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Looks like the Celtics could get off Kris Dunn and Bruno Fernando to meet Schroder's price.

All jokes aside, I feel bad for dude. He really had it all; multi-million dollar home in LA, beautiful family, thick *** wife and plays for the Lakers, then in a snap, life changed.


I don't really feel bad for the guy. He made a bad business decision and now he's paying the consequences. He still has all of those things you mentioned except he's not playing for Lakers. He's made over 70 million dollars in his career so he's far from broke (or at least he shouldn't be) and it's not like his wife left him. Dennis Schroeder will be okay 😂
when you've seen damn near 200 M's i don't think losing a few to play at your desired destination is hurting anyone

All jokes aside, I feel bad for dude. He really had it all; multi-million dollar home in LA, beautiful family, thick *** wife and plays for the Lakers, then in a snap, life changed.

I dont feel bad for him at all. I dont know how the **** he thought he could get 25 million a year when hes been a back up all his life and when he wasnt he ****s the bed. sounds hella greedy to trick off your career like that

lakers were giving him 21 mill a year.

after that disasterous playoff showing they wasnt going to give him ****
He's probably waiting to see if any other teams come in and give him the full MLE.

Crazy thing is, at $5.9M he's and upgrade over Kemba fit wise on the floor. Kemba was getting absolutely teabagged on defense, especially in the playoffs. I think Boston will be happy to give the dude $5.9 or just give his roster spot to🍠Madar if he really shows out in the summer league. I doubt they'd let a desparate Schroder hard cap them.
Zero chance they hard cap themselves. Whole point of this offseason's moves were to create financial flexibility to avoid the tax and either bring someone in at the deadline or be able to create cap space next summer.
It's wild, his newest pair, are pretty dope, but they never released them to the public lolll. It's comical

I've heard that CP3 sneakers were quite well performing too but as the others have mentioned I have never seen a single pair in the 'wild'. I was quite surprised that JB took his line up until 12 models.

In that regard the Carmelo line was more popular and way more people were wearing them casually.
Lakers FO is breathing a huge sigh of relief that Schroeder turned their offer down. :wow:

This dude Dennis really fumbled the bag. |l

Lakers would’ve traded him if he accepted that contract. Maybe he would’ve been salary filler in the Russ trade.

Im always a proponent on betting on yourself but damn I feel for Dennis. Bruh never thought it could blow up on him like this. That sucks.
When CP3 was with the Clippers, I remember seeing a good amount of kids wearing the youth versions of his shoes. That’s pretty much it.

Only other person I’ve ever noticed rocking Sheriff Jim’s is PatBev during a few games :lol:

I’ve tried a couple versions of the Harden’s on because I saw them at stores on heavy disco, but didn’t like the fit and passed.
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