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This is why Thanos wasn't the villain. Sure he believed in what most would call a "Disproven economic theory" but...

  • He never acted out of anger
  • Was totally bound by logic
  • Didnt actively start any conflicts but rather was forced into them

If Thanos could have just walked around and collected all of the Infinity Stones without bothering anyone and did the snap he would have done it. He was really trying to protect people from themselves.

The hardest choices require the strongest wills. He was given a burden that most wouldn't have been able to bear.

Gp2 is better in the lineup. Klay and Dray have not been good. Especially Dray. Kerr been playing Steph in some dumb lineups.

The lineup they were waiting to unload (that they haven’t yet) was:


But they can’t do that now. Honestly, I think a lineup


Might be good for them, it hasn’t been seen yet.


Like even the gif of the most gangsta **** she did in the show against her enemy also basically her massacring thousands of innocent people, and that drives her son to commit suicide. :lol:

She is a driving force of a ton of the terrible **** that happens on the show

The emasculated dudes in GOT, really the ones that made **** shake in the worst ways. Varys, Littlefinger, Theon, and even Greyworm,


Dude to me, was the true villain in all of this. He set of a lot of the change of events…

Without moving his “littlefinger”
This is why Thanos wasn't the villain. Sure he believed in what most would call a "Disproven economic theory" but...

  • He never acted out of anger
  • Was totally bound by logic
  • Didnt actively start any conflicts but rather was forced into them

If Thanos could have just walked around and collected all of the Infinity Stones without bothering anyone and did the snap he would have done it. He was really trying to protect people from themselves.

The hardest choices require the strongest wills. He was given a burden that most wouldn't have been able to bear.
He genocides half the universe's population

He would have to kill someone he loved to get one of the stones

His logic in regards to earth was dumb if given 5 minutes of thought

He even somewhat realizes the flaws in it in Endgame, and comes up with an even crazier plan

He didn't solve anything, the first snap just set back the clock on the supposed things he had a problem with.
This is why Thanos wasn't the villain. Sure he believed in what most would call a "Disproven economic theory" but...

  • He never acted out of anger
  • Was totally bound by logic
  • Didnt actively start any conflicts but rather was forced into them

If Thanos could have just walked around and collected all of the Infinity Stones without bothering anyone and did the snap he would have done it. He was really trying to protect people from themselves.

The hardest choices require the strongest wills. He was given a burden that most wouldn't have been able to bear.
Is this your general logic as translated to actual people? … because :lol:
This is why Thanos wasn't the villain. Sure he believed in what most would call a "Disproven economic theory" but...

  • He never acted out of anger
  • Was totally bound by logic
  • Didnt actively start any conflicts but rather was forced into them

If Thanos could have just walked around and collected all of the Infinity Stones without bothering anyone and did the snap he would have done it. He was really trying to protect people from themselves.

The hardest choices require the strongest wills. He was given a burden that most wouldn't have been able to bear.

Thanos was extremely calculated & people agreeing with him shows what a great villian he actually was.

On the other hand, he snapped away half the population at random.
Man was obsessed with Death. I rock with Thanos but
A little disappointed they didn't delve deeper into that motivation/angle for him in IW and endgame.

He's one of the biggest simps of all time when it comes to him and death in the comics :lol:

He wasn't this deep calculated pragmatist as portrayed so much as more of a desperate *** dude trying to commit genocide just to get a sniff/reply to his dm's
Can we all agree that the movie, “Black Panther” was overrated?
Yup, and we’re about to get a Part 2 that I couldn’t care any less about. It’s dope to get a Black superhero movie, so it served its purpose. But just give me more shows/movies with regular *** Black people living life. No need for trauma porn, white saviors or superheroes at my age.
Thanos thinks the world is over populated, there isn't enough to go around, so his plan is to randomly killed off half the people on earth.

So his plan is to drop Earth population back to where is was in what?.......check notes......1972

That's his big brain solution. Roll back the population to the ******* 70s

So this genius intergalactic warlord doesn't understand how exponential growth works.

Give me a ******* break :lol:

Thanos is a cool villians. But he was clearly not a policy guy.
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