Bryan's crazy fur boots last night were a homage to Bruiser Brody


I feel stupid for not getting it first time around

haha, i mentioned last night all he needed was a viking helmet and to start yelling "husk!" :lol:
The shock factor of Undertaker losing at Wrestlemania > Undertaker going undefeated at Wrestlemania.

Seriously, it was mind blowing.
Would've been epic if Bray Wyatt ended the streak instead.  Instant top heel.  Speaking of Bray, I know from a business standpoint given their current model it benefits WWE more to have Cena remain face, but we're at the point now where he's had like zero character development in over 5 years.  It's time for SuperCena to go the route of Hollywood Hogan.  How exactly can you book him to draw at this point?
She's aged like 12 years within the space of 3.
Nt need a auto refresh option, I was tired of manually refreshing this page last night or for that matter every Monday night raw. Could work with major release threads also
Brock has done more than any average WWE superstar or human being for that matter..He has a unique story and I doubt we'll ever see someone like him again..let the boy cook lol

For what it's worth I was just as shocked as anyone that the streak ended by the hands of Brock Lesnar..
how was Brock a bust in UFC... cant wait to hear this
He went 4-3 and lost his last two fights; he was hyped off his name

You look at that record and don't put a name to it and you'd say the same thing
In all fairness to him, his health played a major role in the way he fell off.  He was near death at one point.  He clearly hit a point where he was a shell of himself.
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^cena should begging for a heel turn or some kind of change. He's down to the midcard essentially in this feud with Wyatt, nowhere near the title picture anymore. He of all people should recognize he's stuck in neutral

Just finished watching, great great show.
I'd like to see Reigns be the one to end it....in 5 years.

Not so much Taker still going in 5 years, but the fact that Reigns is still very green. I can't even get my head around the idea of him battling for the streak at this point in his career let alone being the one to break it.
1. The 2nd biggest shocker last nigt was Bryan beating HHH CLEAN. I was shocked when he pinned him. I love how DB uses that Bomaye on special occasions and it murders folks.

2. Anyone notice how ROman Reign's apron dropkick has become sloppier and slopper each time he does it. The first two times he did it, it was a dropkick. Now it has turned into a one footed kick.
He went 4-3 and lost his last two fights; he was hyped off his name

You look at that record and don't put a name to it and you'd say the same thing

Not many people can jump into UFC and become the heavyweight champion like he did. Not to mention overcome diverticulitis in the process. He WAS the CHAMP..... not a bust
Questions that we will never get the answer to: What made The Undertaker decide he wanted to lose to Brock? They seemed to have a real dislike for each other a few years ago. Oh well. What's done is done. And the only way to get a real answer to anything is via DVD interviews.
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To say he was a bust means there was a general consensus that he would be VERY successful. Was that the case before he started in UFC? I don't recall.
To say he was a bust means there was a general consensus that he would be VERY successful. Was that the case before he started in UFC? I don't recall.

UFC used his name to sell a lot of tickets and PPV's and hyped him up big time

He never lived up to that hype if you ask me
UFC used his name to sell a lot of tickets and PPV's and hyped him up big time

He never lived up to that hype if you ask me
I understand they used his name to sell tickets, but that doesn't necessarily means there was a consensus that he would be successful. They used his name because he was popular in wrestling. And at the time, wrestling and UFC fans were kinda sorta the same person.

So unless there was a general expectation that he would be a star, which he was, I don't know how he can be considered a bust.
IMO I'd rather let Brock be the one to end it than an "up & comer," especially with the story, they've told the last 2 WMs. XXVIII Taker had to be stretchered out, XXIX he was helped to the ramp with HHH & HBK signaling the "end of an era." The way I see it the "Beast" just (bad pun) put the final nail in the coffin.

Don't give it to a Reigns or a Bray cause I don't think it is fair to them to try and live up to that pressure. They will still get over. Some of you wanted Ryback to beat Punk in the middle of his reign, in retrospect that would've been horrible. Why not have Punk end the reign? Look where Punk is now? The guy was given a 434 day reign and he still wasn't happy.

"The 1 Billy Gunn" won the King of the Ring back when that still meant a lot, and he failed miserably, they gave a rising Jack Swagger the strap & look at him now.

Brock winning is fine he is still a beast. I hate the "but HHH and Cena beat him." Nobody outside of the internet cares about that. That's like saying the Seahawks shouldn't have won the Super Bowl cause they lost at home to the Cardinals.

21-1 will still be admired and put over, everyone will remember Brock and Taker forever unlike a majority of the wins Taker got during the first half of the streak.
Ok besides becoming the CHAMP what more would you have liked him to do? Im very curious

I get it; he was champ tell me again please

He still went 4-3 overall and had a short lived career no matter how you break it down

I don't think he lived up to the hype in the least...that's my opinion so you won't change it
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Brock was a beast and is probably the most successful fighter of all time at the box office. He just happened to run into the man who is probably gonna go down as the GOAT heavyweight (Cain). He was washed by the time he fought Overeem (speaking of busts...) I think people were surprised he even came back.
I get it; he was champ tell me again please

He still went 4-3 overall and had a short lives career no matter how you break it down

I don't think he lived up to the hype in the least...that's my opinion so you won't change it
So again I ask, what was he EXPECTED to do? Before his UFC career started, what type of success was he predicted of having?

And by who?
The only thing to be upset about last night was the shield didn't get more time to cook. At least 5 more minutes
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So again I ask, what was he EXPECTED to do? Before his UFC career started, what type of success was he predicted of having?

And by who?

If you used to sell tickets then the expectations are there

What company puts someone as their face but has no expectations for them?

It's my opinion I don't care if you don't agree with it
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