5 minutes of CLOVERFIELD.


Premier for this movie is going to be nuts!
Wow, that trailer was crazy, might haveto check out this movie when it comes out.
Originally Posted by quWESTlove

i just have a feeling we won't see this "thing" at all during the movie

I have a feeling they are going to be running all around town and hearing reports of how people saw this thing. Different people will describe itdifferently for example: "3 huge tentacles" or "Razor Sharp claws" but it will either not even be a monster but some kind of attack or wewill never see it.
amagad........i cant wait until this movie.... i genuinely believe its a wizard of oz remake.
for ppl sayin we might not see the monster, we definitely will see it. read the interview at ign.com. the producer confirms it
It seems so realistic to me. I mean, I've never been in the middle of a monster attack in NYC but because of the camera it almost feels like you'rewatching it through your own eyes. And it seems like if something like that was to really pop off that's how folks would react. And there's no apparentsuperman/bruce willis type hero there to save the day.
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