My lil girl is moving out ...

Jun 14, 2006
Heartbroken man. My oldest daughter told me last night she went and got herself an apartment, didn't tell anyone anything till now. Just dropped it on my wife and I last night. She's 24 and I know the time has probably been here for her to spread her wings but god dam if this don't hurt.

She got herself a spot in Queens , far away from the Bronx where we are, and she moves in March 1st. Only posting here cause I'm literally in tears even writing this. She's ready but not NY ready, that's a different ready. Just wondering if anyone else has gone thru it, she's my oldest and this **** is gonna kill me ...

#overprotectivedadishurtin |l
Not a parent, so I haven't experienced it but I've seen other friends/acquaintances experience similar emotions so I think your response is normal. Empty nest syndrome. Means you're a good parent and care deeply for your daughter.
I know that feeling is dawning on me soon.

Although my daughter is 16, she’s preparing to leave the nest once she graduate high school. She said she’s never coming back to Atlanta. I’m trying to cherish every moment I have with her.

Just thinking about it bothers me, so I can only imagine for you.

Just hope that all you taught her and the values you tried to instilled in her is taken with her in the next stage of her life. Trust that you and your wife did an amazing job.
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I'm such a sissy man :lol:

She hugged me for like a minute and a half cause she saw how much this was hurtin me. She's a good kid, never had a problem, always been the type who was gonna explore first so i should've known it was coming. Just wish it didn't hit so fast ...
I know that feeling is dawning on me soon.

Although my daughter is 16, she’s preparing to leave the nest since she graduate high school. She said she’s never coming back to Atlanta. I’m trying to cherish every moment I have with her.

Just thinking about it bothers me, so I can only imagine for you.

Just hope that all you taught her and the values you tried to instilled in her is taken with her in the next stage of her life. Trust that you and your wife did an amazing job.

Feel u 100% man and trust, 16 now, 21 tomorrow. Definitely, as u said, cherish every minute . All my best fam ..
I'm such a sissy man :lol:

She hugged me for like a minute and a half cause she saw how much this was hurtin me. She's a good kid, never had a problem, always been the type who was gonna explore first so i should've known it was coming. Just wish it didn't hit so fast ...

Sounds just like my seed - not a problem in a world - just wished I could get her to clean her room without being told. But atleast she has a 4.25 GPA.

I guess your two remaining will hold you through…who imagine fatherhood would be like this.

Question are you going to take it hard for your son? Or it’s because she’s your first born?
Man, that can't be easy. We just had out first child, a baby girl, and everyone is telling me it goes so fast. Was at a wedding recently and the bride's father was telling me to cherish every moment for that same reason. I can't imagine our little girl ever leaving us but I gotta start prepping myself. It's going to happen some day (she's 4 months :lol:)

But also as someone who was in similar shoes as her not too long ago (moved out at that age) they are looking for that independence and to prove to themselves you can make it on your own. It helped my relationship with my parents tremendously. Sounds like you guys are in a good spot and she has a solid foundation.
i cant relate because i dont have kids and im still at the crib until my condo is finished getting renovated... but when my sister moved out she was 26 at the time my parents were devasted... my sister was tired of my mom but more importantly we were moving an hour away near 6 flags in NJ and it was far from her job so she moved out... my parents were salty to say the least... hating on her apartment when she showed it to them...

but damb i feel old to be moving out compared to your daughter lol...i wonder how it will be when i officially leave the crib... i am like 25 minutes away so ill visit every weekend for food and stuff lol
Sounds just like my seed - not a problem in a world - just wished I could get her to clean her room without being told. But atleast she has a 4.25 GPA.

I guess your two remaining will hold you through…who imagine fatherhood would be like this.

Question are you going to take it hard for your son? Or it’s because she’s your first born?

Think my wife will hurt more for my son than i will. I want him to get out there and live it up, become his own man. My daughter was the one who made me a man, made a 21 yr old kid grow up cause i was headed for nothing good in those days. She just got her bachelor's degree also , so she turned out nothing like me. Acts like my other wife :lol: her sister is about to graduate this spring with her degree, so at least I'm puttin 3 productive adults out there, just hurts to let em go knowing how hard life was for me. Hopefully not them ..
Rec room time

She gon come back a week later (to grab something she forgot) only to find this
Man, that can't be easy. We just had out first child, a baby girl, and everyone is telling me it goes so fast. Was at a wedding recently and the bride's father was telling me to cherish every moment for that same reason. I can't imagine our little girl ever leaving us but I gotta start prepping myself. It's going to happen some day (she's 4 months :lol:)

It's wild how fast it moves the older we get. Watching nephews and kids of my friends get bigger every time I see them. Really bittersweet.
Respect Op that’s gotta be tuff. You knew it was coming though.

I know when I was a kid I could not wait to move out, went off to college barely turned 18 and never would consider returning

I have 2 girls, 11 and 7, I know it’ll be hard for real. If either one stays til they’re 24, that would be pretty crazy. Cool thing is no matter what I’ll always be close w/ them even if they’re not under my roof. Hopefully same city though
onewearz onewearz

I come in peace.

You said she ain't really ready, what is your biggest conCERN?

That this city and the area she picked is outta her league and she struggles. She's moving to Long Island City, right by the water for anyone familiar with the area. She showed me the spot and the area from pics and it looks beautiful and safe, nothing like where we are now. Her view from her bedroom is the NYC skyline. Sounds great but I'm just nervous she's going too hard especially with her first apt. NY is tough man, she makes good money but from what she explained about her bills she's already gonna just be gettin by it seems. And she's too proud to come back home if she falls on her face, which i hope she doesn't .

Like i said she'll be aight i think, just don't want her struggling any way like i did ...
Damn one. as a man with two girl toddlers, im scared of this. **** i worry about them in school.

How is your relationship with her? Can she financially sustain herself? Usually these kids realize its best to save up at they patents house, then depart when they paper right.

I think we share the same culture hence, why i bring it up.

Edit: guess you answered the financial part above. The appeal of that freedom is getting the best of her it seems. Wish her and you the best.
I dread this day.

Son you had 24 years to get her ready for these NY streets, she ready fam but get the ratchet ready just incase.
The Bronx...sigh

anyways, i hear you OP. no kids of my own. But leaving home hit my dad harder than my mom. my mom was like *shrug*. She's all about the that's life flow.

NYC is wild right now...esp the bronx ...but being your own person, in your own space, can help one mature in life. that's how i see it at least.

that said, leaving home from a financial aspect might be a diff story. lotta folks in their 20s and 30s are staying at home cuz rent is too damn high, and you can't even be mad at that.
Damn one. as a man with two girl toddlers, im scared of this. **** i worry about them in school.

How is your relationship with her? Can she financially sustain herself? Usually these kids realize its best to save up at they patents house, then depart when they paper right.

I think we share the same culture hence, why i bring it up.

Edit: guess you answered the financial part above. The appeal of that freedom is getting the best of her it seems. Wish her and you the best.

Relationship with her ain't what it used to be but i can't expect her to run to the door when i get home anymore :lol: alot changed to when she got her bf who she's been with a couple yrs now. U guys will see, it sucks when your lil girl is a woman who falls in love ... i can't stop listening to that song Daughter's from John Mayer, **** ain't helpin :lol: |l

I dread this day.

Son you had 24 years to get her ready for these NY streets, she ready fam but get the ratchet ready just incase.

Like i said, she'll be aight as far as that. Just worried bout once u leave home and life gets real.
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