9/11 20th Anniversary Thread

Dec 27, 2014
Just finished the new 9/11: Turning Point docuseries on Netflix and thought the 20th anniversary deserved a thread.

I'd highly recommend watching this series, as it's not really politically charged and sort of sets the table for the before, during and after 9/11. Really well done.

I can't believe it's been 20 years already.

Crazy to think it's been 20 years. I was working at a fast food joint right across from Knott's Berry Farm at that time. Tourism after that day was never the same in that area.
I was going to bring up the old thread tomorrow.

Might as well merge it here
I was 14/15, going to high school that day, in Queens. The night before I went to Queens center mall to buy a TNF hotshot backpack. It was pouring rain on the expressway.

Tuesday was just another day for me. I felt happy with my bag. Music was first subject. Some boy in the class had that Sprint cellphone, the one that was like a walkie talkie in 2001. He said two planes hit the WTC. I was like what? The whole day my teachers were shaking their heads in disbelief. It was serious. They brought the TV out. When I came home I flipped the TV on and was shocked. The first couple of months I felt like nothing. Couldn't believe it.

In August 2001 I had an Italian exchange student stay with my family for a couple of months but we never took him to the WTC.

Iirc in November 2001 I made a trip there to ground zero. Once I saw the police tape and the black grey smoke and breathed in that metal smell, it was crazy. I only visited the towers once, wished I went there before it was gone.

R.i.p. to the people that perished on September 11 2001.
i think that series was the first time ive seen a 9/11 show and heard radio transmissions from the hijackers

Those are tough to listen to. Especially the passengers and flight attendants saying their goodbyes..
If you haven’t listened to this podcast before, give it a listen. It’s a long one but hearing the first hand accounts from a volunteer EMT is unforgettable.


Definitely worth the listen. Just speaking for me, put a lot of **** i was dealing with at the time of the listen in its proper perspective.

Been watching documentaries and shows commemorating the victims and their families all week.

Doesn’t seem like 20 years. Still remember the days leading up to 9/11 like it was yesterday. Second year of college. Had night class on Monday. Listening to the radio on the way home and the big news was jordan making another comeback and Ed mccaffery breaking his leg on mnf. Woke up Tuesday morning to get ready for class. I’m in sf so all this happened before I woke up at 6:30. Did my usual routine, everything was normal. Woke up on time, ate breakfast, was not running late or falling behind schedule, etc. but the only thing different was that I didn’t turn on the tv. Was too excited about Jordan and couldn’t wait to leave the house and listen to the Tony Bruno show with Andrew siciliano on the way to class. Left the house, turned on Tony bruno and didn’t believe what they were saying. Talking about a plane hit the wtc. Plane hitting the pentagon. And I’m thinking the pentagon?? Probably the safest place in the world is under attack. That can’t be it. And then them saying one of the towers had collapsed. I’m like yeah right. Maybe a section of a few floors collapsed and the structural integrity was still intact but never in my mind did I think the whole thing would come down. All this time on my commute they’re giving live updates and play by play. Second tower comes down. Still don’t believe what they’re saying and that they’re exaggerating.
Finally get to class, everyone’s all quiet, small pockets of conversations here and there, giving updates of what’s going on and then the professor wheels in the tv to watch the coverage. Dead silence as we’re watching things unfold. Classes get cancelled but nobody’s leaving right away. Still watching the coverage in silence for two three hours, stunned. End up getting home right before noon and then pretty much watch the coverage non stop for the next few days.

Remember going on niketalk that night. People posting all kinds of conspiracy theories like this is only the first day of attacks and there’s clues all over the place to confirm that. One example was flight 93. If you add 9 and 3, that’s 12. And we’re on the 11th day of September. So that means on the 12th day there’s going to be another attack. It was wild. And it was only symbolic that the twin towers get attacked on the 11th because it looks like the number 11 in the ny skyline. I wish I can remember what other bs people came up with that day
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As I was watching some of the coverage of the news this morning my wife and I knew exactly were we where when it all started. We have a nine month old and I was thinking that by the time she is in her 20s 9/11 will be almost like her Pearl Harbor. Something she knows of but has zero connection to. Crazy to think about how time flies. Also really crazy to think how patriotic and united we were after 9/11 to where we are now.
I was in high school making ninja Flash animations and an aid came into the room and told the teacher what had happened. At the time my world was a lot smaller, so in my mind a little plane crashed into the world trade center on the Boston seaport. Not many people had cell phones and the ones that did, they were just Nokia bricks so the spread of info was a lot different. It wasn't really until I got home later and saw the images on TV that I could appreciate the gravity of the events. Still almost unfathomable.
1st period study hall freshman year. Had just taken some tables into the gym for some event. Came back and the monitor for the period announced planes hit the tower. 1st period ends like 5 mins after that.

2nd period art class (holy **** my 1st semester freshman year mornings were a BREEZE) we just watched the TV.

Assembly for the school after 2nd period to discuss the goings on.

Mom knew I planned on walking to Target to pick up Blueprint. She calls the school...I go to the office..."you better bring yo *** straight home."
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even though I’m at that point where im alive for more years without the twin towers than with them, I don’t really recognize or accept the New York skyline without them.

whenever I watch old shows or movies set and shot in ny like friends, the wayans, or ghostbusters and mib, and I see the twin towers in the background, I always take an extra second to focus on the wtc in that scene.
I’ll never forget. Senior year. First period physics and we’re doing an experiment outside. When we came back in at the end of the period everyone in the hallways was like “New York is under attack” “something hit the wtc ” etc. When I got to second period the tvs were on and that was the rest of the day. Saw the second one hit, remember hearing about the pa crash and that made everyone nervous because we were in pa.
Crazy ****.
I remember driving to work after school and the county govt building I passed had the entrance blocked by like four black tahoes. Everyone was on edge.
I still have that entire day etched in my head. A few weeks later when I went back to NY, seeing the signs of missing people and everything by Ground Zero, it really hit me, especially knowing that a few months earlier I was in that same area and the towers were there.

My parents lost a few friends who worked in the World Trade Center and my pops knew one of the flight attendants on American Airlines flight 11 so it hit close to home for them.

My pops was working for American Airlines at LaGuardia at the time, but would usually back to LA on his off days. Those early morning flights back west which the terrorists intentionally targeted were real popular for him and a lot of his coworkers since they would be flying standby and those are generally easy flights to get on.
R.i.p. to the people who are gone, but not forgotten, today on 9/11.
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