7 Fighting 1: Chicago/Bridgeport NTer's

I'm waiting for the complete story before I call it.  Its always 2 sides to a story.  Are they wrong? Yes...but the dude getting stomped could've done some dirt too.

My gut says the attackers are clowns and glorify the "gang" stuff and the kid gettin stomped just was part of a previous altercation which he probably didn't start.
Idk why people are so dumb.  7 vs 1, he did, or didn't deserve it aside.  WHY DO KIDS VIDEO TAPE THIS STUFF???

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I feel like if there really are these types of problems between large gangs just do it Green Street Hooligan style or sanction some sort of fight.  Either everyone meets up in a place and has an epic no weapon or weapon 30 v 30 war.  Or if you have a problem with a particular person in the other gang just set up a one v one fight and sort it out that way.  
theres no way these kids are getting off lightly with the attention this type of video will get. I do believe the girls story though it doesnt seem like they were just trying to rob him which they could have easily done 7v1 without even having to throw a single punch they definitly wanted to beat him down for some reason. Glad the kid got away without getting knocked out though 
Yeah.... need more info than that. She loses credibility with every Um and Like
even if this stupid nonsense was gang related, wouldnt beating him up off video be enough?

what are these idiots trying to prove by recording this? smh. its like these people want to get caught. word to that foamposite video
Originally Posted by JFMartiMcDandruff

Originally Posted by 03silverbullet

wait, asians call each other the "N" word too? this madness has to stop.

That's your main concern?
Hope they get caught
they are a product of their environment, i dont condone what they did but the public schools in chicago are atrocious, combined with a lower middle class income and being a immigrant and cops/teachers no one giving a %*#+ about you. for those not in the know chicago is very segregated.
Bro... your posting POSSIBLE parents now?

i hope u call the wrong family and get arrested for harassment.... let the pigs do their jobs. minorities were involved, "justice" will b served
Summary from another reddit user regarding the girl's video:
To save everyone time and because the girl is wretched to listen to I'll summarize. Basically, the guy getting beat belongs to some rival crew. At some point the guy with the mask on doing most of the beating and some other kid who was in the video got jumped by 20 other people from this rival crew. Apparently this guy was on of the guys. Also she keeps telling you not to judge the attackers for this incident before knowing everything.

Now, I don't think you can completely dismiss what she's saying. If you watch the video one guy clearly says, "You #!!%!#@ beat on me, +*$*$" (1:30). Then another says something I don't fully understand but the last part of the sentence is "20 people. You think that's funny?"(1:47) So this girl may be dumb but it seems her story does check out or at least prove there's something else going on here outside of some random beating.

Mostly what I got from this is both parties involved are scum. No need to feel sorry for the victim if he was dishing it out in a previous confrontation with his side having numbers. It's just more wannabe gangsta #%$*#$!@ from teenagers.

Regardless, it's a bad situation all involved... 
That kid had to be mistaken for someone else cause dude looked clueless to what was going on. I think they randomly went after this dude just to make a video. Son wasn't giving up that bookbag tho props
He should've just gave them what ever the #!!$ they wanted though

Hopefully they go to prison and get rape and assaulted EVERYDAY
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