90% of Americans are worse off today than in 1970 vol. Is Ninjahood right?

Financials aren't everything. Ninjahood was talking about the 80s like it was a golden age because "everyone was getting money b" but at the same time he basically said he doesn't give a damn about social issues.

So this is what you prefer? I make more money than 3 of my friends with graduate degrees... That shouldn't be happening...
Racism is the reason these things persist n the reason why america doesnt measure up to other modern countries in the world, as far as education, healthkare, n krime are considered, where the kountry wasnt built with slave labor on stolen lands. In america, it will almost always come down to racism kuz whites are given an unfair advantage n, more times than not, fail to realize that they are given a huge head start. The reason america has seemed to go downhill in the years since the civil rights movement is kuz now kolored folks are inkluded in statistics, whereas before it was primarily white folks which were measured up against others. The systematic racism that permeates american economics, justice, n ideals (so to speak) will kontinue to rot this kountry from within. As much as people may try to dismiss this notion, it is fakt, n america will kontinue to underachieve as long as this persists.
Whose complaining? I am stating facts that Illegal Immigration is a problem for the United States and obviously a glaring reason why America is worst off today. 11 million undocumented individuals living in this country is a problem or not?
In terms of taxes, yes it does matter that they pay taxes because if they do they usually get 0 services and 0 rights for what they are actually paying for. They can't get grants for college and such yet their parents play by the rules. Are there exploitation of some government programs? Sure, but we have a lot of Americans doing the same thing. Are we going to ignore the perpetual abuse of welfare by generations, or the abuse of SSI and SSD by those who don't deserve it? Let's not skip this notion, if you are going to attack social programs that help certain immigrants lets also look at the same system that is abused by the so-called Americans as well. In terms of paying taxes you don't need a SS per say, as an illegal you can pay taxes and the IRS will give you an ID that's equivalent to a SS# if you as an illegal want to pay you taxes. Again, brush you and learn before you make comments without knowing anything sundoobie sundoobie

Well no, we were here illegally for a fair amount of years and were doing just fine and establishing ourselves. Government programs to help us? Maybe the ease of lending rules but that was bi-partisan once Clinton signed that. Was the fact that we were white immigrants something that made certain things easier? Sure I don't deny that it's a possibility but if the mindset isn't there no amount of support or preferential treatment will ever help you. Just a little known fact, you can open credit cards and have a credit history even as an immigrant. And you can buy a home you just need a higher down payment. So that point is null and void because illegals can purchase property. sundoobie sundoobie

So you're saying that Mexican I hired two weeks ago from Home Depot is going to file a Self Employment tax return and report his wages to the IRS? :lol: Give me a break! The only reason why an illegal would do that is to defraud the govt to receive that refundable earned income credit which again we Taxpayers foot the bill.

Purchase a home with a higher down payment? Yes there are some crooked lenders that will probably provide an illegal a Mortgage LOAN at a high rate to buy a home but the chances an illegal is willing to do this and be deported?

Some do, especially ones that are trying to stay here and be legalized so stop being cynical. I have a few friends who do this and have friends in who had parents who did the same.

And you don't need a crooked lender, a bank or credit union will do it so again do your research. Just need 30% down rather than your normal 10-20%.

To paraphrase a quote from GoT, "you know nothing John Snow" :lol:

I love people who don't know anything who try to act informed, just reinforces the notion of how ignorant and I'll-informed your average American really is.
sundoobie sundoobie

I used to be an international student. After 9/11, IS were no longer issued SSN, but they were still required to file their taxes (even though they didn't work), and in order to do it they needed a Tax ID # that was issued by the social security administration. The only way to get a number was to work on campus, and not everyone could do it as American citizens and green card holders were first in line under work-study program stipulations.
alot of "illegals" buy houses cash too .....maybe y'all should learn something
Since you have such Black pride, why aren't you fighting for reparations? All of that free labor that our ancestors gave, if that isn't #1 on you conscious, you are not saying anything bruh.

Over 400 years of free labor. Do the math
 ...you know what's ill?

I didn't even have to mention "black pride", I said NATIONAL.  . Yet you somehow inherently contested it, and poorly attempted to point out illogical fallacies which divides me from MY BIRTH NATION, in which my ancestors of various backgrounds 100% built, before "immigrants" even got here.

My black heritage is tied to the construction of this nation.

For you, it may be a matter "since", because you may never have encountered a black American like me.

But I'm not one of these "back to Africa", "incense and medallions", "Egytian heretics" spewing pseudo science you're used to arguing down with divisive dualism which attempts to knock me off my rightful American throne.

See, The March On Washington for Jobs and Freedom was NEVER about reparations. It was about being treated FAIRLY in the WORKPLACE and being paid the same wages.

Like I said, SMART blacks BUILT this country and yet we never asked for NOTHING in return. Just an opportunity to COMPETE, fairly.

Reparations is handouts! And it surmises that every black person in American is somehow exempt from being a natural born low-life or piece of ****. There's pieces of **** in the black community, just like there's pieces of **** in every culture, nationality, race, and ethnicity.

There's no math to do. Reparations aren't happening. 

But that doesn't mean I should sit on the sidelines while people come here and muscle me out of my inalienable rights.

...again, if I went to someone's country and did this I'd surely be met with hostile animosity, and possibly killed.

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Racism is the reason these things persist n the reason why america doesnt measure up to other modern countries in the world, as far as education, healthkare, n krime are considered, where the kountry wasnt built with slave labor on stolen lands. In america, it will almost always come down to racism kuz whites are given an unfair advantage n, more times than not, fail to realize that they are given a huge head start. The reason america has seemed to go downhill in the years since the civil rights movement is kuz now kolored folks are inkluded in statistics, whereas before it was primarily white folks which were measured up against others. The systematic racism that permeates american economics, justice, n ideals (so to speak) will kontinue to rot this kountry from within. As much as people may try to dismiss this notion, it is fakt, n america will kontinue to underachieve as long as this persists.
Why is everything replaced with "k" in your post?

Lmao but to answer your question, the letter 'k' is more abrasive than the letter 'c'...if that makes sense

People not understanding America is AMERICA because we've always regulated who we let in our country.

It's OURS, and we shouldn't be ashamed of that.

These people placate the Democratic party and ride the coattail of Black White America's stuggle until they get their citizenship, then stop caring about America altogether.

Unless it involves making immigration laws more easy to circumvent or break for their peoples to come over here too.

It sounds harsh but we can't feed everyone, by feed I mean supply jobs, healthcare etc for illegals. That money doesn't go back into our economy, it's stolen and goes into theirs.

We're seeing the effects of that now, it's so bad illegal immigration is down because there's no work here worth the risk anymore.

They don't care neither, WE are the ones stuck holding the bill.


You get this from Fox News?
:lol:  ...you know what's ill?

I didn't even have to mention "black pride", I said NATIONAL.  . Yet you somehow inherently contested it, and poorly attempted to point out illogical fallacies which divides me from MY BIRTH NATION, in which my ancestors of various backgrounds 100% built, before "immigrants" even got here.

My black heritage is tied to the construction of this nation.

For you, it may be a matter "since", because you may never have encountered a black American like me.

But I'm not one of these "back to Africa", "incense and medallions", "Egytian heretics" spewing pseudo science you're used to arguing down with divisive dualism which attempts to knock me off my rightful American throne.

See, The March On Washington for Jobs and Freedom was NEVER about reparations. It was about being treated FAIRLY in the WORKPLACE and being paid the same wages.

Like I said, SMART blacks BUILT this country and yet we never asked for NOTHING in return. Just an opportunity to COMPETE, fairly.

Reparations is handouts! And it surmises that every black person in American is somehow exempt from being a natural born low-life or piece of ****. There's pieces of **** in the black community, just like there's pieces of **** in every culture, nationality, race, and ethnicity.

There's no math to do. Reparations aren't happening. 

But that doesn't mean I should sit on the sidelines while people come here and muscle me out of my inalienable rights.

...again, if I went to someone's country and did this I'd surely be met with hostile animosity, and possibly killed.


400 years later, are we COMPETING fairly, in a nation that was never for us anyway? Nope. You sound silly. Jewish people, and Indians GLADLY took theirs. The seminole tribe down here in Florida got their's, and no qualms. And, okay, if taking a "handout" (which makes no sense, because majority of American wealth was built, by way of slave palms), how about we as Black people build our own industries, work, and trade amongst eachother? Is that better?
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you may never have encountered a black American like me.

Like I said, SMART blacks BUILT this country and yet we never asked for NOTHING in return. Just an opportunity to COMPETE, fairly.

it surmises that every black person in American is somehow exempt from being a natural born low-life or piece of ****. There's pieces of **** in the black community.

Damn, why you just hate everybody that isn't you....
Not one drop of humility at all.
I want to know if his "Opportunity to compete FAIRLY" stance will be fulfilled. Because, for hundreds years, to the present, it's still bleak. :rofl:
You should probably post a source with these claims. And immigrant labor was a major part of the building of America. To say otherwise would just be dishonest.



...please define "built", America was already BUILT by the time immigration became an issue fam.

In fact every immigrant in this country should worship Martin Luther King the way they're quick to worship these "great" white men, who "built" this country.

But they don't. Because they don't want blacks to be a part of their "American" experience.

To the point they rewrite history as if their ancestors overcame ethnocentrism and white nationalism in America without him.

Without the Civil Rights act of 1964, things would be a lot different for anyone who wasn't black or white living in America.

Blacks have been fighting for and building a greater America under hostile conditions, which would cost you your life for centuries.

And not just manual labor, in which most "immigrants" feel entitle them to stake in my national pride.

...I'm just carrying on in King's honor, the architect of 21st century American diversity.

EQUAL opportunity.
Built as in mid-late 1800s and onward. You know, after the civil war and the ratification of the 13th amendment, when modern America was being built and cheap immigrant labor was a popular way to do it. I don't see how anyone can just trivialize the impact immigrants have had on this country. It's not even like I'm trying to say only immigrants built America because that would be just as disingenuous as claiming that only black americans did it or that America's great white forefathers did it themselves by taming the savage land and it's natives. It would be BS just like the mildly jingoist crap you've been spouting in here.
No. Ninjahood thinks the good ol days were the 50s and 60s.
I thought that was @ksteezy

But yea, thee are SO many more ways to "stunt" these days that I think people in general have bad spending habits. Keeping up with the Jonses is really at the top of man folks' lists. People that I personally know just spend money just to appear that they have it going on, when they really don't.

Plus there are SO many things we can waste out monies on these days

And don't forget the power of advertisements. Much more prominent these days and in more places now that they were before 
400 years later, are we COMPETING fairly, in a nation that was never for us anyway? Nope. You sound silly. Jewish people, and Indians GLADLY took theirs. The seminole tribe down here in Florida got their's, and no qualms. And, okay, if taking a "handout" (which makes no sense, because majority of American wealth was built, by way of slave palms), how about we as Black people build our own industries, work, and trade amongst eachother? Is that better?

Jewish people gladly took what?
I thought that was @ksteezy

But yea, thee are SO many more ways to "stunt" these days that I think people in general have bad spending habits. Keeping up with the Jonses is really at the top of man folks' lists. People that I personally know just spend money just to appear that they have it going on, when they really don't.

Plus there are SO many things we can waste out monies on these days

And don't forget the power of advertisements. Much more prominent these days and in more places now that they were before 
So, they didn't receive reparations from World War II/Germany? Yes or no?

Not from the US government. Reparations were agreed upon between Israel and West Germany.

Also, the Indians "got theirs" alright. Forced to live on "Reservations". Yeah they pay no income tax ect., but the vast majority are in poverty. More than 50% Extreme Poverty Rate in some Reservations.

I live in Ft. Lauderdale too, and personal friend of the Osceola family. They got bread, and the tribal leaders have bread too, but dont confuse that with the other Natives. I'm sure you've been around Hard Rock, place is a ******* dump.
Some do, especially ones that are trying to stay here and be legalized so stop being cynical. I have a few friends who do this and have friends in who had parents who did the same.

You have a few friends here illegally that "voluntarily" report income to the IRS and pay taxes for the joy of it? You sure they didn't file just to get the free refundable credits? No one is this honest! :lol:

.I used to be an international student. After 9/11, IS were no longer issued SSN, but they were still required to file their taxes (even though they didn't work), and in order to do it they needed a Tax ID # that was issued by the social security administration. The only way to get a number was to work on campus, and not everyone could do it as American citizens and green card holders were first in line under work-study program stipulations.

Under the Dream Act, Obama's administration issued over 500K TINs which could be used to get refundable tax credits like earned income credits or child credits.

The Joint Committee on Taxation (JCT), which is Congress’s official scorekeeper for tax legislation, calculated that illegal immigrants who are approved for the amnesty would have filed 800,000 EITC claims over the next decade. Most of those will come between 2017 and 2020, the analysts said.

The government would spend about $400 million on refunds in 2017, $1.1 billion in 2018, $400 million in 2018 and $100 million in 2020, the JCT calculated. It figured it would take the IRS a year to get up and running, so 2016 isn’t included.

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