So I am watching the celebrity episode of Legends of Wrestling. I wasn't really watching WWE during this time, but they were speaking about Big Show/Floyd angle. Floyd rocked Big Show's nose and busted it. Was this planned because Big Show looked kinda pissed off. Was that a work or a shoot?
So I am watching the celebrity episode of Legends of Wrestling. I wasn't really watching WWE during this time, but they were speaking about Big Show/Floyd angle. Floyd rocked Big Show's nose and busted it. Was this planned because Big Show looked kinda pissed off. Was that a work or a shoot?
 You think Floyd stole on Big Show? Cmon son.
The blood is what got me. I could see if it was his forehead that was bleeding. But Nose/Mouth blood isn't manufactured.

So yes, I am wonder if Floyd hit him forreal.
To make the angle pop, I'm sure Show probably told him just snuff me with a good shot and then take a powder.
Picked Batista to win the WWEWHC.

The Eminem Bray-Cena promo is so damn good. Can't stop watching it.
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Completely forgot about the Hall of Fame. Woke up to a 30+ page jump and thought I missed Wrestlemania :smh:

Gotta hit the books all day so I can join yall tonight.

Cant wait for Ziggler to win the Andre the giant joint.


AJ retaining her Divas title.

And Dave pinning Orton for the WWEWHT 
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Former WWE Intercontinental Champion Ahmed Johnson recently appeared on Under The Mat Radio. Here are some highlights:
What happened after he won the Intercontinental Title:

"I go out to the parking lot and one of them boys scratched on my car, "Congratulations N*****!" Come on dog what kind of s*** is that? I went straight to Vince and they acted all concerned but they didn't even bring it up in the big meeting."

What idea Vince McMahon had for him to change his character:

"You know I dress how I dress, relax and cool. Shane McMachon comes to me one time and says his dad wants him to change how he dresses. Now this isn't on TV this is off TV. They wanted me to get a gold tooth, a bunch of chains, and wear my pants sagging. That's what they wanted me to dress like right before I walked out of there. They want that image of an unintelligent dumbass n***** that what they were shooting for."

The famous incident when Goldust kissed him on the mouth on RAW:

"Oh he got me! Let me tell you how it was supposed to go down. First of all that was a live TV taping so whatever happened happened. So me and Goldust went over this s*** over and over again during the pre-tape. I told him when we did mouth to mouth don't touch my lips put your hand over my mouth and do it to your hand, nobody is going to know. The camera won't be that close up to where anybody would see that and we worked out the angle with the camera man and everything. So I'm lying there and Goldust thought it would be ah if he did it. So I'm lying there and the part is coming up and I feel this mother f***** lips and man I lost it!"

Read more at http://www.wrestlinginc.com/wi/news...e-idea-for-his-character/#hJBTYpCrFs0yyxq5.99
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