'll have no issue with giving KD his due. I gave the court jester his props last year even moved him ahead of Bean all time, which was a mistake in retrospect.

Why cause his losing to a more superior team?.... Even your boy Kobe can't pull this one out.
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