8 Foods We Eat in the US that are Banned in other countries

al audi

Jun 18, 2009

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8 Foods We Eat In The U.S. That Are Banned In Other Countries

1. Artificial food dye: Makes your food pretty and inhibits nerve-cell development.
Artificial food dye: Makes your food pretty and inhibits nerve-cell development.

Found in: Practically everything we eat: cake mixes, sports drinks, cheese, candy, and even MACARONI AND CHEESE.

Why it’s dangerous: Artificial dyes are made from chemicals derived from PETROLEUM, which is also used to make gasoline, diesel fuel, asphalt, and TAR! Artificial dyes have been linked to brain cancer, nerve-cell deterioration, and hyperactivity, just to name a few.

Where it’s banned: Norway, Finland, Austria, France, and the United Kingdom.

For more information on artificial dyes, visit 100 Days of Real Food.
Via: shutterstock.com

2. Olestra (or Olean): Lowers calorie counts while causing vitamin depletion and anal leakage.
Olestra (or Olean): Lowers calorie counts while causing vitamin depletion and anal leakage.

Found in: Fat-free potato chips, corn chips, and French fries.

Why it’s dangerous: Created by Procter & Gamble as a substitue for cooking oil, Olestra robs your body of its ability to absorb vitamins. Fun side effects include cramps and leaky bowels.

Where it’s banned: The U.K. and Canada.

For more information on Olestra, visit Time magazine’s “50 Worst Inventions.”
Via: flickriver.com

3. Brominated vegetable oil: Makes food dye stick to liquid, but also may cause birth defects and major organ damage.
Brominated vegetable oil: Makes food dye stick to liquid, but also may cause birth defects and major organ damage.

Found in: Sports drinks and citrus-flavored sodas.

Why it’s dangerous: Bromine is a chemical used to stop CARPETS FROM CATCHING ON FIRE, so you can see why drinking it may not be the best idea. BVO is linked to major organ system damage, birth defects, growth problems, schizophrenia, and hearing loss.

Where it’s banned: In over 100 countries.

For more info on BVO, visit Web MD’s “Brominated Vegetable Oil Q&A.”
Via: mountaindew.wikia.com

4. Potassium bromate (or bromated flour): Great for impatient bakers, bad for your kidneys and nervous system.
Potassium bromate (or bromated flour): Great for impatient bakers, bad for your kidneys and nervous system.

Found in: Wraps, rolls, bread crumbs, bagel chips, flat breads.

Why it’s dangerous: Derived from the same harmful chemical as brominated vegetable oil, brominated flour is used to decrease baking time and reduce costs. Only problem is, it’s linked to kidney damage, cancer, and nervous system damage.

Where it’s banned: Europe, Canada, and China.

For more information on potassium bromate, visit Live Science’s “The Truth About Potassium Bromate.”
Via: shutterstock.com

5. Azodicarbonamide: Bleaches flour, plastic, and induces asthma as an added bonus.
Azodicarbonamide: Bleaches flour, plastic, and induces asthma as an added bonus.

Found in: Breads, frozen dinners, boxed pasta mixes, and packaged baked goods.

Why it’s dangerous: Used to bleach both flour and FOAMED PLASTIC (yoga mats and the soles of sneakers), azodicarbonamide has been known to induce asthma.

Where it’s banned: Australia, the U.K., and most European countries.

For more information on azodicarbonamide, visit Food-u-cate.

6. BHA & BHT: Waxy preservatives linked to cancer and tumors.
BHA & BHT: Waxy preservatives linked to cancer and tumors.

Found in: Cereal, nut mixes, gum, butter, meat, dehydrated potatoes.

Why it’s dangerous: Used to keep food from becoming rancid, butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA) and butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) are known to cause cancer in rats. And we’re next!

Where it’s banned: England, Japan, and many other European countries.

For more information on BHA and BHT, visit Berkley Wellness’ “Two Preservatives To Avoid?”
Source: amazon.com

7. Synthetic growth hormones rBGH and rBST: Harm cows and can give humans breast, colon, and prostate cancer.
Synthetic growth hormones rBGH and rBST: Harm cows and can give humans breast, colon, and prostate cancer.

Found in: Milk and dairy products.

Why it’s dangerous: Growth hormones are bad for cows and people, causing infertility, weakened muscle growth, and a whole array of cancers.

Where it’s banned: Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Japan, and the EU.

For more information on rBGH and rBST, visit the American Cancer Society’s info page.
Source: shutterstock.com

8. Arsenic: Basically this ish will slowly kill you.
Arsenic: Basically this ish will slowly kill you.

Found in: Poultry.

Why it’s dangerous: Used as chicken feed to make meat appear pinker and fresher, arsenic is POISON, which will kill you if you ingest enough.

Where it’s banned: The European Union.

For more information on arsenic, visit NPR’s “How Trace Amounts Of Arsenic End Up In Grocery Store Meat.”
Why it’s dangerous: Artificial dyes are made from chemicals derived from PETROLEUM, which is also used to make gasoline, diesel fuel, asphalt, and TAR! Artificial dyes have been linked to brain cancer, nerve-cell deterioration, and hyperactivity, just to name a few.

We also drink water which is composed of 2 parts hydrogen which was USED TO MAKE HYDROGEN BOMBS OMG
Why it’s dangerous: Artificial dyes are made from chemicals derived from PETROLEUM, which is also used to make gasoline, diesel fuel, asphalt, and TAR! Artificial dyes have been linked to brain cancer, nerve-cell deterioration, and hyperactivity, just to name a few.

We also drink water which is composed of 2 parts hydrogen which was USED TO MAKE HYDROGEN BOMBS OMG

Mind blown :wow: :lol:
Monsanto runs our government. Bet most of y'all didn't know that it's totally legal now for them to rip out your garden if they don't like what you're growing or to charge you with a crime for serving your homegrown food to your guests.
I've accepted the fact that it's IMPOSSIBLE to avoid all the harmful **** and just keep pushing on with my life.

Only drink water though, word to WATER
Monsanto runs our government. Bet most of y'all didn't know that it's totally legal now for them to rip out your garden if they don't like what you're growing or to charge you with a crime for serving your homegrown food to your guests.

wait wut...

Welp, RIP.

Nah, coffee , 
 , chamomile, high doses of vitamin C will combat that. 
There is a lot more to add to that list. I never thought about this until I read up on allergies. One of my twins is allergic to peanuts. No one in me or my girls family is allergic to anything. I read all kinds off studies about the increase of many allergies and developmental problems. Trying hard to change my eating habits. Crazy how all this food we eat is band elsewhere. What makes things even more alarming is that with GMOs we do not even know what is in them. Seeds have modified pesticides. The effect on the soil. The deputy commissioner for the FDA was a former Monsanto exec... the list goes on.

^ I understand what your saying Rusty. We have been modifying food for a long time. Many things qualify as GMO's. I am speaking on things band in other countries. I would just like to know what is in them.
Was in Philly this past weekend and there was a huge GMO protest that went down Market St.

You gotta be so aware of what you're putting into your body.
We still have a higher life expectancy than most of the world (not counting other developed countries). I rather die eating some steroids than die of Cholera. Shrugs.


Number 33 ain't terrible, and that number is probably skewed by minority populations.

I love Americans. 
 So called Super-Power can't even be compared to other developed countries in order to look decent. This country is a wasteland. 
We still have a higher life expectancy than most of the world (not counting other developed countries). I rather die eating some steroids than die of Cholera. Shrugs.


Number 33 ain't terrible, and that number is probably skewed by minority populations.
And for the first time, I completely agree with Cast.

Just keep it pushing, try your hardest to watch what you're eating, and fitness.. Because nothing will change.

I love Americans. 
 So called Super-Power can't even be compared to other developed countries in order to look decent. This country is a wasteland. 
So you just want me to lie? I don't understand this, I brought up other developed countries to show that America does have problems but in the large scope of things I'll still outlive someone in Tanzania. We are so privileged that we literally complain about having good. GTHOOHWTBS.

You could argue that other countries being more homogenous than America may have something to do with them being ranked higher than US in many categories.....but even with that 33 aint terrible. Take out all the little black kids getting shot at 18 and we'd be top 10.
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